Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Just popping in to say hi everyone...

Nato - very jealous of your X factor adventures. Hope you had trousers on, imagine if the soft cup had come loose and pinged it's way across the room hitting Wagner on the forehead! Good luck for OPK, can't believe I will be starting that malarkey up again soon.

Sugar - I added you to my facebook hun.

Megg - that just sounds incredible, I had no idea they could actually implant the egg also. It's so going to happen hun!

Hope everyone else is good, I think there are going to be a few BFP's this month.

AFM - I had a mini meltdown at the weekend I think it all finally hit me.... much better this week, bleeding has stopped and I'm starting the slow climb back to 'normal'. I've even got some ovulation pain which means we've got 3-5 days to decide whether to try again straight away or wait a cycle (I fell once before straight after mc without a period so I know I've probably got a pretty good chance). My head tells me to wait but my heart just says if it's meant to be it will happen and I don't have time to wait. Will see.

Is anyone watching I'm a celebrity? thought nigel havers was going to be nice, but he's being well horrible to poor old banana face lembit.
I emailed Sandra with my picture and questions on the 10th and again on the 14th asking if she recieved my picture and questions still no reply :wacko: I hope I hear from her soon xxxx
Thanks girls! I dont like posting bump pictures in general but this was a favour to my girl hearty!!!

Mone glad to hear the bleeding stopped, i always bled for weeks after D&Cs and then AF would come ..bloody nightmare. If you are emotionally up to trying straight away, i say go for it luv..
AFM - I had a mini meltdown at the weekend I think it all finally hit me.... much better this week, bleeding has stopped and I'm starting the slow climb back to 'normal'. I've even got some ovulation pain which means we've got 3-5 days to decide whether to try again straight away or wait a cycle (I fell once before straight after mc without a period so I know I've probably got a pretty good chance). My head tells me to wait but my heart just says if it's meant to be it will happen and I don't have time to wait. Will see.

Is anyone watching I'm a celebrity? thought nigel havers was going to be nice, but he's being well horrible to poor old banana face lembit.

hey mone,

good to see you. Its good the bleeding has stopped I know it is such a relief when it finally stops and you can get yourself back to some normality physically at least. Im waiting for AF hopefully it will happen soon. I think if you feel ready emotionally to try then go for it. Been thinking about you and pleased to hear your on the slow climb back to normal you will get there sweetie and yes I am watching I'm a celebrity, how long before gillian whats her face jumps ship?
Vic - you look bumpalicious chick :kiss:

Mone - good to hear form you hun, sorry about your meltdown, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and the bleeding has eased off :hugs:
Thank you Vicky! I know I harassed you about the picture. I hope the other girls are ok with it. I just want you to embrace the fact that you are going to have a baby!!! You look gorgeous!!! I'll leave you alone now.

Nato, I will gladly go to X-factor LA with you and will wear soft cups if I have to. They don't bother me at all. It did take some getting used to though. I would encourage you to do IUI also. A while back I also looked into freezing sperm because Tim was going out of town and found out it isn't a viable options. Too bad. How much easier would it be to freeze it and insert it at will??? I think you might need a little pre-planning time to get IUI started. I know it worked well for my girlfriend who is now pregnant with twins at the ripe age of 38. It worked for her the very cycle after her mc. Do it! Do it!

Sparkly, we are both on CD7!!! I really hope the Femara works for me. I have no idea what to expect in terms of ovulating. I'll start the cough syrup tomorrow and have already started using my CBFM. I really hope I'll get a peak somewhere on CD14. What a dream that would be. I would love to Ov the same day as you! I want to be bump buddies with all of our ladies who don't already have bumps! Come on girls, let's all get knocked up together! I haven't been ttc since June when I got pregnant last time. I'm going at this with guns a blazing! Pre-seed, soft cups, CBFM, OPKs. Did I miss anything?

Lucy, I hope the craping and cramping stops. Leave it to Nato to point that out!

Megg, I hope you never have to name your baby Mobley. It isn't very cute. Where did that name come from in the depths of my brain? I have no clue!

Mone, I wish I had some words of wisdom for you. I know how hard it is to wait. I know how much you want to be pregnant again. It's great that your body is healing so quickly. I support any decision you make this cycle.
Gorgeous bump vicky!! You look lovely!

