Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Quick update: We had a girl!! So happy to announce the safe arrival of our beautiful little girl Sophie Pamela James born at 2:43pm and weighing 6 lbs 15. Bit out of it and so tired but will do full update tomorrow. Xx

Things didn't quiet go to plan but I did have a vbac with a bit of help.
OMG....I am a total mess today. I got up early to make my family cheese biscuits and Ian snubbed them and ate a cookie instead. I got so angry that I started crying and probably have not stopped since. I have zero energy and motivation today and I walked into the living room to find my 2 year old in her pajamas with a wet diaper and the candy I had gave her spilled all over the floor. *I gave her candy that she found in the cupboard because I was too self absorbed to argue with her over whether or not she could have it. I gave her maybe 15 smarties and hid the rest. I haven't dressed her yet because she needs a bath and I am waiting until after her nap to have her bath. Her diaper is wet because I haven't changed her since her last drink.* And all I could think was "You are a complete and utter failure at life. This baby is going to suffer because you can't get your shit together." I know it's hormones, and I know I am just having a bad day but WOW I am a mess plain and simple.
Ginny I hope today is better honey. We all have off days, give yourself a break :hugs:
I have these bad days normally when I am suffering from PMS. I feel like the whole third tri is like the longest bout of PMS possible. I normally have one bad day and get over it, and move on but lately it has been occurring more and more. I am already per-disposed to PPD especially after the incredible mess I went through last time. I just think that this is a sign I will definitely need to be medicated after birth this time as well.
congratulations Luce! I seen the pictures on facebook and Sophie is beautiful! I hope everything is going well for all of you and you are adjusting to life with a baby again!

Allie, that is quite exciting! Please do keep in touch with us still when you move :)

Gibs, I was hungover one time and allowed Kash to eat chips for breakfast! Not my best moment, but you just want to survive the day at times. It's life :hugs:

I am heading to Edmonton tomorrow to pick up Gord from the airport, and then we are spending the night at Fantasyland Hotel. I still can't get over the fact that I am paying $300 for one friggin night, but it will be worth it to make Kash happy (and have the ability to go back to the room with ease when needed - it's inside West Edmonton Mall for those that don't know). I am going to take Kash on the rides at Galaxyland (gotta enjoy it as much as possible before he turns 3 and it costs me lol), and shop around the mall. Then Saturday we will drive half way home, and home the rest of the way on Sunday. Gord has a cleaner coming Sunday to clean up his messes while I was away, so that's why we are taking our time getting home lol.

Riley has been sleeping amazingly, and I am hoping he keeps this up when we get home. When he woke this morning, I looked at the time and was like no f'ing way! It was 7:08am! He was asleep by 10:30 or earlier last night! usually he has been going to about 5:00am, but last night he surpassed that! woohoo! I am getting used to getting 6 hours of sleep or more at a time in the night, and if he goes back to every 3 hours when we get home, I am going to die!

I am just trying to pack up what I can right now and then I will load the truck tonight...then the last few things in the morning. It's going to be bittersweet to get home! Although I am only home for 2.5 weeks and then I take Kash to see Dora lol!
I am like five seconds away from leaving this site! I am trying to look up stuff and the damn pop ups and ads are making me insane! Is this annoying the crap outta anyone else????
Where is everyone? Have you all started a cool new club without me? LOL

At the moment I am SO mad with my sister I can't even think straight. So she got pregnant. No big deal. I thought it was pretty awesome to have another niece or nephew. Her husbands sister is also pregnant and my sister said 'I feel like shes stealing my thunder." Now I have never understood this feeling because I have never had it. This will be my sisters third baby and her SIL's first. I don't think any thunder will be stolen here. Not to mention that if anyone's thunder was under threat it should be mine. Well they have delayed telling everyone for some bizarre reason she was waiting until her 20 week ultrasound. Which was today. So I texted her asking what the baby is and details. Her answer was "Were not telling people." I said "R U friggin serious?" she said "yes" I said "Why?" and she wont bother answering me. So I asked my mother. Mom said that she doesn't want his sister to find out because it will be a competition with her and that they don't want the stress. So somehow I get screwed out of finding out if I am having a niece or nephew because she is jealous of her husbands sister. *annoyed face*
it's very quiet in here these days, where did you all go?

ok, so did anyone else get a friend request from "Santa"? I find that very odd that I have this friend request. I have just left it for now and not responding one way or another.

