Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Aww Lucy that totally make's sense, I'm so sorry your going through this. I hope is Steve is looking after you, take care of yourself.xxxxx
Just back from docs, my FUCKING staph infection is back! I caught it 13 months ago in Bali!

I am sick sick sick of boils in my armpits and spreading across my body (thought thankfully not this time) and constantly being on antibiotics and shitting myself that it'll harm any potential baby situation. I have been refered to a dermatologist again - I went in May but I hadn't had a recurrence for 5 months so he didn't bother testing me futher.

Gah. I have ice cream - that will help.

Also, three girls come into the doctors and start having this LOUD conversation because one was pregnant and couldn't decide whether to abort or not. Now i'm prochoice so that's not the issue - but why would you discuss this so loudly? Then she noticed I was reading 'what to expect when you're expecting' and they were like "oh hun it's a sign!!!". Then she went on to start blaming the doctors because they screwed up her pill (??!!) and she didn't take it for three weeks. Complete dickhead.

OMG I would of gone mad, silly little girls! :growlmad:
I just thought it was so inappropriote publically - they had no idea what we were all in there for. It was just so immature and almost show-offy
they just dont understand cesca, ignorance of inexperience

Hi Lucy, you stay under that duvet for as long as you need. However your grief manifests, you have Steve and everyone who loves you - and us for support x
Sassy steve is being great he stayed with me untill he got chucked out last night, he was starving bless him he didnt get home till gone half 9 and really hated leaving me at the hospital he came and got me as soon as he was allowed this morning kept phoning the hospital to check put me on the sofa when we got back. He has cooked for me, got drinks for me, put me to bed to have a nap, basically just been there for me, held me when I cried and has cleaned the house made the bedroom all lovely for me hes been a star I couldnt get through this without him. :hugs:
Nato, I just yanked mine out when I was practicing.. Seemed to come out easily. Hmmm, maybe it wasn't in properly in the first place!

I'd like to know if any of the other girls who have their BFP's tried soft cups?

Knowing my luck if I use them, I'll probably shove the sperm out, thus decreasing my chances of a BFP. :shrug:

I got mine off a kind lady off this forum who swore they helped her get a BFP. She had some left, so sent me a few (unused of course!)

I might have to pluck up the courage to use one this month!
Yogi bear, if SMEP is bothering you, are ou still going to do it? I reckons your sanity and relationship is more important, it got a bit much for us too, but last night i was thinking i will kick myself if we swerve tonight and i dont get a bfp. Im not sure how many months i can do the full smep

We are still going to do it every day or every other day around O time because we know that we'd be stupid not to!! I just think we both need to avoid worrying if we are doing it too soon since the last time, or if we're doing it at the right time of day etc. Last month I O'd on CD 13, usually it used to be around CD 14, so that is either Monday or Tuesday, so we'll make sure to get on it this weekend!!

I have a question about aspirin and I am probably putting WAY too much thought into this BUT the month I got my bfp I had been taking aspirin for the week leading up to my O day because I got sick and was in a lot of pain and had a fever. It just coincided with the time of ovulation by coincidence. Anyways, I got my bfp that month...soooo now I'm obsessing and wondering if it was because of the aspirin. And then I of course stopped taking it around O day because I got better. I had no knowledge back then of it aiding in conception or preventing MC's.

So now I'm wondering why a lot of you ladies are taking it? Have you been told to by your DR's that you need to take it and are you taking it along with anything else? I don't want to take it if I don't need to but I can't get it out of my head that I was taking it the month I got my bfp. You can buy aspirin like candy in Canada so I already have a bottle in the house. But I don't want to start taking it and then worry whether or not I have to keep taking it to avoid a MC when I haven't been diagnosed with anything. SO CONFUSED.
awe Lucy, I am glad you are being looked after sweetie!! :hugs: I really wish you didn't have to go through this again :cry:
Lucy I'm glad you are home and resting and it sounds like Steve is amazing and doing a great job of taking good care of you. :hugs:
I have a question about aspirin and I am probably putting WAY too much thought into this BUT the month I got my bfp I had been taking aspirin for the week leading up to my O day because I got sick and was in a lot of pain and had a fever. It just coincided with the time of ovulation by coincidence. Anyways, I got my bfp that month...soooo now I'm obsessing and wondering if it was because of the aspirin. And then I of course stopped taking it around O day because I got better. I had no knowledge back then of it aiding in conception or preventing MC's.

So now I'm wondering why a lot of you ladies are taking it? Have you been told to by your DR's that you need to take it and are you taking it along with anything else? I don't want to take it if I don't need to but I can't get it out of my head that I was taking it the month I got my bfp. You can buy aspirin like candy in Canada so I already have a bottle in the house. But I don't want to start taking it and then worry whether or not I have to keep taking it to avoid a MC when I haven't been diagnosed with anything. SO CONFUSED.

