Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

That article is interesting and depresses me. My FS didn't seem to think my late ovulation was an issue. I've always thought it might be. He said I could try clomid to jump start my ovulation. I've been hesitant. Now I don't know. I wish I had insurance to cover all of this! Once I get my HSG, nothing else is covered. If I want to investigate getting HCG injections or anything else, I have to pay for all of it! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!! :cry:
Knowledge is never depressing hun cause it arms you and gets you closer to your goal!!! Listen we all know that doctors dont have all the answers, i mean heck my doc is like the king of agnostics i feel sometimes. Doesnt believe in this, doesnt believe in that seems like all he believes in is luck!!!!! Do you now that he recommended only standard dose of folic acid?????!!!!!! Im like no ill be taking 5 mg thanks..... We have to take control of our bodies!!! Try and see if you can find more info on late ovulation and mc and take this to your fs to discuss. It could be nonsence or it could provide a solution.
You are right Vicky, knowledge is power. It just makes me mad that no one is even blinking when I tell them that I ovulate late. It really bugs me. I'm still taking baby aspirin even though my FS said it didn't work last time, so I don't need it this time. I'm also taking 5mg of folic acid.

I'll email him this article and see what he thinks. I can't bear the thought of another mc, but in some ways I feel like I'm destined to have at least one more. I don't know why I think that, I just do.

I've read a lot about late ovulation and the things I've read have been all across the board. Some say it means your eggs are bad quality. Some say it doesn't matter as long as you can get pregnant. This article is the only one that I've read that has some sort of research behind it. I'll keep investigating.

After my first mc, my ovulation started coming on a bit earlier. With any luck, it will come on even earlier now. How nice would that be??? Time will tell.
Honey please dont say "youre destined to have another MC" what does that even mean???? No one knows what the future holds, heck i just had a really great scan at almost 12 weeks and im still sure that something is wrong with the baby.... What i do is read articles from scientific journals that are based on some kind of clinical research. They offer a more subtantiated point of view than most junk on the net. Then i discuss with my doc and i try to meet him halfway.
Arm yurself with as much knowledge, the kind that docs cannot ignore.
I know I don't have a crystal ball, but I can't shake this feeling. I know it is dumb, but it sticks with me. It must be a defense mechanism.

I'll do some more research and see what he says. I'll ask for another specialist if he doesn't listen. I'm pissed and I want answers!

Ok, I really, really, really, really have to go to my next appointment now. Hope you have a good rest of your day. Thanks for your support.

:hi: everyone well I'm back home its been a long day!!

You girls are very wise :hugs:

Hearty it is so good to have you back and I agree with Vicky talk to your dr's go with a much info as you can and demand answers you deserve for them to listen to you and to help.

Megg sorry your first day at work was rubbish but yay for you appointment going well so happy for you :happydance::happydance:

Allie I totally understand what you and hearty mean about TTC, its hard to talk to people about lossing my little one and trying to conceive again as I always get: dont think about it and it will happen, you have to move forward etc etc they dont realise that I need to talk as it allows me to cope and feel hopefull and my god I need to feel hopefull. Some of my friends are great but they just dont understand as they havnt been through it (which I am pleased about wouldnt want them to). Sadly I do have a couple of close friends who have been through what we have all been through two of them have gone on to have healthy pregnancies and my other friend hasn't started try again yet. I am so thankfully for you lovely ladies I dont know what I would do without you as I can say exactly how I feel and talk about anything.

Hi everyone!

My brain is mush. I'm overwhelmed by life! My first day went better than Megg's, I'm pretty sure. My assignment has been changed from autism to emotionally disturbed students. I can tell it's going to be a challenging but interesting year. hearty and lucy can I'm sure identify with the emotional taxation that goes into working with children with emotional disorders. I'm still processing my day.

I was home for 5 minutes and my parents called me with drama. Between their health problems and mental issues and marital woes, I feel I pretty much raise my parents. I am constantly taking care of them and parenting them. It's also very emotionally taxing. Between them and my job, I'm ready for a nap but instead I am taking my mom to the mall to get her away from my dad to give him a bit of a break.

hearty and vicky, what constitutes late ovulation? is it having long cycles? (like mine...35 days usually, longer the past two cycles since mc-27 and 48 days respectively)

Also, I bought a basal body therm. Can I start temping tomorrow on CD3 or should I have started from CD1?

