Due 15th Sept or around

So here's the deal- still 1.5 cm dilated :( Though I know that doesn't mean much.

My doctor offered to schedule an induction for next Monday or Tuesday or the Monday or Tuesday the week after. They only induce on Mondays and Tuesdays. She said it was up to me.

I asked the pros and cons of inductions. She said the cons are that you have to labor in bed, be monitored, hooked up to pitocin. The pro is that you get your baby out earlier. The cons sounded horrible to me especially considering I'll probably be going through back labor (baby is facing the wrong way) and laboring in bed is the basically the worst thing you can do for that. Plus next Monday or Tuesday is September 10/11 and that would astronomically increase his chances of having a Sept 11 birthday. (That's a big deal to me).

So I made the decision to wait a week to give my body a chance to go into labor naturally. I mean, there's no reason it can't happen, and I'm technically not even to my due date yet. I'm hoping to go into labor naturally before any induction needs to take place. :(
So here's the deal- still 1.5 cm dilated :( Though I know that doesn't mean much.

My doctor offered to schedule an induction for next Monday or Tuesday or the Monday or Tuesday the week after. They only induce on Mondays and Tuesdays. She said it was up to me.

I asked the pros and cons of inductions. She said the cons are that you have to labor in bed, be monitored, hooked up to pitocin. The pro is that you get your baby out earlier. The cons sounded horrible to me especially considering I'll probably be going through back labor (baby is facing the wrong way) and laboring in bed is the basically the worst thing you can do for that. Plus next Monday or Tuesday is September 10/11 and that would astronomically increase his chances of having a Sept 11 birthday. (That's a big deal to me).

So I made the decision to wait a week to give my body a chance to go into labor naturally. I mean, there's no reason it can't happen, and I'm technically not even to my due date yet. I'm hoping to go into labor naturally before any induction needs to take place. :(

I think you are making the right choice. You may not need an induction and baby will come when they are ready anyway. I've noticed in the medical community there seems to be a tendency to keep everything on schedule. I was offered a sweep before I am even due (!) so plan on telling my dr. today that I want to wait until I am due before considering it.

Hope everything works out they way you want it to! :hugs:
Thanks Paris! I am glad you think I made the right choice.

I asked my doctor about the sweep, she said she doesn't do them because of risk of infection. She went to a medical conference once and she met a group of moms whose babies had all died of infections shortly after birth. They'd all had sweeps. I am sure the risk of this is VERY small but she decided she wanted no part of that.
Thanks Paris! I am glad you think I made the right choice.

I asked my doctor about the sweep, she said she doesn't do them because of risk of infection. She went to a medical conference once and she met a group of moms whose babies had all died of infections shortly after birth. They'd all had sweeps. I am sure the risk of this is VERY small but she decided she wanted no part of that.

Cheers for sharing that wonderful piece of BS information just after i posted about getting a sweep yesterday??

You can get an infection no matter what you do, blaming it on a sweep is just ridiculous.
Glad i dont have a Dr thats into scaring clients with such rubbish.
Thanks Paris! I am glad you think I made the right choice.

I asked my doctor about the sweep, she said she doesn't do them because of risk of infection. She went to a medical conference once and she met a group of moms whose babies had all died of infections shortly after birth. They'd all had sweeps. I am sure the risk of this is VERY small but she decided she wanted no part of that.

Cheers for sharing that wonderful piece of BS information just after i posted about getting a sweep yesterday??

You can get an infection no matter what you do, blaming it on a sweep is just ridiculous.
Glad i dont have a Dr thats into scaring clients with such rubbish.

Sorry I'm just posting what my doctor said.
Thanks Paris! I am glad you think I made the right choice.

I asked my doctor about the sweep, she said she doesn't do them because of risk of infection. She went to a medical conference once and she met a group of moms whose babies had all died of infections shortly after birth. They'd all had sweeps. I am sure the risk of this is VERY small but she decided she wanted no part of that.

Cheers for sharing that wonderful piece of BS information just after i posted about getting a sweep yesterday??

You can get an infection no matter what you do, blaming it on a sweep is just ridiculous.
Glad i dont have a Dr thats into scaring clients with such rubbish.

Kinda have to agree with babyblueskye here, probably not the most sensible idea posting that on here when many of us are booked in for, or considering a sweep in the coming days/weeks. Your doctor should never have said that, that's very unprofessional.

