Due in July 2012

Bug- I'm doing this constantly. What if something happens? What if shes not ok? I honestly sometimes think I'm going nuts and I don't think it really will hit me until she is home or maybe I see her? I don't know. I'm in weird place right now. And like I said- we are so excited and putting together her stuff etc. but then I have all these other thoughts.

Angieloo- I know! We both put it off for so long and I was so set in my ways. The change is going to be unreal. My moms like- don't worry! You will see thy life is so much more fun with her. I hear the words but still I'm just thinking can I do this? Will she like me? How will I adjust to life constantly taking care of her when for all these years ive done exactly as I please. And my hubby too.
Canada, you have a son I know so you've been though this once before. Can you shed any light on any of this? I wish I had a group here I could actually go have an iced tea with and sit down with or a group of brand new moms and ask them if they felt this way. I feel horrible for it but I can't help it. Having a baby seems surreal. I feel her and I know she is there but I don't think my mind has really accepted it.. It s like I know my mom and dad are going to die one day. I know this bc it's life but I cannot imagine life without them so thinking about it doesn't really help me prepare for anything. Bc it won't be any easier. Thats how I feel about going to hospital as 2 people and leaving with another human being. :)

Yea nauseous here too! And haing hot flashes. These are brand new to me. Never had before. Weirdest thing ever.
And I sleep great during day but I cringe at the thout of night coming. I toss and turn. I'm up all night bc bladder full and it hurts like actually hurts and bc I've been in bed my feet stiff and it feels like I'm walking on nails. Hurts so bad. Day is way way better for me and nighttime has always been my fav. Not anymore. I dreamed last night I went into labor and it was true labor and I called my mom and said hurry and get on a plane bc this is real. My mom is in Colorado until mid July. So this dreams would mean I go into labor early.maybe nothing? Maybe something?
Did anyone buy a rocker or glider? If so, which one and do you like it? I'm struggling with the decision Need some input if you all have any.
Canada.. I have no problem joining the two groups together into one forum like that... I thought she was just some random women who was due in July and soon there would be an influx of hundreds of due in july stories and we would get lost in the mix. LOL...
Clair: I am totally with you. I feel sort of disconnected... like I can no longer imagine him getting here and how I am going to feel and imagine us bonding... It's really weird. My mom says its normal and as soon as we lay eyes on our little ones all of that will wash away and instinct will kick in (but if it doesn't to tell dr because that's a sign of ppd).
Bug: I am totally freaked too! At least if I end up sectioning, we will be in it together (quite posssibly at the same time, lol!) DONT READ THE LOSS THREADS! I haven't been over there, but you have piqued my curiosity, but I had better not. I already spent the first trimester FREAKED! I think a c section is actually safer for baby than Vaginal (although obviously the opposite for moms except in our special circumstances) so all should be fine! (Do you like how I am trying to reassure you when I am scared sh*tless myself?!?)
I am using my sisters old glider... My DH just painted it to match our espresso furniture. I was going to get a cushy recliner, but now I am glad I have a traditional wooden glider and automan because of my chance of c section... I think it will be easier to get out of.
My sleep sucks to, but it's because of my arms. My DH says I will be moaning and whimpering in my sleep and grasping at my arm so he will sit up and rub it until I seem content again.

TMI ALERT! So for the last 24 hours, I have gone to the "bathroom" if you know what I mean ALMOST every time I pee.... Like 5 times a day. Maybe labor is nearing?!?! My cervix seriously can't stand up to a 9.5 pound baby sitting on it for much longer! Especially with my 2.5 mile a day walking I started doing! (Wishful Thinking!!!)
Sorry so long!
Re tmi alert.... I'm not just saying this but I wish tht were me. I've heard that's a sign!!! I'm so over being pregnant its unreal. I cry almost every night when I'm going to bed. So kt I can't imagine how you feel with that big of a baby. You're just so lucky that you've made it so long bc that's so good for him.

Bug - your back:(
We've all done pretty well. Im proud of us. But I'm ready for it to be over.
I have my iPad on the list to take to the hospital.

Is anyone collecting cord blood? W decided to do it. Hope we never need it though!!!!

Got monitor today. Can't wait to see what I think. If its a piece of junk I will die ha
Her furniture is next fri being delivered. I have her linens now. They came yesterday. So no long walks for me until next sat bc everything will be here and also I will be 37 weeks....... Haha
Kt- are you really going 2.5 miles????? Or did I misinterpret that? If you are- I do not know how you are doing it. I cannot imagine and i ran 5 miles a day before pregnancy and jogged in first trimester. My feet kill me and I've gained so much weight I think I wouldn't be able to run or walk thy far now. ESP bc it's so hot. I'm in central Florida and I think you said you are in ga. Ugh the heat.