Sorry for my self-centered post. I'll respond with more thought later tonight. :hugs:
Megg, I just read your journal post. I'm so glad you found someone who is going to work with you. I like the option you are leaning towards. I wish my insurance covered any of those options but it doesn't. I'd have to pay out of pocket for everything including Clomid! I agree with Vicky, I hope it is your month too. Doesn't hurt to do the progesterone cream! Your doc said that if you have good quality eggs, progesterone is a non issue, right? How do you know you have good quality eggs? I didn't know they could determine that. That's my biggest fear, that my eggs are spoiled.

Ok, I'm about to admit something that I will never repeat anywhere else. Part of my job is meeting clients in their homes. I had it set in my head today that I had to leave my house at 10am to get to my appointment. As I got in the car at 10am I realized my appointment was at 10am! It takes me at least 45 minutes to drive there, so there was no way I'd get there in time. I had to pull over in the car and lie to the guy. I told him I blew a flat tire and was waiting for the tow truck to fix it. I'm a HORRIBLE liar. I feel like such an ass. I'm usually so prompt and organized. I'm horrified at myself right now. I honestly think I got distracted with myself. I set my CBFM this morning, I checked in with B&B and I went to the gym. I was so pre-occupied with myself that I totally f-ed up!

Oh, I feel better telling someone. I'm not even going to tell Tim!

At least I can chat for a little while now. I have another appointment at 1pm. I HAVE to leave here at noon which is in an hour and 15 minutes.

I don't think I was as clear as I should have been on that. Sorry! I mean... That was what he said... but you're understanding it differently than he meant it. He was suggesting that there is any problem with the quality of eggs I have in my ovarian reserve. My FSH was low on CD3, which would suggest that I have a good # in reserve and likely not bad quality either. He was suggesting that I was producing less than optimal eggs due to poor/weak ovulation. Its not anything inherently wrong with my eggs... Its with my body's execution in developing them before ovulation. He said they have the potential to be USDA Grade A eggs... but my body's just not doing a good enough job of maturing them so that they reach their full potential! I hope that makes sense?

And, aww... Its okay to put yourself first once in a great while. I know you feel bad about it... but it'll be okay! :hugs:

Hearty bless you, you are so cute!!!! Is this the first time you messed up a work appointment???? If only i could list the many times ive come up with the most unbelievable scenarios to justify absence, late arrival, being spaced out in meetings due to severe hangovers :rofl::rofl:

There is no way to check the quality of eggs, only the reserve but they speculate that if there is deminished reserve then the quality is also not top.
I asked two specialists about this as it is my fear aswell, they dismissed this as i get pregnant easily. Apparently if you can get pregnant relatively easily that is an idication of good quality eggs. Who knows really????

I was so scared of my FSH test... I was in tears worried that they'd say I had POF or something... but, as my doc said, "Nah! You're ovaries are kickin'!" LOL Its just my ovulation that sucks! Boo to shitty ovulation!

Yes, this is the first time I've messed up. The reason I feel so bad is because it isn't my boss or another co-worker I flaked on. It is a client who needs emotional support and help figuring out how to take care of her mother with Alzheimer's. She and her husband were very understanding. Now I have to meet with them on Friday when I was planning to work from home that day. Damn!

That's what I thought about the egg quality. My reserve is very good and I also get pregnant easily so I guess my quality is good too. My concern is how late I ovulate. I thought my quality might not be as good because of that and that is the reason I keep having miscarriages. I really, really, really want the progesterone to work for me next time I get preggers. I know there isn't a lot of hard evidence that it works, but I have to put all of my good quality eggs into that basket!

Late ovulation can be linked with weak/poor ovulation... So, it would very much go along with what he said.

Hi everyone!

My brain is mush. I'm overwhelmed by life! My first day went better than Megg's, I'm pretty sure. My assignment has been changed from autism to emotionally disturbed students. I can tell it's going to be a challenging but interesting year. hearty and lucy can I'm sure identify with the emotional taxation that goes into working with children with emotional disorders. I'm still processing my day.

I was home for 5 minutes and my parents called me with drama. Between their health problems and mental issues and marital woes, I feel I pretty much raise my parents. I am constantly taking care of them and parenting them. It's also very emotionally taxing. Between them and my job, I'm ready for a nap but instead I am taking my mom to the mall to get her away from my dad to give him a bit of a break.

hearty and vicky, what constitutes late ovulation? is it having long cycles? (like mine...35 days usually, longer the past two cycles since mc-27 and 48 days respectively)

Also, I bought a basal body therm. Can I start temping tomorrow on CD3 or should I have started from CD1?