I'm no doctor but already I can see how she might have jumped to that conclusion. The longer you go overdue, the more risk there is of baby pooing in the waters (meconium), thus increasing the risk of infection. You'd also usually only be offered a sweep if you were overdue. The infection is therefore probably MUCH more likely a result of meconium in the waters due to being overdue than it is from the sweep itself. Sorry but sounds like your doctor was jumping to conclusions to me!

Babyblueskye, I'm going for a sweep on Monday if baby doesn't make an appearance in the meantime! I've heard it can be pretty uncomfortable, but anything has got to be worth a try!
Thanks Paris! I am glad you think I made the right choice.

I asked my doctor about the sweep, she said she doesn't do them because of risk of infection. She went to a medical conference once and she met a group of moms whose babies had all died of infections shortly after birth. They'd all had sweeps. I am sure the risk of this is VERY small but she decided she wanted no part of that.

Cheers for sharing that wonderful piece of BS information just after i posted about getting a sweep yesterday??

You can get an infection no matter what you do, blaming it on a sweep is just ridiculous.
Glad i dont have a Dr thats into scaring clients with such rubbish.

Kinda have to agree with babyblueskye here, probably not the most sensible idea posting that on here when many of us are booked in for, or considering a sweep in the coming days/weeks. Your doctor should never have said that, that's very unprofessional.

I'm no doctor but already I can see how she might have jumped to that conclusion. The longer you go overdue, the more risk there is of baby pooing in the waters (meconium), thus increasing the risk of infection. You'd also usually only be offered a sweep if you were overdue. The infection is therefore probably MUCH more likely a result of meconium in the waters due to being overdue than it is from the sweep itself. Sorry but sounds like your doctor was jumping to conclusions to me!

Babyblueskye, I'm going for a sweep on Monday if baby doesn't make an appearance in the meantime! I've heard it can be pretty uncomfortable, but anything has got to be worth a try!

It was a little uncomfortable but not to bad, Im sure you'll be fine just relax as much as possible.

I did have a flashback when she was just about to do it lol i remembered being in labour with my daughter and 1 of the midwifes was training a new midwife and they were swapping shifts in a couple of hours and im SURE she tried to break my waters when she was giving me a 'sweep' just because she wanted me to have the baby before they were off shift :growlmad: this caused an amazing amount of pain i think i actually kicked her away, i had about 3 sweeps before that and they didn't hurt at all.
So yeh the thought of that made me jump and freak out a bit yesterday.

I had really bad back and stomach pains lastnight but they seemed to have died down a bit :) gonna get on the birthing ball tonight to see if i can get things going :flower:
So glad I had a dr. appointment today so was able to talk to my dr. about lack of movement lately...Heart beat is great and all is well, reassuring!

As for having a sweep or not...I've noticed a lot of info can be contradictory depending on who you talk to. I've also noticed that dr.'s seem to have all sorts of varying views on certain topics. Through out my pregnancy I've gotten myself into quite a state depending on what I read so...that all being said my motto now is to talk to my dr. about anything that I may be concerned about, listen to his advice/information given and decide from there! Which might mean getting varied opinions depending who your dr./mw might be.
Hiya ladies, Hope you are all ok. I had my pre-operative assessment yesturday. where i told them that i was having tightenings, they monitored me and said that they were coming every 10-11 mins, but kept stopping and starting. They did an internal examination and said my cervix was still high so they sent me home, saying to come back if they got stronger. However since last night they have calmed down. Its just like how some of you ladies are saying that your getting contractions and cervical pains.
Been so busy today cleaning up and getting last minute things. Have my section tomorrow morning. In just about 12 hours i will be making my way to hospital. I am so nervous, don't like the idea of going to theatre.
wanting, good luck for your section in case I am not able to post soon. Susannah, paris, babyblueskye, helen and anyone who is nearly due and i forgot to mention the best of luck to you all. Thankyou all for being so supportive.
I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't regret posting what my doctor said. There are pros and cons and risks to everything and not all physicians will agree. I would expect that before consenting to a sweep you would have researched it, and since you've consented, you feel comfortable that there is little to no risk, or that the benefit outweighs the risk. And that's perfectly fine! I'm just sharing information that my doctor shared with me today. After all, she's my doctor, she took a position that she believes in and I don't think it was unprofessional for her to explain to me, her patient, her rationale for why she does not do sweeps.

