Dinosaurs in religion

This is what I dont get about religions, everyone believes different things??!

I dont think its so much as all believing different things (obviously some do believe very different things) but more seeing it in differant sometimes personal ways.

Im not very good at explaining myself but an example of what I mean is weeping woman
I think its pretty safe to say this is not literaly what the woman looked like but this is piccasos interpretation of it, differant people would have all painted it in different ways depending on their own impressions and feelings towards it and what they "saw" and how it made them feel.

I see the bible as being the same way, you dont need to always take it literaly but take from it what you need and interpret it your own ways.
I guess it could be classed as a religion but I dont really think about how we are here, we just are lol. I dont want to live my life worshiping anyone/thing. I just believe being good people makes life easier.
I'm a Christian and a 6 day young-earth creationist.

According to the Bible, dinosaurs were created on the sixth day alongside all other land animals and man. Until the Fall they would have been vegetarians, not meat eaters. There are references in the Bible to "behemoth", which from the description was probably a Brachiosaurus. The existence of dinosaur fossils is not a problem to Christians, rather it fits in perfectly with the Biblical account of creation and history, particularly considering that many fossils still contain soft tissue including blood cells.

I also just wanted to make a quick point about the time frame of creation. Every time the Hebrew word "yom" for day is used with a number or the words evening or morning it refers to a 24 hour day. It is accepted amongst all the best Hebrew professors that the word day in Genesis 1 refers to ordinary 24 hour days. I'm aware that some Christians believe in millions of years, progressive creation or evolution, but in my opinion there is no Biblical basis to do so.

So, how is it explained that the dinosaurs died off as they did but humans survived? xx
I agree, Its not about what we choose to believe, or man made traditions but what the bible actually says.... it should be in agreement with the bible. All beliefs and practices. This is my problem with religion in general. The bible says that the devil is behind confusing people to bible truths.

I have only found one religion that is different and abides strictly by Gods laws in the bible and backs up all beliefs with the bible. You cant just pick and choose parts of it.

But, its really no different from people that dont believe in God, everyone has different beliefs there too and of course not all religions follow the bible either. I mean isnt Atheism a 'religion'?

No. Atheism is the personal rejection of any kind of religious belief. An athiest is completely free from religion.

I enjoy learning about religions but because of the type of thinker and person I am... I cannot believe anything that cannot be prooven or backed up with evidence (of sorts). Ironically though my favourite lyric (by the EPIC Manchester Orchestra) is "If seeing is believing, believe that we have lost our eyes".

Trust me, I would LOVE to believe and have faith like some of you have demonstrated. I think that people get so much from it, particularly when times are hard. I just cannot believe though. It is beyond me. I want to just ask how and why and when etc until I cannot ask it any more... and religion has never given me an answer that I can believe as concrete and not wish to question further.

Atheist is just a name to easily explain my religious stance

I remember when i was little i asked my dad how do you know god exist? and i love the explanation he told me he said How do you know the wind exist? I answered because you can see how it moves the leaves on the trees.
Him: but can you see it?
me: no
Him: but you still believe the wind exist right
me:yes because i see what it does
Him: you see that house over there?
Me: yes
Him: who made it?
Me: a person
Him: did you see a person build it?
Me: no
Him: did it build by itself?
him: then how do you know someone build it?
me: because it couldnt just appear by itself out of no where
Him: you see we dont need to see god to know he exist because we have examples all around us, he made the sun, the sky, and the earth

Just thought i would throw that in years ago and i still remember :cloud9:
I'm a Christian and a 6 day young-earth creationist.

According to the Bible, dinosaurs were created on the sixth day alongside all other land animals and man. Until the Fall they would have been vegetarians, not meat eaters. There are references in the Bible to "behemoth", which from the description was probably a Brachiosaurus. The existence of dinosaur fossils is not a problem to Christians, rather it fits in perfectly with the Biblical account of creation and history, particularly considering that many fossils still contain soft tissue including blood cells.

I also just wanted to make a quick point about the time frame of creation. Every time the Hebrew word "yom" for day is used with a number or the words evening or morning it refers to a 24 hour day. It is accepted amongst all the best Hebrew professors that the word day in Genesis 1 refers to ordinary 24 hour days. I'm aware that some Christians believe in millions of years, progressive creation or evolution, but in my opinion there is no Biblical basis to do so.

So, how is it explained that the dinosaurs died off as they did but humans survived? xx

It isn't explained. They became extinct, just like hundreds of other species have done and still do today. No one knows exactly why, although scientists have lots of different theories about it. I don't think it happened millions of years ago though, there are drawings on caves across the world and even tombs in England that clearly and accurately depict dinosaurs alongside other modern animals. In fact, maybe a few of them still exist somewhere... Nessy perhaps? :winkwink:
I'm a Christian and a 6 day young-earth creationist.

