Due in July 2012

I wish I could be like you girls... my poor DH- no sex going on here.. i am in way too much pain with my back and hips.

Apparently I am snoring more and more each night... I am actually waking myself up! I never used to snore so I really hope it stops after baby is here!

I figured I would take one of my last bump pics :flower:


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Bug so cute!!!! You're almost there

I've never ever snored in my life bc I always ask people like on a cruise I will ask my niece if I do or now I ask hubby all the time. I've snored for lt 2 months my hubby says. Normally I would be like omg but now im just like really...well I was sleeping really really good lol. I don't even care. I think it's 2 things 1) I'm sleeping hard really hard bc so worn out and the excess weight. I've never ever been this heavy! So I'm assuming it will go away after pregnancy and some weight loss..

Canada. That's me! It's for a good reason so i can deal with awkwardness. He doesn't seem to mind a bit lol.
Ok so ive read about the mucus plug but I've also read in last few weeks that there is increased discharge so... How do you know if you're losing the plug or if its just the discharge which the dr told me the body does to prevent infection.just like the boobs. In breastfeeding class the nurse/lactation specialist told us don't wash boobs too much that the oil glsnds on nipples are actually secreting an oil that acts as a protectant and prevents bacteria from taking over. I think the human body is so neat! I'm fascinated by it. :)

I've had a sudden boost of energy today. I do not think I'm close to labor yet but this is odd. I hope I get some kind of warning sign before my water breaks or something.
Sexapade! Lol.. I love it! My dh is freaked out that he will hurt the baby ever since he heard the doctor say he was "right there" while checking me. Thankfully, he is willing to work towards the cause, but I think it takes a lot of "focus" for him to "make his final contribution" if ya know what I mean!
I WISH that this tmi was an early indicator! I surely hope so! And yes... You heard right.. I have been walking 2.5 miles per day. Today I felt like I got my "nesting energy" and I was like "screw cleaning... The nursery is ready! I want to RUN!" But I resist the urge and walk because I don't think my dr would like it too much if I took up running in the third tri!
So cute bug! I still sort of regret not getting mat photos done, but whatever!
I thought about cord blood donation, but I missed the deadline to get donor materials by 1 week. UGH!
A new symptom: My pubic bone (like where you can feel the hard bone right around your hairline down there) has been THROBBING today whenever I get up or am standing. I think my bones are spreading!
I'm supposed to be due July 11th but my OB is taking her at 39 weeks and 1 day which is July 5th...getting nervous
Bug you are too cute! I agree with kt- I'm kind of regretting not getting maternity pictures done- I kept waiting till my belly was bigger, but by the time it got big enough- so did my arms and butt and thighs, etc and I didn't feel like doing any sort of photo shoot- :)

We're startin to get ready for the family members that are going to come down and visit- I'm starting to stress that it's going to be too much. I know they are there to help and really just want to spend time with Ben, but I get nervous about silly things like - what are we all going to eat? I know I won't want to go out, so what are we going to cook? And how will we fit in going to the store. And hiw long is everyone going to be here???
I know it will all work out, I just like everything to be organized and planned and this is not a time in life you can really do that- it's driving me crazy! Lol
Angieloo. I'm right there with you. Everyone coming down and Saying they want to help but still its a lot of extra pressure on me. I do not want 10 people in my house at a time bc them I feel like I have to get dressed and look good etc. me and my hubby's family are out of town so when they come they come to stay. I basically just don't want to deal with any of it to be honest. I want everyone to come for a few hours then leave and come back next week. I'm not excited at all about everyone being here. Plus , I'm a first time mom which I know makes me act "worse" but I don't want everyone holding her 24-7 and getting her in the middle if the night. I will want things a certain way. And people constantly coming and going makes the house chaotic etc.. Maybe Im just being a biatch but I'm probably going to limit most people's stay except for my mother which even my hubby agrees can stay for 6 weeks if she wants ( but not my dad :) ) just bc my mom is super cool but doesn't get in your business and will go do her own thing a lot etc.... I may say 3-5 days and that's it. We are paying for his parents plane tickets so I'd imagine I will decide how long they are here. Uhhh ohhhhh :)
Im nervous about all the visitors too.. especially if I am trying to establish breastfeeding and all of these people are wanting to hold baby. I know some of DH's family are going to be full of "advice" and will probably drive me nuts if I am already tired and cranky.