Im taking 75mg against my drs orders. The NHS refuse to try anything thats not been tested to within an inch of its life, plus there's a danger that you can cause stomach problems or for women who have blood that doesnt clot. So my dr specifically told me not to. However, my sister was treated by Mr Taranissi, the controversial fertility dr who uses more unconventional methods, and he tends to prescribe it even to women who have no known cause for mc, as well as to women with clotting disorders.

The gig is that it may help reduce inflammation, killer cells and improve blood supply to the lining (which is also potentially a help to TTC as this may improve the egg) - the big medical trial is completed in 2011 or 12, cant remember which, so until then its not known exactly what the effect is. You shouldnt take any more than 80mg as it may contribute to mc by increasing bleeding.

theres lots on here who post articles against its use, but the main article ive seen posted as an argument against, actually says in it 'most doctors agree taking low dose aspirin wont harm the baby'

so i say go for it (unless you have stomach problems / ulcers)
big hug to you hoping

4th Nov is pretty soon which is great - have you got specific questions you want answering?

I don't really have any specific questions yet because I'm not exactly sure what to expect at the moment:shrug: But I guess I have about 2 weeks to come up with my questions. I really wish that I would have decided to see the FS after losing the twins but I just had to try one more time by ourselves:dohh:

Lucy it is nice you have such a wonderful DH to help you through this:hugs: I know if it wasn't for my DH I would be a basket case!

Oh no for the returning staff infection... I hope it gets cleared up soon so you don't have to keep dealing with it!
Happy Friday ladies:happydance: I am so happy this week is almost over... I'm so drained from work, school and volunteering at the hospital. Tonight or tomorrow DH and I are going to play haunted miniature golf, carve pumpkins and set up for our halloween festivities:thumbup: We had pictures taken last weekend and just got them back today so I will up load some for your viewing pleasure:thumbup:

I caught up on the thread but forgot most of what I read already:dohh:
any way...

Dawny- I am so happy that af finally decided to show!

Megg- I have hetero MTHFR too and my doc put me on Lovenox injections for my last two pregnancies but obviously they didn't work so I don't think they are even necessary. Hopefully the FS will give us more insight.

Sugarlove- I tried soft cups for one cycle but they were a little daunting like Nato said. They are so big and it just made me worry that I was interfering with DH's sperm by obstructing and displacing them. I've heard that it is easier to just have the sperm directly deposited into the cup. Good luck:thumbup:

Nato- Yay for being 41%:happydance: FX for you!

I'd love to hear his insight, because mine doesn't seem very concerned. I did leave a note with my GP saying that the fertility clinic didn't seem concerned by it, but I'd rather check my homocysteine levels than to make assumptions that could be false. I imagine she'll comply! :blush:

Sparkly, boo hiss at the hospital, whats he having done to his leg? Hope your timing matches up. I hate it when outside influences start interfering, espec when they involved poor oh being in pain.

sorry I keep forgetting not every one knows what the craic is! My darling son hurt his leg when we were on hols in Spain in July....ravine jumping :dohh: As ya do when you're a mad at the world teenager!!! Despite being cleaned out and 3 lots of antibiotics later it still won't heal, and keeps spewing pus down his leg on a daily basis :sick: He finally had an ultrasound on Monday that revealed 3 large splinters of wood still in the wound, so he needs an op to remove them and clean it out and repair his leg......he missed the bone by 3mm!!!! He of course thinks he's the damn 'shizzle' and was only pissed off this morning when they cancelled as he had to go into college instead :dohh:

I use a mooncup nato...for my periods normally of course....but when we're ttc after dtd...my DH (is a bit like yours) says don't move!....gets me a pillow to put my butt on and I lie there for about 10 mins....or until I get bored...then I slip my mooncup in and go about my day......with no spillage :haha:

sugar - I haven't opened the choccie yet......it's staring at me though....but I'm having my lasagne first....ya know a little nod towards being healthy 'n' that!!

Megg - I hate the sort of dick docs that assume cos you're a fatty, then you're about to drop dead.....cocks! everytime I walk into my doctors surgery, they take my blood pressure (always perfect btw) and get me on the scales (maybe not so perfect - but hey ho!) It's so kind of them to allow your insurance company the pleasure of paying them a lot of money to treat you.....they're so kind and doing you such a friggin' favour........knobs!:haha:

Your poor son! :( Big :hugs: to him!

Yeah, it sucks that they assume that fat = dying! Jeezus.. I'm probably healthier than he is! :finger: <--- at him!

