Hi All
I keep meaning to update on here, and as I'm trying to avoid doing any work, I may as well do it now lol!
Nato - I'm so sorry about your Dad it sounds so heartbreaking
Megg - Good to hear from you honey
Mel - I think the pic of you is beautiful and will be a lovely keepsake once your little guy makes his appearance soon
Ruskie - Sorry for the Booofn
Lucy - good luck with your scan on Friday
Hearty - How on earth is Delilah almost 1 year old??? I hope she has a lovely day x
Jen - Good to see you
Round - Oooo a holiday, I hope you're enjoying every minute of your break x
Sugar - Congrats on your BFP. Sorry but I am of no reassurance when it comes to scans, I still dread them and get really stressed before hand. The bad MS is a really good sign though
Sorry if I've missed anyone, I do think of you all
AFM - Well as much as I love being pregnant, the 3rd tri is proving a difficult one for me physically. I have permanent pain in my pubic bone, discomfort in my back.....the list goes on lol! I am getting very big, but I am also constantly worried about one of the babies. At my 28 week scan she had low amniotic fluid around her, so they scanned me again last week and the fluid levels have gone up to almost the same as her sister which was a relief.....however she had only grown by 2oz in 2 weeks, and the size difference between my girls is 1lb now

So I was worried about her placenta failing. I went to see my GP on Friday as my hands are swollen and numb, she gave me a good check over and found protein in my urine

and my feet and legs keep getting horribly swollen....So now I have he brand new worry of possible pre-eclampsia and am on bed rest until I see my midwife on Wednesday. I have been told to go on maternity leave (which I do on Friday). Twin 1 is head down and deep in my pelvis already, so much so that they can't get a good measurement of her head anymore!! Basically I was told that I could go into labour at any time now, my poor husband nearly fainted. I have my bags packed and I'm good to go just in case, but I'd much prefer my girlies to keep cooking a little while longer.