Do you want a baby now?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2012
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I started NTNP because I'm getting close to 30 and anticipate that it will probably take a good 6 months to get pregnant best case scenario and years worst case. We are currently buying a house so it would actually be better if I got pregnant next year.I figured with any luck I would NTNP from now and get pregnant when the time was right or at least waste less futile months. Now I am thinking about it more and think that although it's not ideal part of me wants to get pregnant now. Do you all want babies now or are you actually hoping it might take a little while?
Hi Teach! I actually JUST joined today! I'm turning 35 later this month and was just married this past December (2011). My husband has 3 kids from a previous marriage, and so whenever we DO have a baby, it'll be OUR first :)

At first we started TTC in April (2012). But after 1 month of stressing and hoping, etc. I decided to take the NTNP approach instead. Also, I am a teacher and this fall I am changing assignments (a big change in the grade I teach). So, I started thinking that I want to finish as much of the upcoming school year as possible (2012-2013) before having baby. So I think I will want to TTC (actually trying and hoping a lot) beginning this August/September. But yes, I know with me personally, even though I'm now NTNP, I still always get hopeful around the time the AF is supposed to show up, lol. I can't help it :) And actually, today is CD 31 (my cycles are usually 30-32 days in length). I'm 15 DPO. Last month I was TTC and doing HPTs every day from 11dpo onwards, but kept getting BFNs. So I decided this month that not only would we NTNP, but I also won't do any HPTs until AF is late by a few days.

So I'm like you. Still hopeful (even though ideally I know that I'd prefer to conceive in a few months). I think I use it as a coping mechanism (convincing myself of reasons why later would actually be better :)

Have a great day!
It really does help as a coping mechanism. I'm worried about getting too into the whole TTC thing as I have no reason right now to get especially hopeful each month as I don't know about temps etc (we'll see how I do this moth knowing my most fertile days!). Have you found it hard to pull back or is it a relief?
It really does help as a coping mechanism. I'm worried about getting too into the whole TTC thing as I have no reason right now to get especially hopeful each month as I don't know about temps etc (we'll see how I do this moth knowing my most fertile days!). Have you found it hard to pull back or is it a relief?

Hi Teach. Yes I hear ya! This was our 2nd cycle "trying". I consider myself sort of "NTNP/TTC" because it's not like I just don't chart or do anything at all. Last month (our first cycle TTC) besides temping and using OPK and Pre-Seed (great stuff!), I would also take HPTs every day for about 6 days, even after BFN after BFN. I'd keep hoping, and I'd lose sleep over it. And even when I began to spot and bleed a bit, I would try to convince myself "well, maybe it's like some pregnant women who don't get a BFP until several weeks in, and who sometimes bleed a bit as though it's a regular period". I'd make every excuse in the book, because I was getting TOO into the whole TTC thing, lol. And I'd cry often due to stressing myself out. But this month I decided not to do all of that stuff (specifically stressing out and taking HPTs for the days leading up to my predicted AF). I still chart my BBT and detect my EWCM (I usually have 2 days of it, but then another day of watery CM, both of which are apparently fertile, and happen around O). But this month I tried a more relaxed approach.

Yesterday was CD 31 and 15 dpo. Today my BBT took a dive (very close to cover line) so I'm afraid that the evil witch will be showing up some time today (that is what always happens. Temp dive and then AF that same day). Oh well. But you see, even though I'm trying to get fully into the NTNP mindset, I still felt sad. And yes I shed a couple of tears. But it only lasted maybe 2 minutes. Instead of last month when I was balling, lol. So I DO see a difference (in how much better I coped with it this month).

I also try to remind myself that this is only our 2nd month trying (and that most couples take 5-8 months, or something like that). But I guess each cycle that passes I worry a bit more. Maybe also because of my age (35). I'm just a worrier, lol.

So i find it a relief this month to not be so super obsessed with TTC. A friend of mine (she was 29) and her hubby really did the NTNP last year because she didn't chart or do anything. They just had sex every other day. It took them 7 months to conceive.

Have a great day! Sorry I babbled on so much, hehe.... :happydance:
I really don't think we should worry this early on although I do think about the possibility of there being a problem, fertility isn't guaranteed. My mum said it took 6 months for her to conceive me and she was going crazy thinking she'd left it too late (at 24 lol). My SIL has a one year old and just announced that she's pregnant again and she is 36.

