This is a personal bug bear of mine....
I really don't think people are being picky. I think it is appalling that the food in hospitals is so bad. Yes, I agree you wouldn't expect a meal to be provided if you were in A&E and had to stay for 10 hours, or if you were admitted for a short stay of say 1-3 nights you might not mind if your sandwich was a bit stale, or the food arrived cold, or it wasn't very tasty.....
....however...there are people who must be in hospitals regularly whether they be young people with chronic conditions which need regular short hospital stays e.g. cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, renal failure with 4 times weekly dialysis etc, who can hopefully maintain adequate nutrition the rest of their time they are outside of hospital and hopefully are able bodied enough to feed themselves. And then there are those who are severely sick and/or elderly or suffering from a loss of mental faculties and are often in for very long stays where all of their daily nutrition for weeks at a time is provided by the meals they receive in hospital. Not only are these often woefully inadequate, but some people are not provided appropriate food e.g. soft foods for those with no teeth, or help to eat them. For people like this (and with an aging population, it is an ever increasing problem) these people are not being picky. Not at all. They deserve food which over a day, over a week, over a month, is nutritious (in line with their needs and dietary requirements e.g. any medical conditions), served fresh and warm, and are given help to consume the food if necessary.
I don't think hospitals should be providing 5* food but I do believe in many cases food should be seen as important as medicine as it is proven those who have good diets eat more, are happier and heal quicker and better which in turn would save the NHS a hell of a lot of money. By feeding patients as we are we are causing malnutrition and in some cases negligent care which contributes to death which spells firstly massive grief, and secondary, massive lawsuits which cripple the NHS further.
I do not think many people would complain about their care in hospitals in terms of medical assistance, but the food is shocking, and more shocking if you have to come to terms with the fact that many people do not have a choice to leave to find other sources of food and have no visitors to provide them with supplementary nutrition.
I think the NHS has a responsibility to provide palatable, simple food served to patients that are given a basic nutritional assessment as to their eating requirements (by which I mean whether they have teeth, can chew, have allergies or conditions such as Chrohns or coeliacs, not whether they like broccoli or not).
It is easy as a healthy person, with working legs, and a support network to see it as unnecessary, but this is not the majority of people who have to eat these meals. It shocks me, and something must be done.