Start off my saying NO I have NOT had my baby girl yet! I had been training my replacement at work and didnt have a second to get on here lately at ALL and on top of it my HANDS ARE KILLING ME TOO!!
( I have zero feeling in any of my fingers-both hands! Just the tips that are numb but its horrifc. My Dr wants me to go see a hand surgeon but I REALLY want to out off trying ANYTHING ((she thinks they willl either want to do cortizone shots or surgery) before she is here, I just feel like personally she is just so big inside me and I am so little I feellike she is just laying on every nerve in my body!
I hurt so bad everyday, She moves, and it hurts, I get shooting stabbinbg sharp pains down my legs from her being on my nerves too. I have also been nauseated like you girls! I am 38 weeks today!! AH I cant wait to have her. Im finally off work though and would REALLY like sometime to myself before she comes though! I need to rest, I never just sit down and I need to. I just started bouncing on the ball this week, she is in position and really cant get any lower, My husband and I are starting to take walks everyday too,m I am so scared to be induced I want to try everything I can to get her out on our own.
My nursery is complete so i will post pics tomorrow! I will load some of my maternity pics from the photo shoot too to share!
I would just iike to say girls are the best! Its been SO nice going through this journey with ALL OF YOU and I am SO thankful to have found you girls! I PROMISE when she comes I will let you girls know ASAP!! PROMISE!! This has been such a wonderful journey....I can't believe we are all where we are right now.....seemed like just the other day we were talking about how we felt like things were going soooo slow and now its like OH MY GOODNESS WHERE DID THE TIME GO??!!! ....