Mone - Glad the bleeding has stopped. It's hard trying to decide what to do, I know the time I fell pg without af inbetween I was so stressed out because of this and not knowing the dates (but I didn't temp/opk so that may have helped) and I lost it anyway. I felt so much better this time after we waited, but I understand why you wouldn't want to wait at all. Although a break over xmas may be relaxing, and you'll probably be conceiving around new years!!
Oh Vicky, cutest bump pic ever! :) Thanks for sharing! Must get back to work to avoid getting caught on here, but had to chime in! :hugs: :yipee:
ahh Vic, you look just lovely. Ahh. Look at you.

Yogi, imagine if your husband was the prime minister. "Hello, is that the Kremlin, can you tell Prime Minister Yogi he has to catch the last flight back from Russia, Ive got a peak on my Clear Blue, thanks, oh yes, and tell him to not to work on his laptop on the plane, yes, it plays havoc with the wigglers. Yes, thanks, and you, byeee"

Luce, you lucky thing, no one dictates your schedule.

Hi Sparkles - i was hoping that but am refusing to run round with my pants on my head shrieking that its my month in Nov. Yes, that crinkling is a bit creepy. Exciting with all these drug induced ovulations going on.

Megg my twin niece and nephew are ICSI babies.

Hi Mone, good to hear off you. If the softcup had worked free, i might've got Matt pregnant. Or somert. Oi whats going on, stop facebooking behind my back.

Im glad the bleeding is stopping, but you poor thing, you are allowed all the mini, medium or extra large meltdowns you want. What are your plus's and minus's about trying now and waiting? I think i would be tempted to try too, but i supposed one issue is the dating, espec given what you have been through. Whatever you feel is right for you

Im watching Celebrity - I am a bit creeped out by Lembit - i love nigel so will wait before i start karate chopping him, but if he's a bully i will not like him. I dont enjoy the whole bullying thing. I thought Linford was a bit cheeky, given his cheating history, and i think i can forgive a £90 over claim.

Dawny, i dont have my reading either. biatch

OoOOoo hearty, you are getting me excited about the whole IUI thing. But not about how long it takes. Haha at you thinking that was an option if you missed a month too - we are TTC mentalists. Eyes crossed for a CD14'er!!

Guess what. I just had a Lindt bunny. With a solid, not hollow head. I lucked out.
Hearty - you seem fully equipped to me :) this will be my last chance of a BFP this year, so I'm proper going for it, clomid, metformin, pregnacare vits, baby aspirin, folic acid, cough syrup, conceive plus, softcups, progesterone cream, epo, cbfm, opk's.....enough do you think? the only things I don't have are IC hpt's......I used 30 last cycle :blush: yes you read that right and one superdrug and one frer....all I have left in the house are 3 superdrug hpt's.....and I shall try really, really hard not to buy any more O:)
Military precision..........Soooo it has to work right?.....right?.......it's an order!
I hope she goes soon Lucy, I have been doing a lot of shouting at the telly, why on earth do it if you are so phobic of everything... she must really need the dough. Hope your AF comes soon hun, did you decide to wait for a cycle before trying again, or was it because of the tests? So glad you are feeling better....isn't the human spirit incredible that we can slowly come back from that dark dark place and feel hope again, I didn't think I would this time!

Vicky - I meant to say you are tiny, not your bump (which is perfect size!), I just can't imagine how amazing it must be to have a lovely bump like that everyday, it must feel like christmas, birthday's and that moment when you are falling in love every single minute of the day. Just so happy for you.

Hearty - it's always such a dilemma re trying again so quickly. My specialist has told us not to as he is a firm believer that after a mc you should wait a few months, to let everything settle down, that the chances of another mc is increased, but then I've read so many success stories, that I'm currently of the opinion that when we have waited it still hasn't worked out, so why bother. Decisions eh!

Have a lovely evening everyone.... off to watch I'm a celebrity now.
Oh yeah, Sparkly, I have progesterone cream too! And a prescription for the progesterone pills once I'm pregnant. And I do have some IC hpts, but only 8 of them I think. I can't believe you used up 30!! I don't have any FRERs in the house but I have a store that I can walk to in 2 minutes from my house and buy them at any time of day. I'm lucky like that. Good thing I'm not an addict like some of you disco women... ahem... you know who you are!

Nato, don't listen to me about how long IUI takes to get going. I have no idea. I really want you to do it though!
Luce: sorry about the craping (and sorry for laughing at the 'craping') - good news af might be on the way - i hope this means your march baby is in the making. I havent got my reading as yet. Ive been done over by an internet psychic. What are the the Friday tests for?

