Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

awe Meggles!!! I miss you!!! Glad to hear you are keeping busy and doing well :hugs:

Sparkly - I hope those girls stay put for another month or so yet, and I hope you are able to get as much rest as you can. I know how much discomfort I am in, and so I would expect you are double that with the twins. I feel for you!!

Hearty - the head is already down in my pelvis and therefore I have to pee way more frequently....I feel pressure down below frequently as well....and well for almost a week now, I have had mild diarhhea (tmi - sorry)....which I looked in the book yesterday because I clued in that I'm not sick and should quit thinking I have a bug lol, and that is a sign labor is coming. The doctor commented a couple weeks ago as well that he might not wait until the 2nd to be born. So we will see what happens now.
Hi ladies,

Oh, Nato, I am so sorry. The whole situation sounds awful. It would be no matter what but it's too bad you have a nasty ex to contend with. I really feel for you. It must be awful being away from Eloise for so long as well. I really appreciated Hearty's advice (as always). It's comforting to know that these are among the worst days and it won't always be like this. I saw your profile pic change. Your dad and you look looked great in that picture. So touching. You and your fam are in my prayers and I am thinking of you daily and wishing you peace and comfort. :hugs:

Sugar, :hugs: sorry about the MS but yay about the MS....hope you are well

Sparkly, I'm sorry about the possible pre-e! As you may remember I had blood pressure problems towards the end and spent the last 2-3 weeks on bedrest. What were your bp numbers? Sorry about the protein in the urine. Are they having you do the 24 hour urine collection? That was just awful. But when you're pregnant you do whatever you need to for those LOs. I hope your girls keep cooking a month longer! Please keep us posted. When I was on bedrest I laid on my left side and watched a lot movies. I also took a lot of baths when I got bored.

Ruskie, so sorry about the :witch:

Round, I'm soooooo glad you're enjoying your vacation! I'm happy for you. You deserved this break.

Lucy, I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going. I don't think we've seen a bump pic yet? Same with Sparkly?

Megg, it's so great to hear from you. I think of you often. I've been thinking of you a lot this month because it's the 3rd anniversary of this thread. I'm so happy you are happy and fulfilled and getting involved in fandom stuff. Some of my best memories are of the years I was heavily involved in the Harry Potter and LOTR fandoms. I loved attending events and connecting with fans online, reading and writing fan fic, etc. There's something wonderful about a fandom!
oh, well, Mel, that baby could be coming so soon! Ahh! I'm so excited. I remember when Kash was born and I was following your journal. We all kept checking back and you had someone posting updates all day lol. Kash was one of the first ever Disco babies (maybe the first....or was Hero born first?) and I remember the thrill of finding out he was born. Now you're almost ready to welcome your second! awwww.
Nato- HUGE hugs to you. It is all so difficult and doesn’t help with the added drama, BFN and being away from John and Eloise. My heart breaks for you. It will be hard for a while. Since my mom passed holidays have been rough because they are the first without her. Mother’s Day was tough. I’m looking forward to and dreading my birthday on Friday because that was the last time I ever spoke to her but also the day she first held me in her arms and told me she loved me.

I hope his ex eases up and lets you and his friends have this time with him. It’s unfair what she is doing and so hurtful. You are so strong navigating through this and being there for him. I think of you often:hugs:.

Amanda- it is so crazy you will have a one year old in a matter of days! She is getting big so fast. I loved the picture of D and Tim on Facebook… too cute!

Jen- good to see you posting! Congrats to Paul.

Sugar- I hope you had a great scan.

Mel- love the picture! I have a similar maternity shot. I can’t believe you are so close to meeting your new little guy!

Round- I’m glad you are enjoying some fun in the sun!

Ruskie- its good to see you but I’m so sorry to hear AF came. I hope your doctor does a better job testing you.

Meg- I totally understand but I’m glad you popped in to say hello. You sound very busy and kicking butt in the writing and convention department! I teared up reading about the mother’s ring you got at Christmas.

Sparkly- I’m sorry to hear about your 3rd tri worries. I hope your girls cooperate a little longer and stay put. We are all rooting for you!

AFM- We had our whirlwind surrogacy trip to NYC last week! We had a wonderful time with the guys and had fun exploring the city. Full details in my journal if interested. We are looking at a mid September transfer!

Penny continues to light up our world and is such a sassy and wonderful little lady. She recently learned how to tumble and is obsessed with making us jump on the bed. I just love her to pieces.:cloud9:

Allie and Lucy- I'm off to look at your journals:thumbup:
I think it was Poppy, then Hero *or maybe I have them switched* then MeMe, then Kash, then Delilah? It would be nice to have an ongoing list of our disco babies...
Heulyn was the first with hers, and then Hero I believe...it's on the first page :)

Yes, I had Reeds updating for me when I was in with Kash....if someone wants me to text them that day, just let me know and I can. Otherwise I am sure it will be on facebook right away lol.

