This is a really hard post for me to make so i hope i don't offend or piss some one off with what im about to write, but both myelf and OH are 99% sure about this and are at a loss at what we should do ...
It All started on early sat afternoon, myself and OH were going out at around 1.30 pm with lala to go shopping and get stuff for kitchen, ouur next door neighbour (single mum with 3 kids) was on her way out in the car, she was on her own and left 2 kids in the house on there own, well 2 is what we thought until later on that evening.
At this point i'd like to add we are not 100% sure on childrens ages but the eldest ISN'T at high school (youngest is about 2 if not a smige older, the boy is about 6 and the girl 11 i'd say)
So we went out and came back about 6 and her car wasn't back, the back door to her house was open and i was putting the towles on the line for an hour or so ... then i heard the little boy crying an the other lad shouting something, then heard the girl say "stop it or i'll tell mummy when she gets back" .... hummm odd i thought, maybe another adult in the house?? NO was the answer to that question, found this out not a mear 10mins later when she said to the boy, "you can't go out mummy said we had to stay in the garden and im in charge!"
OMFG ... i thought kept our back door open just incase, well we kept an eye out for her car and STILL wasn't back by the time we went to bed at midnight, We between us got up at 3am (drunken yobs, looked out of window no car and her back door AJAR) Gav got up at 7am with Lala opened downstairs blinds and her car still wasn't back ... strange we thought maybe she got back in a cab???
Sunday the kids were playing outside and the little lad was crying (2yr old)
And we heard the girl saying "don't worry she should be back soon" At this point around 11am i went to my mums, OH went to snooker but came home at 6. Nextdoors car not around and her back door still wide open and kids are outside still on there own from what Gav has said to me on the phone.
Well im back today and things seem to be still pretty much the same.
Kids are crying and being nosiy but can't see the mother or any other adult in/around the house and her car still not present and not been seen since sat afternnon.
WTF do we do? Ignore it or do something??
Im totally at a loss and hate to accuse and my OH is pretty level headed and has said himself things are not normal and wondered if we should say/do something
Confused and VERY worried about the children as we have not seen/heard any other adult, but at the same time don't want to make a scean as we are new to the area and we might be reading the situation wrong, but from what we have seen/heard that isn't likely ....
Oh hell sorry for ranting and posting such a long thread but for god sakes some one HELP ME!!

It All started on early sat afternoon, myself and OH were going out at around 1.30 pm with lala to go shopping and get stuff for kitchen, ouur next door neighbour (single mum with 3 kids) was on her way out in the car, she was on her own and left 2 kids in the house on there own, well 2 is what we thought until later on that evening.
At this point i'd like to add we are not 100% sure on childrens ages but the eldest ISN'T at high school (youngest is about 2 if not a smige older, the boy is about 6 and the girl 11 i'd say)
So we went out and came back about 6 and her car wasn't back, the back door to her house was open and i was putting the towles on the line for an hour or so ... then i heard the little boy crying an the other lad shouting something, then heard the girl say "stop it or i'll tell mummy when she gets back" .... hummm odd i thought, maybe another adult in the house?? NO was the answer to that question, found this out not a mear 10mins later when she said to the boy, "you can't go out mummy said we had to stay in the garden and im in charge!"
OMFG ... i thought kept our back door open just incase, well we kept an eye out for her car and STILL wasn't back by the time we went to bed at midnight, We between us got up at 3am (drunken yobs, looked out of window no car and her back door AJAR) Gav got up at 7am with Lala opened downstairs blinds and her car still wasn't back ... strange we thought maybe she got back in a cab???
Sunday the kids were playing outside and the little lad was crying (2yr old)
And we heard the girl saying "don't worry she should be back soon" At this point around 11am i went to my mums, OH went to snooker but came home at 6. Nextdoors car not around and her back door still wide open and kids are outside still on there own from what Gav has said to me on the phone.
Well im back today and things seem to be still pretty much the same.
Kids are crying and being nosiy but can't see the mother or any other adult in/around the house and her car still not present and not been seen since sat afternnon.
WTF do we do? Ignore it or do something??
Im totally at a loss and hate to accuse and my OH is pretty level headed and has said himself things are not normal and wondered if we should say/do something
Confused and VERY worried about the children as we have not seen/heard any other adult, but at the same time don't want to make a scean as we are new to the area and we might be reading the situation wrong, but from what we have seen/heard that isn't likely ....
Oh hell sorry for ranting and posting such a long thread but for god sakes some one HELP ME!!