This is my first month TTC, and I'm a little bit more uptight about it all because of the fact that I was NTNP for 10 months. I just feel like most pregnancies amongst all the people I know, only 2 out of like 100 of those pregnancies were planned. So obviously it was easy for them, why should it have not happened for me? In my entire life, I have only been on birthcontrol for 1 month and I am 28 years old. Also, when I was 22 years old, I was NTNP for like 9 months and nothing happened. I do feel like when I was 22, I likely on many of those occasions was not even having sex within my fertile window. But at least a few times I was for sure. Still nothing. Then between the ages of 23 and 26 no man ever ejaculated in me, and I really wasn't that sexually active at all. But between the ages of 27 and now (turned 28 a few months ago), at least 6 out of those 10 months I was having unprotected sex with sperm inside of me,right in that fertile window, and nothing ever happened. So now that I am trying actually, I feel like I am never going to have a baby, especially considering I am 28, and it is a fact that fertility starts to decline at 27. My AF is due next monday, and I am so sad already because I can feel her coming. Anwyays am I the only one who feels this way?