:haha: opps hadn't even noticed my spelling error!! Well I have cramping again today no bleeding yet so not sure when it will rear its ugly head and I'm a wee bit hormonal according to steve which all though I denied it at the time I think it may be true. Cant remember all the bloods but my dr was happy to run some tests before I go for the hospital ones I know prolactin, fsh, iron and B12 were a few of them. I'm also going to ask if they can check my vit D levels as I read somewhere about a women who had suffered recurrent miscarriage and had poor vit D levels.

ps, that photo with Matt, what he doesnt know is that i was sporting a soft cup at the time

(and never again. I hated it. It was unsavoury and unpleasant. I'm not sure i did it right cos it was just inside my fanjita. Also, i nearly couldnt get it out )

hee hee would love to of know what his reaction to that would of been :haha:

Sorry about hubby working away. Steve and I had a chat about him working away as there is the possibility of working away next year its good money but I was bit concerned about the effect on the whole TTC issue but will have to see what happens next year. Could you go with him your?

Hearty I am so exicted for your cycle this month hope the meds do there thing.

Low Vit D and recurrent MC? Like me? I have that! I was at 18... 4 months of 5,000IU/day later and it was only 28. I'm now on 5,000IU one day and 10,000IU the next alternating. My doc doesn't know why it isn't going up faster!

i missed the Mobley dream, that sounds like something i should read

I thought that i would increase chances and not miss a month with IUI, too tempting. How long does it take to get it arranged megg, if i get a bfn could i arrange it in a few days do you think - if i dont have a private fs at the time?

It depends. I had my consultation on Aug 28, started my cycle around Sept 1, and had my IUI on Sept 13. So... it depends on how fast the docs near you work. I'd call before AF (in case she shows) to get things moving. You can always cancel in case of BFP! But, don't waste any time... Call ASAP!

Nato - it's my betting that you won't need to be worried at DH working away next month......as you'll already be up the duff :D whoop whoop @ the +opk.....get busy girl! :haha:@ the softcup wearing at x-factor. I too tried one out for size so to speak the other day......I wasn't that impressed I could feel it in all the time, i only just managed to hook it behind my pubic bone ala the diagram! It kind of sat lengthways which I'm just not sure about......I swear I could hear it crinkling :rofl: I had flashbacks to the one and only time I tried a femidom :dohh:

Hearty - How has the femara been for you hun? I finished my clomid course today....won't it be strange if we ovulate together???

My cough medicine guzzling starts tomorrow...

I'm beginning to wish we hadn't left it until last month before ttc again.....I naively thought it may happen for us straight away...now all I can see are the months stretching ahead of me....zooming towards my next bluddy birthday :dohh:

Amy - How lovely to have an impromptu scan :happydance: @ your 2mm beany babe

Megg - ICSI sounds fab, I do know about it, I remember marveling at it when they first started doing it, I like you sometimes know more than I really want to about ttc.

Hugs to all :hugs:

Head up, honey! It could certainly happen any day now! :hugs:

Yeah, sucks to know more than you care to know sometimes! LOL But, its is sort of impressive stuff.

OMG! You're bloody gorgeous! I didn't know what you looked like at all... and that bump is just perfect! I love it!! <3

Just popping in to say hi everyone...

Nato - very jealous of your X factor adventures. Hope you had trousers on, imagine if the soft cup had come loose and pinged it's way across the room hitting Wagner on the forehead! Good luck for OPK, can't believe I will be starting that malarkey up again soon.

Sugar - I added you to my facebook hun.

Megg - that just sounds incredible, I had no idea they could actually implant the egg also. It's so going to happen hun!

Hope everyone else is good, I think there are going to be a few BFP's this month.

AFM - I had a mini meltdown at the weekend I think it all finally hit me.... much better this week, bleeding has stopped and I'm starting the slow climb back to 'normal'. I've even got some ovulation pain which means we've got 3-5 days to decide whether to try again straight away or wait a cycle (I fell once before straight after mc without a period so I know I've probably got a pretty good chance). My head tells me to wait but my heart just says if it's meant to be it will happen and I don't have time to wait. Will see.

Is anyone watching I'm a celebrity? thought nigel havers was going to be nice, but he's being well horrible to poor old banana face lembit.