And I agree. STAY AWAY FROM LOSS THREADS wow! Io really feel for them. That's so sad but it doesn't help us top go over there.
You may have your first internal exam to see if your cervix has softened, effaced and dilated, or if your baby's head is dipping into your pelvis. Keep in mind that many women go to full term despite total effacement, a centimeter or two of dilatation and a fully engaged fetal head. Likewise, a woman whose cervix is "long, thick and closed" may give birth the next day.

Read More https://www.ivillage.com/36-weeks-pregnant-pregnancy-week-week-guide/6-a-144803#ixzz1yT4JfJgb
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Just found this today when reading about week 36 and fetal movement. Re: internal exams
Hey ladies

Sorry I was away today walking the mall with a friend and having lunch...trying to get in the last few days of "me" time.

I'm not sure I can actually lock a thread, but these women that are on it so far are wonderful...2 are like me, have other children or have been trying for a while or previous losses, so the info they bring is also great

I am so glad flagirl you brought up your fear of the instant bond....I too felt like that with my son and sometimes think how can I love another child as much as I do my son...well....I will tell you one thing, the most amazing experience you will EVER feel is when you see and hear your baby for the first time...I thought, me, Camille with a baby...nahhh Im too selfish, I can't see me having that motherly instinct! but it just comes....this instant feeling of love you have never experienced....It is magical....whether vaginal or section,, you will feel it...you may find it harder for the men to get that instant bond as they did not carry bubba.....but trust me when I say, the fear of the unknown is erased when you see that little human you had in your belly.
ugh Im so pissed! I just wrote this wonderful response in regards to the instant bond concern and just as I was about to sent...bam....power went out as we are in the middle of a summer thunderstorm!!

Ok Im going to dig deep into my pre go brain and try to write what I previously wrote before the blackout

Whether this is our first child or our 5th child, the fear of instant bonding and loving is there...mainly because one day it is just about us, the next it is about the other or it is the fear of not having enough love to share and give...but I will say this, there is a reason why we say "mother nature" as we woman have this internal nurturing ability...the ability to support, grow and build others....it is an instinct within us. I feel so Blessed to have the opportunity to nurture the impossible, to grow the amazing and to be someone's wonderful forever! the love you will instantly get and develop every day is the best love you will ever experience...and because of this, that bonding instinct will come naturally....I feel Blessed to have met you women from around the world to share, complain, celebrate and build our experiences together. I cannot wait to hear your experience of the first time you saw, heard, touched your little bubba.....it is so wonderful!......I use to say, me, Camille a mother....yeah right, Im too selfish and don't think I can love someone more than myself....but trust me ladies, the fears you have today will be a distant memory....just as our abilities to sleep in without being disturbed...ahahahaha....I had to add that in because even though my son is 5, I have never been able to sleep in the way i did before children....even when I go away....I wake up wondering what Christian is doing...lol.....or he wakes me up saying...Im bored, Im hungry, can you wake up mommy so I can tell you something? which is usually....ummmmmmm I love you.....enjoy ladies

Ok im rambling noe let me hit send before this erases
oh and flagirl....when I win the lottery, I will fly us all out to a mommy and baby retreat so we can have our ice teas and chit chat! :)
oh flagirl i wanted to do the cordblood, but it is so expensive...but I feel so guilty and pray I won't regret it.

KT I have caught myself on the loss thread and get traumatized when i hear about the full term losses....i agree stay out it is wayyy to emotional....but I pray and know all is well with all of us and our bubba's....KT the section will be fine....you may want to ask your doc about a belly band to wear after to heal faster....I heard they do wonders

ugh I had to throw away my glider because my son and step son decided to go surfing on it a few months ago and broke it....ugh these kids I tell you....sometimes I want to sell them...hahahaha....I want another one, but still have to buy a monitor AND car seat!!!

I have been having some serious frontal craps, but I read that that is a false sign as labour should be felt all over...its crazy how much I forget what labour feels like....toally have no idea what signs to really look out for except water breaking, which mine never did before...lol....
Writing this from bouncing on my exercise ball after taking a super long walk- lol

I've officially decided that I want Ben to come one week early:) I would love if he came the first week of July. I wonder how many of us will be late :) hopefully none of us will be too late.

That was so sweet Canada! I can't wait to experience those first moments with my new little man. I've heard that having dad in charge if bath time helps them bond with baby faster. The nurse at our nothing class said to have dad in charge of the first bath so they feel involved from the start. I think this is what we will do
Also from the tmi standpoint- I've been having that issue too- the last two days havent ern very "solid" and I've been going like three times a day- very yucky
I'm jealous bc Internet says that's a sign. I'd be so flipping happy if that were me. Now I get excited about weirdest things.lol

I'm about to be living vicariously through someone... Whoever has baby first. I can't imagine the relief it's goi g to be on body and mind. I'm so ready.