I'm considering getting a test to check that I am Oing just to put my mind at ease I don't want to try for months then find that I'm not. What do you think?
I really don't think we should worry this early on although I do think about the possibility of there being a problem, fertility isn't guaranteed. My mum said it took 6 months for her to conceive me and she was going crazy thinking she'd left it too late (at 24 lol). My SIL has a one year old and just announced that she's pregnant again and she is 36.

I'm considering getting a test to check that I am Oing just to put my mind at ease I don't want to try for months then find that I'm not. What do you think?

THANK YOU!!!! It is SOOOO comforting to hear you say that you don't think we should worry this early on. And that your SIL is pregnant again at 36. Makes me very optimistic. I should also mention that my mom had my younger brother when she was 36 (he was "unexpected', lol), so I guess maybe I have that in my genes?

Have a wonderful day. You are awesome! Thanks again! :hugs:
No problem You def have it in the genes they say we should look to our mothers for an idea about our fertility so yay you! And remember docs don't really bother with you until you have been trying for a year or more so we are def fine.

Have a lovely day
Aww... there's not telling how long it will take but I understand! I always assumed since I Wanted a baby so badly, that it would take at least 6 months and already had read there was no reason to see a dr about infertility until a year... and fully expected I Would be doing that! But, my worries were for nothing... one thing I read on here a lot is try to do it during the right time, but don't bd over and over. And that's how we did it so guess that works! And yeah i've never done the temps or charting etc. Very tempted to this time, but yeah how do you back off once you go that route?? Right now, just trying to nail down when I O since just one cycle post pill.
Hi how long were you trying for your DD?

I'm like this about everything assume the worst and you wont be too shocked if it happens. If not all the better!
Yep, I figure the things I want will be hard/impossible to get. So I did not believe it when the test said I was prego! It was second cycle post pill... and we were ntnp but I knew when I was supposed to O if I was average. Went out and bought 2 or 3 more tests and did those ones too! Then, I still didn't believe it... went to the dr and STILL didn't believe it... but made another appointment and finally believed it by the next appointment haha.
That's so funny! I thinn I would believe the first doc lol. 2 cycles is good this is the first cycle I'm paying attention to when I should O so we shall see but I'm not expecting anything for a few months yet which as I said is prob a good thing.
We've been ntnp since December. We're in cycle 7 right now. I'm 30 and OH just turned 37.

I come from a very fertile family so I kinda feel like a dud right now. mom had 3 unplanned babies with 3 different men (don't get me started...) And my father had at least 5 that we know of including myself... (never knew him, found his family years after he passed away). My half sister from my mom actually got preggers 6 times each time she tried... she lost 3 though so I know I have miscarriages in our family. An aunt had 2 but lost 2 as well, and all of my cousins have kids. One cousin started trying at 35/36 and had no trouble and was 38 for her second... no problems from what she's shared with me.

Not to rain on anyone's theory of family fertility being a factor. There's a good chance it's OH's side of things that are keeping us where we are. I think I had a MC when we were first dating... obviously not trying in those early months together but we were a bit careless from time to time. Once my period came super light and short but I thought nothing of it, 2 weeks after that it was the worst period of my life crampy, heavy like it was when I was a teenager... ick! and then 2 weeks after that my AF showed up as expected. Once we started TTC I was reading lots and my experience was described perfectly. And being on here, I really feel that that's what happened. I try to think positively that 'at least we can get pregnant'.

So to answer your question... I want a baby like nobody's business. I say we're ntnp cause I don't temp or anything, but I do know my cycles so I'm doing math to guess the fertile days... but we BD quite often (OH LOVES that part) so I figure it will happen eventually! We've been using PreSeed as lube so it's helping us BD more often but helps me out as I'm a little stressed and my CM just isn't what it once was.

Hugs to you ladies. We'll get there!
Hi you never know when it comes to family and yourself but I think it's a good guide. Like I said mum took 6 months with me then was 'surprised' by my sis who inturn had 3 pregnancies 1 child, 1mc and 1 abortion. My 2 brothers have 7 between them!

You do have to think about the chemistry between the couple I've read that sometimes 2 people just cannot get pregnant together though both can with others. I pray thats not the case for any of us. Although I'm sure it feels like forever even 7 months isn't ridiculously long we just expect it to happen straight away. I think part of that is the fear we have before ttc we think if we don't protect ourselves once we will get pregnant.:dust:

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