According to the Bible, dinosaurs were created on the sixth day alongside all other land animals and man. Until the Fall they would have been vegetarians, not meat eaters. There are references in the Bible to "behemoth", which from the description was probably a Brachiosaurus. The existence of dinosaur fossils is not a problem to Christians, rather it fits in perfectly with the Biblical account of creation and history, particularly considering that many fossils still contain soft tissue including blood cells.

I also just wanted to make a quick point about the time frame of creation. Every time the Hebrew word "yom" for day is used with a number or the words evening or morning it refers to a 24 hour day. It is accepted amongst all the best Hebrew professors that the word day in Genesis 1 refers to ordinary 24 hour days. I'm aware that some Christians believe in millions of years, progressive creation or evolution, but in my opinion there is no Biblical basis to do so.

So, how is it explained that the dinosaurs died off as they did but humans survived? xx

It isn't explained. They became extinct, just like hundreds of other species have done and still do today. No one knows exactly why, although scientists have lots of different theories about it. I don't think it happened millions of years ago though, there are drawings on caves across the world and even tombs in England that clearly and accurately depict dinosaurs alongside other modern animals. In fact, maybe a few of them still exist somewhere... Nessy perhaps? :winkwink:

This is why I find it fascinating that so many countries and coulters thousands of miles apart that never even knew of each others existance have artifacts and paintings supposedly thousands of years apart in age of things like dragons.
Im not realy talking fire breathing here (although who realy knows for sure) but I dont think there is much leap from dinosours to dragons
I thought there was evidence of meteorites??

Nah it's just one of many theories, most of which disagree with each other. :D I attended a fascinating seminar a few months ago on the various theories about the extinction of the dinosaurs, I'll have to see if I can find my lecture notes.
I agree, Its not about what we choose to believe, or man made traditions but what the bible actually says.... it should be in agreement with the bible. All beliefs and practices. This is my problem with religion in general. The bible says that the devil is behind confusing people to bible truths.

I have only found one religion that is different and abides strictly by Gods laws in the bible and backs up all beliefs with the bible. You cant just pick and choose parts of it.

But, its really no different from people that dont believe in God, everyone has different beliefs there too and of course not all religions follow the bible either. I mean isnt Atheism a 'religion'?

No. Atheism is the personal rejection of any kind of religious belief. An athiest is completely free from religion.

I enjoy learning about religions but because of the type of thinker and person I am... I cannot believe anything that cannot be prooven or backed up with evidence (of sorts). Ironically though my favourite lyric (by the EPIC Manchester Orchestra) is "If seeing is believing, believe that we have lost our eyes".

Trust me, I would LOVE to believe and have faith like some of you have demonstrated. I think that people get so much from it, particularly when times are hard. I just cannot believe though. It is beyond me. I want to just ask how and why and when etc until I cannot ask it any more... and religion has never given me an answer that I can believe as concrete and not wish to question further.

Atheist is just a name to easily explain my religious stance


:) I guess what i meant is Atheism is a set of beliefs (no god) that can still vary between each atheist iykwim. Atheism still leaves unaswered questions too tho, for me... more so. x No matter what we believe there is still things we dont know. :flower: For me i just know there is a god, i can feel it, see it...theres no question. And the bible is the only thing that makes sense of the world to me for many reasons, why it is getting so bad, where we are headed and imo our only hope. Its very accurate in explaining conditions in the world now, I could go on and on as to why i believe in the bible and its prophecies (some fulfilled others not yet) but i wont lol

We are all different.....thats what makes for this interesting discussion :) x
Interesting discussion.
I was raised without religion and consider my self an atheist and a scientist.
But I find such breathtaking beauty in our universe, that I feel pretty devout when I'm out walking around in nature or looking at my beautiful little baby that I grew inside me and am now feeding with my milk from my own body (!!!!). I don't mean devout in that I think that some higher power created all this, as I don't. I mean devout in that every aspect of science (particularly natural science) leaves me full of wonder and a sense of connection and a deep deep sense of gratitude and respect.