Canada- yea I can't help it. I'm always like that not just on computer. I say what's on my mind and people are sometimes like omg but I know others haven't think it. I know I'm not the only person. I do feel that way a lot. What if she doesn't like me etc. it's just started though. I guess bc delivery getting close. Glad to hear your reassurance. It helps And it helps to know others feel the same way. I know I'm not alone but some people won't admit it. Blah on them. Fakers. Haha

Ooh I'm going to get out my exercise ball and start using it and also I've been forgetting my tea for a while now. Gioing to make a cup now....
And- in that link I posted earlier it talks about how sex and in particular the male sperm fluid can help a thinning cervix they think. Just saying. I've always heard that so for everyone who feels up to it you might want to try :)
thank-you for that beautiful post Canada! It is so hard to imagine this new little person.... still seems like such a foreign concept.

ditto on the TMI standpoint...

We really looked into banking cord blood, especially as my Mum had to have a stem cell transplant for leukemia a few years ago. Unfortunately it is just too expensive.
It's not fair that cord blood storage is so expensive when the medical industry sees how beneficial it is and actually saves money in the long run in treatments and surgeries if someone is diagnosed with something.....so upsetting!
Holy moly, that's a lot to respond to! Sorry if I forget something!

Regarding being scared, unsure... yes I definitely feel that too. I think it is only normal to feel that way! Our lives are about to change in the biggest way. I am also so afraid for those teenage years... lol, I don't know why I am thinking about that now. But it will be here before we know it.

Regarding the bathroom issues.. I had that last week. But I believe it was due to the massive amounts of fruit I was eating, omg. I still am eating as much but maybe body is used to it now?! I got excited too and thought it was signs of labor "clear out" but... nothing. Hope it is a sign for you girls.

I am with you Claire, I am DONE being pregnant. I can't complain about the sleeping, but the pain of getting UP and just the fact that everything is so uncomfortable.. ergh!! Kt, I really hope it's soon for you!!

Canada, like KT said, I think it'd be fine to join the two groups of July ladies.

So the nesting has officially set it. This morning I woke up at 5:30, went downstairs and completely cleaned the kitchen. I'm talking switching cabinet drawers, bleaching counter tops, organizing EVERYTHING...sitting on the floor cleaning out cabinets. INSANE! I don't even know how the hell I got up from the floor. I've done 5 loads of laundry and have everything ready in the baby's room. It's been 5 hours and I have just stopped to sit down. I told my mom what I was doing and she is so excited because she thinks it won't be long now... all the while I'm thinking, yeah, it doesn't mean anything... LOL. I am loving it though because I had absolutely NO desire to clean before!

Oh KT - good god, 2.5 miles?! You are amazing!!! I am really trying to walk more, but having been on my feet since 5:30, I think that might help. Maybe.

I just want to have this baby and to know if it's a girl or a boy!!! I think the suspense of finding out the sex is making the wait more bearable. It's what I always remind myself when I get annoyed with everything.

I can't get enough fresh pineapple and watermelon. Omg. Hubby is cutting them up right now and I just can't wait to eat everything.

OK sorry for the random rambling.

Edit: Not planning on doing the cord banking. And have been trying the sex thing 2-3 times a day. SO UNCOMFORTABLE, and awkward!!! Lol, but hubby and I get a good laugh at least. :) :)

:flower: :flower:
This may be tmi but sex early in was great and in general I love sex but now I'm just like ugh bc I'm so big and bulky and it's just not the same. I'm trying to hang in there for atleast 1 or 2 times a week. I told him it says it may help o thin a thinning cervix so I'd imagine we will try more in the next few weeks and on my end it will be purely to help get her here.

Excited- I'm sure you are flipping out over what it is. I know and just the unknown of what she looks like and her hair and nose and little feet is killing me. I can't imagine not knowing the sex. I'd be jogging every night to try to rush it .

Fruit has been my thing too. PEACHES!!!!!!! I eat 3 at a time. Atleast its not gallon of ice cream though.
My cravings tend to switch and I asked abut it. She said its truly the bodies way of asking for what it needs. Pretty cool. Like ome week I will crave red meat then fruit. Then cheese and milk. It's really intense and random. The body is pretty cool. I don't know why I sometimes crave cupcakes..... Hahaahahahaahaha

Last night I slept great but I was at a breaking point. It's been years since I was that irritable. It was bad. Really bad. I just left the couch and went and got into bed.
36 weeks today. Whoop whoop. Almost there. Omgah!!!!!! :) :)
Ha we started our sexapade this am! Hubby is so excited lol.....I'm with you Claire, it's awkward, but I'm doing it for a cause Ahahahaha
Yup- I told hubby to get ready for lots of sex and he was super excited. I feel so awkward and uncomfortable too, but I know it will help:)

Has anyone seen the episode of friends when Rachel is over due? It was on tv today and I wa cracking up. Her character was so miserable and pissy- just like holding a mirror up to myself- it was really funny.

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