Sorry for my self-centered post. I'll respond with more thought later tonight. :hugs:

Anything beyond a 35 day cycle is no longer considered a "normal" length. You can totally start temping on CD3. No biggie! Those 1st 3 temps won't make any difference at all! I swear! :hugs:

As far as Vicky's doc not believing in anything... I was quite impressed when this FS said he DID believe in charting. In fact, he said he believes in charting about anything you can chart! Keeping track of things is, in his opinion, the best thing anyone can do! :yipee:

P.S. My uterus is achy. I know that probably sounds weird... but its sort of sore... like I did some sort of exercise I'm not used to. But, I didn't... and I don't know what that exercise would even be. Its definitely in my uterus region... very low abdominal area. What causes that?
Allie, I agree with Megg, go ahead and start temping! I actually don't even bother temping during my period because I know I'm not going to miss any great information. But, to get in the habit, I would start temping tomorrow morning if I were you. In fact, I'm going to start tomorrow myself on CD 7. I haven't temped since before my pregnancy. Back to the old drawing board!

Also, I agree with Megg that anything from 35 days on is considered a long cycle. I have heard of women ovulating on day 40 and having a healthy baby. I honestly think the jury is still out on this one because there isn't enough research. Ideally though, it would be better if we were ovulating between days 14 and 19.

Sounds like you have a very tough job. I used to think I wanted to work with children, but I actually now work with seniors. I much prefer it to be honest.

Megg, what's POF? What was your FSH? I think mine was 5. I'm guessing that since I ovulate regularly every month and I get pregnant pretty easily, I'm doing ok on the reserves.

I have no idea why your uterus feels like it has exercised. That is so strange. Maybe it's a little bub in there snuggling in???
OK Megg... I litterally started crossing my fingers and toes for you at work. NO LIE! I know its weird (REALLY weird), but I was.
I'm going to cross fingers and toes too....there, I did it! I'm crossing my eyes also just in case.
Allie, I agree with Megg, go ahead and start temping! I actually don't even bother temping during my period because I know I'm not going to miss any great information. But, to get in the habit, I would start temping tomorrow morning if I were you. In fact, I'm going to start tomorrow myself on CD 7. I haven't temped since before my pregnancy. Back to the old drawing board!

Also, I agree with Megg that anything from 35 days on is considered a long cycle. I have heard of women ovulating on day 40 and having a healthy baby. I honestly think the jury is still out on this one because there isn't enough research. Ideally though, it would be better if we were ovulating between days 14 and 19.

Sounds like you have a very tough job. I used to think I wanted to work with children, but I actually now work with seniors. I much prefer it to be honest.

Megg, what's POF? What was your FSH? I think mine was 5. I'm guessing that since I ovulate regularly every month and I get pregnant pretty easily, I'm doing ok on the reserves.

I have no idea why your uterus feels like it has exercised. That is so strange. Maybe it's a little bub in there snuggling in???

POF = Premature Ovarian Failure! Its scary! I don't like it!

My FSH was 3.4. I think you're doing just fine, hun! :hugs:

I don't know! That would be how it'd go... I'd get pregnant the cycle before I could get IUI! LOL I don't know... Its an odd sensation... and my boobs are still pretty sore! I don't get it!

OK Megg... I litterally started crossing my fingers and toes for you at work. NO LIE! I know its weird (REALLY weird), but I was.

That's not so weird! It made me smile really BIG! :hugs: Thank you!!! :flower:

I'm going to cross fingers and toes too....there, I did it! I'm crossing my eyes also just in case.

Ha! Love it! Thank you, Hearty! I just adore you! Sweet and funny! You should have posted a pic of the crossed eyes... just to prove it! :winkwink:
Our camera is still broken! We're in the market for a new one.

My boobs have only hurt when I was pregnant and when I was using progesterone cream. Sounds to me like you might be producing progesterone right now. Maybe because you are pregnant!!!
That would be something! :wacko: I mean, they usually are a little tender to the touch after O, but they don't usually ache. Its passive normally, but I can feel them just sitting here! Hmph! Only time will tell at this point, I guess! I just can't even bear the thought of a possible loss again when I'm so close to getting help! That would be unfortunate!
Don't think about a loss or even a possible one. Things are out of your hands at the moment. Definitely start the progesterone cream just in case.
I did this afternoon, and I will again tonight and from here on out! I don't know what to even wish for! This is an awful feeling! You're right... Nothing I can do now but wait, hope, and do my best! Thank you! :hugs:
Good, I'm glad you are using the cream. Don't forget that the cream will increase your temps!

Hubby just got home, so we're off to have some dinner. Good night!
Everything crossed here for you Megg. This time I had low low down pains from about 6DPO and i'm still getting little tingly sensations.

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