As for marrying the faith and science, I'm not sure it can be done if you are a bible literalist. Yes, there is evidence of dinosaurs, very clear links between dinosaurs and earlier organisms, plenty of evidence of plants existing well before insects (flowering plants came along much later in plant evolution and the relationships between plants and pollinators provide some of the most perfect examples we have of co-evolution), and so on. I live in Alberta, Canada, home of several of the most famous fossil finds in the world (Royal Tyrell Museum, Burgess Shale, etc), so I have seen this evidence with my own eyes. It's pretty breathtaking! :flower:
^^ I wonder this...what happened with Adam and Eve? Was Eve naughty with her sons? Cos I'm pretty sure that's frowned upon in the bible!

I am pagan, but not sure what paganism thinks of Dinosaurs, I've never thoguht about it before lol!

I think I read somewhere that according to Christianity, God planted dino bones to test everyone's faith?! I might be wrong though, so don't quote me on that!!

Well this is going of my personal beliefs and a bit of bible knowledge. The bible says god created beasts of the land and air. With the 7 day thing, I think you have to take it non literally, a day to god could very well be a million years! So I personally believe the bible explains dinosaurs.

As for the incest issue. We have to remember that adam and eve were perfect. No genetic abnormalities etc. The bible was written when imperfection was rife. The way I see it is that adam and eve didnt just have the two boys, the bible does not meantion women insomuch as men. Brothers, sisters and mother and father would have had to have mated, yes, but in reality there was no terrible misendevour in the deed, their blood was perfect, so no defects would transfer over.

Hope that helps, with regards to my views anyway :)
^^ I wonder this...what happened with Adam and Eve? Was Eve naughty with her sons? Cos I'm pretty sure that's frowned upon in the bible!

I am pagan, but not sure what paganism thinks of Dinosaurs, I've never thoguht about it before lol!

I think I read somewhere that according to Christianity, God planted dino bones to test everyone's faith?! I might be wrong though, so don't quote me on that!!

Well this is going of my personal beliefs and a bit of bible knowledge. The bible says god created beasts of the land and air. With the 7 day thing, I think you have to take it non literally, a day to god could very well be a million years! So I personally believe the bible explains dinosaurs.

As for the incest issue. We have to remember that adam and eve were perfect. No genetic abnormalities etc. The bible was written when imperfection was rife. The way I see it is that adam and eve didnt just have the two boys, the bible does not meantion women insomuch as men. Brothers, sisters and mother and father would have had to have mated, yes, but in reality there was no terrible misendevour in the deed, their blood was perfect, so no defects would transfer over.

Hope that helps, with regards to my views anyway :)

Yeah that helps! This thread is slightly spinning my head, with regards to all the different views lol! I have JW relatives, and the kids are sort of trying to get out of their religion, (well, the older two are anyway) I kinda feel sorry for them, all the family are of either christian or athiest beliefs, so we celelbrate Christmas, birthdays etc, and they get a bit left out! Especially since we are a close family and spend most weekends together!
^^ I wonder this...what happened with Adam and Eve? Was Eve naughty with her sons? Cos I'm pretty sure that's frowned upon in the bible!

I am pagan, but not sure what paganism thinks of Dinosaurs, I've never thoguht about it before lol!

I think I read somewhere that according to Christianity, God planted dino bones to test everyone's faith?! I might be wrong though, so don't quote me on that!!

Well this is going of my personal beliefs and a bit of bible knowledge. The bible says god created beasts of the land and air. With the 7 day thing, I think you have to take it non literally, a day to god could very well be a million years! So I personally believe the bible explains dinosaurs.

As for the incest issue. We have to remember that adam and eve were perfect. No genetic abnormalities etc. The bible was written when imperfection was rife. The way I see it is that adam and eve didnt just have the two boys, the bible does not meantion women insomuch as men. Brothers, sisters and mother and father would have had to have mated, yes, but in reality there was no terrible misendevour in the deed, their blood was perfect, so no defects would transfer over.

Hope that helps, with regards to my views anyway :)

That's right, Cain married his sister. There were no laws against incest until much later when genetic mutations had started to corrupt their DNA.
There were no dinosaurs. It's all fake. They just 'created' dinosaurs to try and get people to stop believing in religion so we could all live in peace and harmony.

(for anyone who doesn't realise, I am joking. Please excuse my sense of humour)
But, if all people are descended from the same few people, how have we got genetic mutations? As if they were so pure, then surely, everyone is pure and therefore there shouldn't be any genentic mutations?

Forgive me if I am being dull, I just don't uinderstand lol!
Because we have gotten further away from perfection. Adam and Eve were designed to live forever and enjoy perfect health but as they sinned and rejected God they became imperfect and eventually died (Adam still lived till 930) and as we have moved further away from that perfection we have inherited more imperfections such as a shorter life span, genetic imperfections etc. These defects multiplied in succeeding generations after Adam. Each generation has added to these imperfections

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