That being said, Baby321 I hope everything goes wonderfully for you tomorrow and I can't wait to hear all about your LO! :flower:
I just realized we haven't heard from wantingno2 in awhile! I wonder if something has happened??? I hope so!
Awwwe, I wish you all the best with your section Baby321! Can't believe it's tomorrow morning! I'm sure you will do beautifully and have a precious baby in your arms very soon. Be strong and think positive :thumbup::hugs:

Susannah, I was thinking the same thing! Hmmmm...Seeing as she was having so many symptoms I wonder if maybe?...just maybe? :D
Awwwe, I wish you all the best with your section Baby321! Can't believe it's tomorrow morning! I'm sure you will do beautifully and have a precious baby in your arms very soon. Be strong and think positive :thumbup::hugs:

Susannah, I was thinking the same thing! Hmmmm...Seeing as she was having so many symptoms I wonder if maybe?...just maybe? :D

Thankyou paris for your positive words:hugs:
Hiya ladies, Hope you are all ok. I had my pre-operative assessment yesturday. where i told them that i was having tightenings, they monitored me and said that they were coming every 10-11 mins, but kept stopping and starting. They did an internal examination and said my cervix was still high so they sent me home, saying to come back if they got stronger. However since last night they have calmed down. Its just like how some of you ladies are saying that your getting contractions and cervical pains.
Been so busy today cleaning up and getting last minute things. Have my section tomorrow morning. In just about 12 hours i will be making my way to hospital. I am so nervous, don't like the idea of going to theatre.
wanting, good luck for your section in case I am not able to post soon. Susannah, paris, babyblueskye, helen and anyone who is nearly due and i forgot to mention the best of luck to you all. Thankyou all for being so supportive.

ooooo how exciting :hugs:
Hope everything goes well and you recover fast :flower:

Can't wait to see pictures of your LO x x x
I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't regret posting what my doctor said. There are pros and cons and risks to everything and not all physicians will agree. I would expect that before consenting to a sweep you would have researched it, and since you've consented, you feel comfortable that there is little to no risk, or that the benefit outweighs the risk. And that's perfectly fine! I'm just sharing information that my doctor shared with me today. After all, she's my doctor, she took a position that she believes in and I don't think it was unprofessional for her to explain to me, her patient, her rationale for why she does not do sweeps.

That being said, Baby321 I hope everything goes wonderfully for you tomorrow and I can't wait to hear all about your LO! :flower:

I get where you're coming from, don't worry :) it's just that mentioning dead babies on here can be a bit like saying "bomb" on an aeroplane, it sends us all into a mad paranoid frenzy! But like you said, it's up to the individual to do their own research and ask questions to decide whether or not it's for them. Different strokes for different folks and all that!

Good luck to everyone, we should have some exciting stories coming this way in the next week or so! Can't wait to hear about everyone's little bubbas :)
Hiya ladies, Hope you are all ok. I had my pre-operative assessment yesturday. where i told them that i was having tightenings, they monitored me and said that they were coming every 10-11 mins, but kept stopping and starting. They did an internal examination and said my cervix was still high so they sent me home, saying to come back if they got stronger. However since last night they have calmed down. Its just like how some of you ladies are saying that your getting contractions and cervical pains.
Been so busy today cleaning up and getting last minute things. Have my section tomorrow morning. In just about 12 hours i will be making my way to hospital. I am so nervous, don't like the idea of going to theatre.
wanting, good luck for your section in case I am not able to post soon. Susannah, paris, babyblueskye, helen and anyone who is nearly due and i forgot to mention the best of luck to you all. Thankyou all for being so supportive.

Wow exciting stuff!!! Good luck and hope all goes really well, can't wait to hear all about it! :hugs:
Im here!!! Been soooo busy today painted ds2's playhouse for his birthday, prob over did it!!

Anyway best of luck for tomorrow baby321 I can't wait to see pictures of LO. Going for my pre op tomorrow, quite excited now!
Thankyou babyblueskye, Helen and Wanting. Wanting, good luck with your pre-op tomorrow.
Baby's moving around whilst I type, feel a bit upset that these are my last few hours being pregnant. But on the other hand , I feel excited about meeting baby. Just want to get the caesarean bit over with. I am feeling like a nervous wreck. Speak to you all soon xxx
Im here!!! Been soooo busy today painted ds2's playhouse for his birthday, prob over did it!!

Anyway best of luck for tomorrow baby321 I can't wait to see pictures of LO. Going for my pre op tomorrow, quite excited now!

:haha:You're too funny! I remember reading your post about not being able to slow down. Painting a whole play house is quite a feat, lol! Good job!

Good luck with the pre-op tomorrow :)

Baby321, just continue to think about your baby and how soon you're going to meet him! Having nerves/jitters is totally normal and I'm sure I will feel exactly the same way too.

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