Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Sugar - Taking care of kids, home, and working full time around food during MS was in a word...BRUTAL I ended up having to go on Diclectin which cost me $195 for one month. We couldn't afford to refill the prescription so I just suffered through it.
Well I got an unexpected phone call this morning , My doc said he will do the FSH test if I really want one . I am happy because I do like my doctor and don't really want to switch if I don't need too
You haven't had any RMC tests done? That's insane! Definitely get the FSH test. But there are so many more to get. That's really frustrating.
You haven't had any RMC tests done? That's insane! Definitely get the FSH test. But there are so many more to get. That's really frustrating.

I have had all my other hormone levels checked minus the fsh , everything else is good :thumbup:
This cycle has to be the best chart I have ever had what do you ladies think ? All my old charts are gone but I don't think I have ever had a triphasic chart hehe
Ive never had a chart so I have no idea what to look for Rusk! Sorry....it has nice pointy lines :)
yeah im doing not too bad girls still have up and down days hey hey but what can you do just super busy with the kids and that at the moment i honestly dont get a min too myself these days as pauls out working bringing in money when he can but hes managed to secure a full time job now so starts this week yay xxx
It's a good looking chart. Looks like you usually have a 13 day luteal phase. Hopefully your temps will stay up tomorrow.

Jen, I know what you mean about not having a minute to yourself. And I only have 1 kid! I'm glad to hear Paul got a full time job. Love your new pic with the boys.
thanks hun i just feel bad that i havent been around much :( i have missed being here but i couldnt bare to bring you all down with my problems but im more or less my happy self :D xxx
Oh my word, Delilah is nearly 1!!

Sugar, so happy that you have a hb, thats wonderful news.

Hi Ruskie, hope your chart stays up, looks good!

Im sorry I haven't been around. Ive been up in Blackpool 5 days a week, being away from Eloise, John and home is hard enough let alone with whats happening up there. Its just so awful, my poor dad is fading away by the day. Im at home today and I just spoke to him, and have put the phone down knowing thats the last ever father's day call I will ever make to him. My birthday last week was just as bad, it feels like nothing will ever ben the same again. He's being so brave, but has had a few moments, they seem to be triggered by me getting upset so I am trying to keep my emotions under control but when things like the hospice nurse visits and talks about his wishes, they tend to explode a bit.

There are some horrible undercurrents going on as well, the Will is being questioned, my dad is leaving a third to his ex which is his decision, but my sister is furious, ex is being a fucking bitch to me and making me feel uncomfortable in my own dads house. The last week I was off the top of the shit list and my sister was the main target. Worse still, she has started to isolate dad and make his friends unwelcome...he's getting very vulnerable now so we cant talk to him and dont know what influence is being exerted while we aren't there. I don't want his last days to be away from people he wants there.
There is a lot more to this but it wouldnt be wise to post it on a public forum.

Its such a horrible mess.

And I got a bfn yesterday

Hope everyone else is faring better xx
Ah Nato :hugs:

It all sounds so impossible to endure. It's hard enough watching this happen to your dad. Why does the ex have to be so horrible? The dying process often brings out the best and worst in people. Sounds like it's bringing out the worst in her. I'm so sorry. It doesn't have to be this way but she's making it so. I'm guessing you and your sister don't have a great relationship with her anyway? That always complicates things. But it shouldn't in a time like this. I hope your dad gets to be around all of the people he wants to be around.

Very sorry about the bfn. I know how much you want a bfp. I generally don't believe that stress can keep that from happening. But this is an extreme case of stress, and maybe that's part of the reason why.

You are right, nothing will ever be the same again. But it also won't feel like this forever. I still hurt when I think about my step-father. How he never got to meet Delilah. How she'll never know what an amazing man he was. When she got stung by a bee the other day, I wanted to call him (he was a pediatrician) and ask is opinion. I'll never get to do that. But my pain has shifted. My family misses him constantly, but it is different than when he first died. Losing a parent, especially at a younger age, is incredibly difficult. It's hard to describe. All I can tell you is that it will shift with time and get "easier". I hate using that word, but I can't think of another word to use. It's not easy. Just easier if you know what I mean.

Yes, Delilah will be 1 in 8 days! :shock: She rocked my world and entered our lives on June 24 last year. I can't believe we've had her in our lives for a whole year.

Ruskie, your chart looks great today. Fx'd
Thanks ladies !!! AF is a no show today and she should be here even tho I ovulated late :thumbup: I am going to pick myself up a good test later for now my IC's might have a shadow but I can't snap a good pic of it that is after a 3 hour hold :thumbup:

Oh my word, Delilah is nearly 1!!

Sugar, so happy that you have a hb, thats wonderful news.

Hi Ruskie, hope your chart stays up, looks good!

Im sorry I haven't been around. Ive been up in Blackpool 5 days a week, being away from Eloise, John and home is hard enough let alone with whats happening up there. Its just so awful, my poor dad is fading away by the day. Im at home today and I just spoke to him, and have put the phone down knowing thats the last ever father's day call I will ever make to him. My birthday last week was just as bad, it feels like nothing will ever ben the same again. He's being so brave, but has had a few moments, they seem to be triggered by me getting upset so I am trying to keep my emotions under control but when things like the hospice nurse visits and talks about his wishes, they tend to explode a bit.

