due date confusion


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Hi girls just a really quick one.

My last period was on the 14th of March which would make my due date 19th of december.

When i went for an early scan (6 weeks) they gave me the date of 8th of jan which does not make sense it is quite far out. From then they just stuck to that date.

But as they were wrong with my daughter I just have a feeling the baby is going to be early.

Do you recon I should just go by my dates (from when last period was)??

Love to hear from you, kasey xxx
I'd say use them both, and get an estimate! From what I've heard, babies are very indecisive about when they're born so it's likely he'll be born in between them dates :)
well they are pretty accurate normally within a few days but thats quite a difference maybe mention it to ur midwife
scans are supposed to be accurate because all embryos grow the same rate at the start of pregnancy, and because cycles can do odd things so they will go by the scan date. But that doesnt mean baby won't arrive earlier because my bro's seemed to want to make an appearance 2 weeks early anyway!
My Scans have changed dates but only by a few days ..
Normally they are quiet right . xx .
That's quite a big difference but apart from a dat or two, they are usually pretty accurate. You could have ovulated at a different time to what you expected however and wouldn't have known.

What did they say at your 20wk scan?
I started going by my lmp until i had my 12wk scan where they put me forward a couple of days as baby was measuring slightly bigger. My notes still say my original due date of 18th jan as my doc said the couple days wouldnt really make much difference.. if it was like a week or something they would have been changed
Scans are pretty accurate, maybe your cycle was off a few days or is longer than you think?

Anyway I wouldn't worry. They give you a pretty wide scope for 'fullterm' anyway. The due date they give you is just an estimate so bubs could be born 38-42 weeks!
early scans put me back 2 weeks and now they are putting me forward 1 week. mmmmmmmmmm its so confussing
Did you not have a 20 week scan?
I would talk it over with your midwife as those dates are pretty far apart and if your dates are more accurate, i.e. it arrives around your due date, your LO will be considered premature, even if it's actually not!

Scans are not always all that accurate, despite what the professionals claim. A friend of mine had two early scans (6-7 weeks) six days apart and the baby had over two weeks growth in that time. Another friend was put forward two weeks at her 12 week scan and the LO arrived on her original due date. Yet another friend was put back two weeks at her 12 week scan and she regained them by her 20 week scan.

It would be helpful to know what happened at your 20 week scan.
Hi girls yeah i had my 20 week scan but as they found a cyst on the babys brain they was more tied up with that 6 weeks on thank god the cyst has resolved itself but the scans we're mainly regarding the brain and cyst.
Hi girls yeah i had my 20 week scan but as they found a cyst on the babys brain they was more tied up with that 6 weeks on thank god the cyst has resolved itself but the scans we're mainly regarding the brain and cyst.

If you look at the scan report in your notes it should still have an estimated due date on the most recent scan:happydance:. Go look:hugs:
somehow at my first midwives appointment she worked out that my due date was sometime in feb but she was wrong lol. It didnt even match with my lmp lol. My due date of 31st jan has stayed the same at both my scans so im defo going with that date

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