Thank you! :hugs: I was wondering about you this morning. It had been too long since you'd posted!

I'm sure you'll come to the right decision. :hugs: I'm so sorry its been so tough on you lately! Its to be expected, but still rubbish!

Thank you Vicky! I know I harassed you about the picture. I hope the other girls are ok with it. I just want you to embrace the fact that you are going to have a baby!!! You look gorgeous!!! I'll leave you alone now.

Nato, I will gladly go to X-factor LA with you and will wear soft cups if I have to. They don't bother me at all. It did take some getting used to though. I would encourage you to do IUI also. A while back I also looked into freezing sperm because Tim was going out of town and found out it isn't a viable options. Too bad. How much easier would it be to freeze it and insert it at will??? I think you might need a little pre-planning time to get IUI started. I know it worked well for my girlfriend who is now pregnant with twins at the ripe age of 38. It worked for her the very cycle after her mc. Do it! Do it!

Sparkly, we are both on CD7!!! I really hope the Femara works for me. I have no idea what to expect in terms of ovulating. I'll start the cough syrup tomorrow and have already started using my CBFM. I really hope I'll get a peak somewhere on CD14. What a dream that would be. I would love to Ov the same day as you! I want to be bump buddies with all of our ladies who don't already have bumps! Come on girls, let's all get knocked up together! I haven't been ttc since June when I got pregnant last time. I'm going at this with guns a blazing! Pre-seed, soft cups, CBFM, OPKs. Did I miss anything?

Lucy, I hope the craping and cramping stops. Leave it to Nato to point that out!

Megg, I hope you never have to name your baby Mobley. It isn't very cute. Where did that name come from in the depths of my brain? I have no clue!

Mone, I wish I had some words of wisdom for you. I know how hard it is to wait. I know how much you want to be pregnant again. It's great that your body is healing so quickly. I support any decision you make this cycle.

I don't know where it came from... Tonight was full of strange dreams. Mine was a whopper too! LOL

ahh Vic, you look just lovely. Ahh. Look at you.

Yogi, imagine if your husband was the prime minister. "Hello, is that the Kremlin, can you tell Prime Minister Yogi he has to catch the last flight back from Russia, Ive got a peak on my Clear Blue, thanks, oh yes, and tell him to not to work on his laptop on the plane, yes, it plays havoc with the wigglers. Yes, thanks, and you, byeee"

Luce, you lucky thing, no one dictates your schedule.

Hi Sparkles - i was hoping that but am refusing to run round with my pants on my head shrieking that its my month in Nov. Yes, that crinkling is a bit creepy. Exciting with all these drug induced ovulations going on.

Megg my twin niece and nephew are ICSI babies.

Hi Mone, good to hear off you. If the softcup had worked free, i might've got Matt pregnant. Or somert. Oi whats going on, stop facebooking behind my back.

Im glad the bleeding is stopping, but you poor thing, you are allowed all the mini, medium or extra large meltdowns you want. What are your plus's and minus's about trying now and waiting? I think i would be tempted to try too, but i supposed one issue is the dating, espec given what you have been through. Whatever you feel is right for you

Im watching Celebrity - I am a bit creeped out by Lembit - i love nigel so will wait before i start karate chopping him, but if he's a bully i will not like him. I dont enjoy the whole bullying thing. I thought Linford was a bit cheeky, given his cheating history, and i think i can forgive a £90 over claim.

Dawny, i dont have my reading either. biatch

OoOOoo hearty, you are getting me excited about the whole IUI thing. But not about how long it takes. Haha at you thinking that was an option if you missed a month too - we are TTC mentalists. Eyes crossed for a CD14'er!!

Guess what. I just had a Lindt bunny. With a solid, not hollow head. I lucked out.

Ooh! I love that you have ICSI twins in your family! :) Bunny sounds great! :)

AFM... I have a roast in for dinner (for the first time in my life) and I'm going to attempt Yorkshire pudding to go with it (for the first time in my life also)!!! I shall think of you girls as I nom it... unless its awful! LOL
I know Mone, it is so hard. Look at Mel, she is a success story! My doctor has also told me that there is a greater chance of mc if you don't wait. But like you said, neither way has worked yet. Personally for me, I have always waited until my first AF. But I don't think I even Ov right after my mcs, so it is a mute point.

Enjoy the show. Not sure we have it here in the US.

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