There are some horrible undercurrents going on as well, the Will is being questioned, my dad is leaving a third to his ex which is his decision, but my sister is furious, ex is being a fucking bitch to me and making me feel uncomfortable in my own dads house. The last week I was off the top of the shit list and my sister was the main target. Worse still, she has started to isolate dad and make his friends unwelcome...he's getting very vulnerable now so we cant talk to him and dont know what influence is being exerted while we aren't there. I don't want his last days to be away from people he wants there.
There is a lot more to this but it wouldnt be wise to post it on a public forum.

Its such a horrible mess.

And I got a bfn yesterday

Hope everyone else is faring better xx

So sorry to hear about your dad Nato , I only have my Mom left myself and never got to say goodbye to my dad he passed suddenly from a aneurysm
Nato, so sorry to hear your Dad is declining. His ex sounds like an absolute cow. What the hell is her problem being a bitch at a time like this! Have you taken Eloise to see her Grandad? Must be horrible being separated from her too. Sorry also about the BFN. I personally believe stress can have a big impact on ttc. I didn't get anywhere for a year before I had Charlotte, when my stress levels were crazy high. I hope the ex sorts herself out and realises that you should be pulling together at the moment.

Ruskie, fingers crossed for you!

Jen, you can come on here whenever you want and share your problems. :hugs:

Hearty I can't believe Delilah is coming up 1. What plans have you got?

Afm, I've got another scan tomorrow. Can feel the stress building up. I'm terrified they are going to discover that the hb has stopped or something. Doesn't help that I'm having strong pulling pains that are freaking me out. MS is still terrible though. Have puked every day this week since Tuesday.
Ruskie, please keep us posted on the tests.

Sugar, scan days are the worst. It's great news that you are puking though! The pulling pains are so common early on. I have no good advice for you. I was a wreck for all of my scans.
Oh and no big plans for her birthday. My dad and step-mom will come over and I'm making a sugarless cake. But we're keeping it pretty mellow. Her birthday is on a Monday anyway. We'll have our little celebration on Sunday.
Nato I am so sorry to hear about your Dad I cant imagine what you must be gong through and on top if that you are having to deal with the ex making things difficult not what you need. She should not be making you feel uncomfortable could you try talking to her asking her to back off? It doesn't sound like her motives are about what's best for your dad which is disgusting. Being away from your little girl & hubby must be so hard. Wish I could give you a big hug sending a cyber one :hugs:

Sugar that's great news about the puking iykwim I was never sick but suffered from dreadful nausea and struggled to eat anything. I drank a lot of water and lived off dry cereal, toast and plain hula hoops. I couldn't cook as the smells were awful. I did very little and because I was fainting a lot rarely left the hous unless Steve was with me as I was terrified of fainting when out just didn't feel safe out on my own with Benjamin. He watched a lot more Disney junior than normal and I was lucky as he was very good for me he'd play & let me rest on the sofa as long as he was near to me he was ok most says, like he knew mummy wasnt feel to great when he napped I did too or at least curled up on the sofa not doing anything when Steve got home I would go up to bed & he'd take over. I felt like a lousy wife and mum but we got throug it. The only thing that helped with my symptoms was having acupuncture which Im still having but every 4 weeks rather than once a week.

No advice on the scans they are scary but the puking is a good sign. I'll be thinking of you and praying for good news.

Mel you look beautiful not long to go make sure you are resting as well.

Amanda wow I can't believe D is nearly 1.

Jen great news on Paul's job we're here if you need to talk.

Ruskie good to see you keep us posted on the tests hope its good news.

Round glad you are having a good break. Im feeling good tired & achey but doing ok still try to rest when I can if I overdo it I get some odd pains & feel rough. Have my 28 week scan on Friday hoping they we will be doing a scan to check my cervical length too.
so sorry Nato :hugs:

I think the next year with Delilah is going to be amazing! They learn so much more in this period and it's such a joy watching them. The tantrums and all lol!

Sugar, good luck with the scan. I think it will be great :)

Well I have been getting stuff done, thank goodness......I am pretty much ready for this baby if he decides to come early - which signs are starting to point that he will. I have a dr appt Wednesday afternoon again, so I will talk to him about the signs and see what he says.
Hi! :wave:

I... know it's been a long time. Sorry about that. Really. I can't believe how many pregnancy tickers I'm seeing again. Congrats all around! :hugs:

I don't come here much, but I just want you guys to know it's not because I don't care. I've sort of developed a bit of an "on/off" switch, and it's hard for me to remain active in the TTC community when I've abandoned that part of my life, possibly for good.

For those that are interested in what I've actually been up to, feel free to read. If you don't, that's fine too. I don't mind. I'm the one who left. You have every right to not concern yourself with what I do these days.

If you're reading this... HI!

I'm still working on the editing of my second novel. I decided I was terribly dissatisfied with the prose, and therefore, I dedicated myself to rewriting it... all 100,000 words (give or take). It's not been easy, nor have I found much time to do it.