I am loving this working from home crap right now lol! I wake up at 6:00 am still, get Kash off to daycare around 7:15....come home and watch my soaps on the pvr, and then head to the basement to work for 9:00. I have laundry on the go, and can take breaks whenever I want! I am almost done this project and then I won't have to do anymore work
vickyd - 1st Disco Baby!
VGibs - 2nd Disco Baby!
Heulyn turned - 3rd Disco Baby!
msarkozi - 4th Disco Baby!
*duh on me* I did know that...but my brain has been swamped with weird crap today...Thanks Mel LOL I had another huge piece to add to my comments for everyone else but by the time I go to say them they don't make much sense anymore. I swear I'm going insane.
Hi ladies tried to post at lunchtime, but wouldn't let me on my iphone for some reason. Scan went well, she just did an abdominal scan and we could clearly see the HB thumping away. Measured 6 mm, so she's dated me 6+3, when going from my last AF I should be 7+2, but I do ov later. I was a also a bit concerned with the growth since last week. The CRL was 1mm 8 days ago, so has grown to 6mm in that time. Sonographer didn't seem concerned and hasn't asked me to be scanned again, she just said it all looked really good. What do you reckon? I thought they were meant to grow about 1 mm per day. Hopefully I'm stressing over nothing.
Oh and I puked all over my sleeve and into my hands whilst drinking water waiting to be scanned. :haha: I just can't stomach plain water at the moment

Megg, I was just wondering how you were doing last week, so great to hear that you sound so happy at the moment.

Hoping, how exciting that you've got a date in mind! :thumbup:

Sparkly, I can't believe how far along you are now! Hope your little ladies stay put for a bit longer.

Lucy, how did your scan go sweetie?
Oh sugar...sorry about the upchuck! I barfed once in the middle of crossing the street...at the busiest time of day. I still get embarrassed when i think about it lol
Megg it's so lovely to see you here and hear how you are doing. Good to hear you sound so happy. Stay in touch.

Mel do you feel ready? Sounds your little man won't keep you waiting much longer.

Amanda Im feeling ok achey & tired but ok. I do get some odd pains and Im trying not to over do it we had a busy weekend feeling it now. In fact Im in bed resting. I feel much bigger than I did with Benjamin. I've found this pregnancy different I think a lot of that is to do with this baby being in the right position and Benjamin being breech.

Sparkly hope those girls of yours stay cooking for a little longer. Thinking of you get plenty of rest.

Hoping Im so happy your trip won't well.

Ruskie sorry about AF hope your dr will run some more test for you.

Allie I'll do a bump pic tomorrow.

Sugar that's good news try not to worry about baby's growth if they were worried they'd have you back in. With this little one when I had my 2nd scan there wasn't a hb with 1st scan as it was a little early so they bought me back 10 days later baby was only measuring 3 days on rather than 10 days but we had a hb they were concerned so wanted me back a week later to check on baby's growth and to our shock there's as well (they didn't seem overly confident that all would be ok) baby's growth was measuring bang on my dates they couldn't explain it but was great news. I would go with the positives a strong hb baby has grown and they are happy with how things are going. I know it's scary and Im here if you need to talk.

My scans this friday see my midwife thurs.
Sugar- I’m so happy you saw a heart beat. If they weren’t concerned I would do my best not to worry either. I’m pretty sure abdominal scans can be off this early on. We could never get a good picture of Penny abdominally until later in 1st tri. The puking sucks but such a reassuring sign.

Lucy- I’m still waiting on that bump pic. You are so petite so I’m sure you are all bump. I’m excited to see if this LO is a blue or pink bump
Sugar I agree with the others. Abdominal scans are notorious for being off. They always did both scans for me in the early days and the vaginal ones were always more accurate. Also, like you, I ov late. So the dating may be off too. The hb is tr most important thing right now. These early scans can be so misleading. I wouldn't worry.

Lucy, take it easy love. You and Sparkly need to rest together!

Amber I'm so excited for you to be a surrogate. I wish I could do that for someone. I'd love to carry another baby, but not sure I want to have another child. I'll live vicariously through you.
image.jpg that's me....all curves including the weird double belly

I have no idea how to make it not sideways lol
Love it Virginia! Thanks for sharing even if it is sideways. You look great. And when did you get to be 23 weeks? I swear it was a month ago that you got your bfp. LOL!
Nato my heart aches for you...Cant begin to imagine how hard this must be....I wish i had something to say that would ease the pain but at times like this I believe nothing can make thins easier. Your father's ex doesnt seem very nice, i guess Hearty said it well when she said death can bring out the best and worse in someone..

Sparkly its very stressful when you are faced with premature labour..I was in tears 2 weeks before i finally had to deliver Hero so many weeks early.. The best advice i can give you is complete bed rest and push for NST testing weekly. I hope they stay put for at least another couple of weeks but just in case can you ask for the steroid shot for their lung development? Hero was super early but thanks to the shots she breathed on her own straight away and was in an open cot at NICU within a day.

Sugar brilliant news!!! Im surprised they did an abdominal scan so early! Here they do them after 10 weeks as they are totally not acurate so early on. I say you should relax and enjoy, things are looking great!

Meg so great to hear things are going so well for you!!! Drop by more often woman!

Hearty cant beieve Delilah is gonna be 1 soon!!! Man time flies too fast!!!

Hoping wow!!! So glad to hear the surrogacy is moving ahead! You are such an angel!

AFM, nothing intersting to report! Work and Hero keep me super busy, we are spending wekends away at the beach which is great for Hero. She loves the water and im hoping to enroll her in swimming lessons next winter.
Odd my pic has posted sideways too not sure why must be something to do with being on my phone.

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