Just back from docs, my FUCKING staph infection is back! I caught it 13 months ago in Bali!

I am sick sick sick of boils in my armpits and spreading across my body (thought thankfully not this time) and constantly being on antibiotics and shitting myself that it'll harm any potential baby situation. I have been refered to a dermatologist again - I went in May but I hadn't had a recurrence for 5 months so he didn't bother testing me futher.

Gah. I have ice cream - that will help.

Also, three girls come into the doctors and start having this LOUD conversation because one was pregnant and couldn't decide whether to abort or not. Now i'm prochoice so that's not the issue - but why would you discuss this so loudly? Then she noticed I was reading 'what to expect when you're expecting' and they were like "oh hun it's a sign!!!". Then she went on to start blaming the doctors because they screwed up her pill (??!!) and she didn't take it for three weeks. Complete dickhead.

Oh, that sucks about the staph infection! :hugs: And OMG @ those girls. I'd have hit them!

lying on the sofa under a duvet catching up sorry I've not retained most of what I read but the two things that stuck in my head are :hi: to dawny and congratulations to raz.

Feeling a bit more with it but dont feel what has happened has sunk in yet it kind of hits me in waves if that makes sense :cry:

Totally makes sense and totally to be expected. Take care of yourself! :hugs:

Yogi bear, if SMEP is bothering you, are ou still going to do it? I reckons your sanity and relationship is more important, it got a bit much for us too, but last night i was thinking i will kick myself if we swerve tonight and i dont get a bfp. Im not sure how many months i can do the full smep

We are still going to do it every day or every other day around O time because we know that we'd be stupid not to!! I just think we both need to avoid worrying if we are doing it too soon since the last time, or if we're doing it at the right time of day etc. Last month I O'd on CD 13, usually it used to be around CD 14, so that is either Monday or Tuesday, so we'll make sure to get on it this weekend!!

I have a question about aspirin and I am probably putting WAY too much thought into this BUT the month I got my bfp I had been taking aspirin for the week leading up to my O day because I got sick and was in a lot of pain and had a fever. It just coincided with the time of ovulation by coincidence. Anyways, I got my bfp that month...soooo now I'm obsessing and wondering if it was because of the aspirin. And then I of course stopped taking it around O day because I got better. I had no knowledge back then of it aiding in conception or preventing MC's.

So now I'm wondering why a lot of you ladies are taking it? Have you been told to by your DR's that you need to take it and are you taking it along with anything else? I don't want to take it if I don't need to but I can't get it out of my head that I was taking it the month I got my bfp. You can buy aspirin like candy in Canada so I already have a bottle in the house. But I don't want to start taking it and then worry whether or not I have to keep taking it to avoid a MC when I haven't been diagnosed with anything. SO CONFUSED.

My FS has me on baby aspirin... Unless you have diagnosed issues that prevent you from taking a mild blood thinner, then there are only benefits and no risks!

P.S. Apparently there is some confusion as to whether I'll be under full GA or twilight sleep on Monday... I've emailed FS to clear it up. I can't believe they told me to sort it out Monday morning prior to surgery! That's a bit late, yeah?
no choice dawny, your my wife now. (ref i didnt say that first in a creepy voice, it was someone else off the telly)

what exactly is twilight sleep? Ive never heard of it before t'other day
hi can i join this group? You lot sound very lovey *smiles*............ I just got my AF since my miscarriage sept 17/5 weeks and two days along ): but I'm dang excited to try again it will be our second and last baby!
hi can i join this group? You lot sound very lovey *smiles*............ I just got my AF since my miscarriage sept 17/5 weeks and two days along ): but I'm dang excited to try again it will be our second and last baby![/.QUOTE]

Of course you can welcome hun and sorry for your loss :hugs: xxxx
no choice dawny, your my wife now. (ref i didnt say that first in a creepy voice, it was someone else off the telly)

what exactly is twilight sleep? Ive never heard of it before t'other day

League of gentlemen????? I LOVE that show!!!
I caught up but don't have a lot of time to respond. Lucy I'm thinking of you cpmpletely right now love. xoxo

Sugar and Nato I used softcups and loved them. I practiced many times first. They are big but fit in easily. Removing them was scary at first. To do it, sit on the toilet and bear down like you are having a poo. Then hook your finger around the ring and pull it comes out easily. Bearing down and pushing is the key.

I got pregnant my second cycle trying them. I plan to use them again. I put a little pre seed in the cup and insert right after bd'ing. Then have an orgasm. Sorry if tmi. It worked for me so I want to share.

Not sure what else I read. Have to run. Having a blast with my family. xoxoxo
Hearty so happy to hear you are enjoying your familia!!!!!

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