Back in February, I got involved with an event... a convention. The best description I can give in layman's terms is: something akin to Comic-Con. We aim to be the first and (currently) only North American convention run by and for Tumblr users. I started rather low in the ranks, but I've recently become co-owner, and I'm exceptionally proud of what we've accomplished. We're working on building a better website, as this one was put together quickly after an incident that equates to a long story that doesn't need re-hashed. But you can check us out here: DashCon.org

I really believe in what we're aiming to do, and I look forward to seeing it come to fruition. In fact, we recently signed the contract for our venue... which means there's no "if" anymore. We'll be in the Chicago area (can't say where for about a week yet) on July 11-13, 2014. We even have a band booked already... Steam Powered Giraffe, who I was a fan of long before we even dreamed of booking them. They're definitely different, but the music is kind of incredible.

Anyway, my life has been completely consumed by the convention and writing... which left very little time for me to even think about if I should go back to TTC. And now? I... don't think I'm willing to give up the amazing things I've found or even slow them down in order to try, let alone if I were to succeed.

I still spend obscene amounts of time with my best friend's daughter, who is almost 2. And she's been more than enough for me. In fact, they consider me her 2nd mother. For Christmas, my friend bought me a mother's ring with mine and Katy's birthstones in it, and I consider it one of the most precious things I've ever received. So, yeah... I'm happy. Way too happy to chance spoiling it with the misery that TTC tends to bring into my life.

Alright... I'll shut up about me. I just wanted to tell you guys how glad I am to see you all doing well. I miss you, but I won't be silly enough to suggest that I might be around more often. I probably won't. I'd love to keep up with you on FB, if there are any of you who don't have me added. If not, that's okay too. I'm just happy to know you're all well.

If you ever want to find me:

Largely Unused "Professional" Tumblr
Often Used, Occasionally NSFW Tumblr

Love you all! :kiss:
Hi All :hi:

I keep meaning to update on here, and as I'm trying to avoid doing any work, I may as well do it now lol!

Nato - I'm so sorry about your Dad it sounds so heartbreaking :hugs:

Megg - Good to hear from you honey

Mel - I think the pic of you is beautiful and will be a lovely keepsake once your little guy makes his appearance soon :)

Ruskie - Sorry for the Booofn :(

Lucy - good luck with your scan on Friday

Hearty - How on earth is Delilah almost 1 year old??? I hope she has a lovely day x

Jen - Good to see you :hugs:

Round - Oooo a holiday, I hope you're enjoying every minute of your break x

Sugar - Congrats on your BFP. Sorry but I am of no reassurance when it comes to scans, I still dread them and get really stressed before hand. The bad MS is a really good sign though :thumbup:

Sorry if I've missed anyone, I do think of you all :hugs:

AFM - Well as much as I love being pregnant, the 3rd tri is proving a difficult one for me physically. I have permanent pain in my pubic bone, discomfort in my back.....the list goes on lol! I am getting very big, but I am also constantly worried about one of the babies. At my 28 week scan she had low amniotic fluid around her, so they scanned me again last week and the fluid levels have gone up to almost the same as her sister which was a relief.....however she had only grown by 2oz in 2 weeks, and the size difference between my girls is 1lb now :shock: So I was worried about her placenta failing. I went to see my GP on Friday as my hands are swollen and numb, she gave me a good check over and found protein in my urine :( and my feet and legs keep getting horribly swollen....So now I have he brand new worry of possible pre-eclampsia and am on bed rest until I see my midwife on Wednesday. I have been told to go on maternity leave (which I do on Friday). Twin 1 is head down and deep in my pelvis already, so much so that they can't get a good measurement of her head anymore!! Basically I was told that I could go into labour at any time now, my poor husband nearly fainted. I have my bags packed and I'm good to go just in case, but I'd much prefer my girlies to keep cooking a little while longer.
Stalking for an update Sugar. Hope everything is ok.

Rusk, sorry about AF. Damn witch.

Mel, what are the signs? Why do you think he's coming early?

Megg! Hello! So strange, I was just thinking of you yesterday. I rarely see posts from you on FB (though admittedly I don't go there very often). I wondered how you've been. You sound absolutely wonderful! What amazing things you are doing with your life right now. TTC and having a baby would certainly take away from all of that. You sound so fulfilled. I'm thrilled for you. I'll check out the website that you posted. Massive congrats to you!

Gaynor, I was just looking at your journal yesterday and saw about your bedrest. I'm so sorry there is so much worry. I think it would be there even in the best of circumstances. But all of this combined is definitely cause for concern. Just remember that Vicky had low amniotic fluid and delivered Hero at 32 weeks. I delivered at 34 weeks. You are almost there. I obviously would love to see you carry them to term, but you are getting to a safe zone. I hope you are able to relax as much as possible. This is the time to rest as much as you can. Let Glenn do everything for you. He's such a good man, I know he will. Thinking about you and the girls tons and tons.

Lucy, I hope they check your cervix length again. How are you feeling otherwise? You are almost 28 weeks! I can't believe it!

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