Not much new with me. I got home Sunday and it has been great being back at home. Riley is day to day on what he wants to do...somedays he has a nap, other days he has only a 5-20 minute cat nap and up all day long. Kash was very happy to be home. I have kept him home the rest of the month to work on the potty training, and he is doing awesome. He is starting to tell us when he has to go, but the last couple times, he has pooped in his underwear. So that needs some work still. I'm excited for him to go back to daycare though in a couple weeks and see his friends again.
Sorry, ladies, just getting ready to move continents in 5 days. I've been mostly sticking to my journal, will catch up one day
Guess whose water broke? Mine! Baby news will hopefully follow shortly!
Congrats Gibs!!!!! Another Disco and rainbow baby is born!!!! :happydance:
Sorry I've been MIA. So much going on lately I barely have time on the computer.

Firstly, MASSIVE congrats to Gibs!!! Saw your post on FB. Can't wait for pictures. Another girl! How lovely. Love her name too!

Mel, Riley looks like such a sweet little guy on your FB pics. Is it exhausting when he doesn't nap? I can't imagine what that must be like for you! It sounds like Kash is getting the hang of potty training. Accidents are bound to happen. To be honest, I'm looking forward to Delilah being potty trained, but I don't want to be the one training her! I didn't get a request from Santa. How strange for you!

Lots going on here. A friend died when I returned from my summer vacation at the end of August. Then there was a man shot to death 2 blocks from my house, right in front of Tim's cousin's house. We happened to be at the cousin's house when it happened and heard about 20 rounds being shot and a man yelling for help. Tim saw him stagger with bullet wounds in his chest and collapse. That scared us completely. Last night we heard something, probably just a car backfiring, but we were both anxious. I'm studying for my licensing exams when Delilah naps and feel like I have no time for myself. She's also decided to start transitioning from two naps to one nap so I never know when she'll actually sleep. Right now she's screaming in her crib. I skipped her first nap and she's overtired. Ugh. Needless to say, it's not easy to study when she's screaming.

Anyhoo, that's a quick update in a nutshell. Again congrats to Virginia!
you get used to it Hearty. It's so different with the second one and you are in a different survival mode. You no longer get to sleep when the baby does, so you just learn to function the best you can.

Sorry to hear about all that death. It sucks when they drop one of the naps. Kash hasn't been napping anymore, but we get through it. I haven't really taken him away from his naps, but we have been busy around nap time, so he doesn't go down for one. He goes back to daycare on Wednesday, and I am sure he will be napping there. He goes to bed easier at night when I don't give him a nap though, and he doesn't sit there for the next two hours getting out of bed saying he needs to go pee lol.

Congratulations Gibs!
I'm hating the nap transition Mel. It's so damn confusing. I know it won't last. Soon she'll be a 1 nap a day kind of girl. I'm ready for her to be on a consistent schedule. I hate guessing each day what she needs in terms of naps.

So we were just served an eviction notice from our landlord. She and her husband are splitting and he's moving back into our place. We have 30 days to move from the home we've lived in for 5 years! The rental and housing market is crazy in this area. Nothing is affordable and I don't have a job. We're freaking out right now. We may have to live with family for a while. It's going to completely suck. I hate change. I like stability. And I really love my little home. Stressed does not even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now. I barely have time to study. Now I have to start looking for places to live, pack, study and care for a baby? FUCK!
Thanks guys!!!! For those who didnt see FB...we had our baby. A little girl whom we named Ingrid Aleida. She was born at 11:21 pm on the 29th. She weighed 7lbs 10.5 oz. and took to the boob like a boss! I was only in active labor for 3 hours :) And she was sunny side up so it flippin hurt!
Gibs - congrats again hun, she is gorgeous!! Woohooo for her being a booby juice muncher :D

Hearty - sorry about the eviction notice love :( that stinks!

Allie - How did the move go?

My twins are keeping me busier than I think I've ever been! There aren't enough hours in the day atm and I end up doing things like laundry & dishes in the middle of the night in an attempt to keep on top of the house. That said, I am besotted by my little girls, their amazing gummy smiles are the best reason to be woken in the night :D They are growing well too, Amelie is now 9lbs 6oz, and Scarlett is 7lbs 8oz :happydance: All hail the booby juice lol!!!
oh Hearty, that is awful! :(

congrats again Gibs

glad to hear the twins are doing well. I can't believe they are 2 months already

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