Holy nesting today... I can barely stand up but I can't stop cleaning!!! DH keeps yelling at me but he has gotten in on it too and is currently steam cleaning the grout in the bathroom :haha:
Bug, that's too funny! My Dh has been nesting too! He helped to rearrange the guest room furniture and deep clean both cars!
I have already set boundaries regarding visitors way back at the beginning on my second tri because I was already anxious about it... My sister warned me that for the first couple weeks, not to have anyone around that I wouldn't mind watching me go to the bathroom... (Not that I would go to the bathroom in front of anyone, it's just that with the constant bleeding and sitz baths and learning to nurse...) So that limits it to my mom, sister, and dh. Well DH is staying home for 3-4 weeks, so I am going to have my mom and sister tag team the following week and his mom will come the week after that. My sister and mom live close by, so if I feel like I need them, I can always call and have them come sooner. I did it this way so that I didn't step on my mil toes by making her wait... I don't think she understands that it is different to have my mom around because I am the one whose boobs will be hanging out every other hour!
I am already nervous about her coming when the baby is first born (as soon as we are discharged she is flying back home.... I already had a talk with DH because I KNOW she thinks that after baby comes out (whether by vag or c), she thinks she is just going to sit in the room with us all day.. I explained to DH that most people I have talked to said that people's hospital visits were usually only 30 minutes or so because nurses come in to check your bleeding all the time, you are tired, in pain, you have to nurse every couple hours and it can take forever to latch, and then baby starts crying for no apparent reason, and then you cry because you are tired, hormonal, and in pain.... ETC... I was there when my niece and nephew was born... I know the drill. But she isn't going to like the fact that she isn't going to sit there and hold my husband's hand while gazing at the baby all day. But I have set my boundaries, and dh is behind me 100%. (Thank GOD)
Can you tell this has been a hot topic in my mind lately??? Especially if I have a c section because I will be in the hospital longer so she will be in town longer, and I just don't know how much I can take when I am learning how to be a mom.
Ahh! It feels good to get all that out! I hope she isn't stalking this forum! It wouldn't surprise me!
Kt. You're a better person than I am. I flat out never made it an option to come when baby is born bc I just thought it would be a mess and i can't predict when I will go into labor so they would be here foever plus they have to fly bc it's 11 hours. No way!

Stalking you....lmao. People are whack so some things dont surprise me either.

And you're right we will have boobs and everything else exposed on and off and I'm like you....eh , my mom and that's it! My dad wouldn't even stay if I asked him too but I would not want him in there!!!! End of story. That's just me but no way.
Is your mother in law coming down before delivery so she can see brand new baby and you are planning on her flying out the next day? So I'm assuming she has her plane ticket already????????

I hope we all deal ok with this and no major fights break out. I'm serious! I can be a major biatch especially when tired and I'm usually not but this MIGHT be the only time I have a baby and I want it my way. Everyone can kiss it.

I've got major issues too. My sister! Haven't spoken in a year and I do not want to speak to her. This is her decision we don't talk but I don't think my babies birth is the tme to reconcile....I'm not interested in reconciling anyway so....... But def not now. She is flat out not allowed up there. I do not want to see her. Apparently, people think I should let it go and let her come. Nope. And if that means no one comes them dont come. I'm tired of always being the one to take the higher road at my expense. There is no higher or lower road here....she just isn't welcome. They we our hospital is set up is interesting....no one goes upstairs to labor and delivery or the nursery without checking in with a guard. I will make sure she doesn't get past him. It's all very sad but it's life..... She chose this so.....I dont want any more drama on that day.

Bug- hubby is in garage as I type this now and it's getting dark..but he is completely reorganizing the garage..big job bc we remodeled thesis house so there was a lot out there..... He's trying to tame the madness so we can get oth cars into it. It will by no means clean but should be more bearable. Lol
Fla, No... My Dh works for an airline, so we (including his mom) can fly free... We just "list ourselves" on a flight and as long as it's not sold out, we get on. THe city she is flying out of NEVER sells out, so she doesn't even have to worry about that. We will call her when I go into labor and she will leave then (depending on when the next flight out is.) I am wondering what will happen if we schedule it... I know she will want to come out the day before, but dh and I already decided that the night before would be a romantic last night as un-parents date night sort of thing...
Ahhh I understand now. Makes sense.. Oh for sure the night before would have to be something special if you do schedule it.

Yea this sucks kind of. I just want to hibernate and enjoy it w dh
I agree about the hibernating:) we went shopping today and started planning for meals- easy things like pre made lasagna and tacos. It made me feel a little better knowing at least some of our meals are planned.

Super important thing I never thought of that I wanted to share with you ladies:

I read a thread on here about if your water breaks it can ruin your bed or car seat, etc because you can't really deep clean or wash those things. I asked my sister because she's the only person I know whose water didn't break at the hospital. She sai it stained their mattress really bad and she had to borrow a bissell stain remover vacuum to get it out and it took forever. So I went out today and bought a waterproof mattress pad- the kind you would use for a toddler who is potty training.

I know it sounds way over the top, but the last thing I want to worry about when I come home with a new baby is my mattress:). Thought I woul share in case any of you are as over thinking as I am- lol
I also got a waterproof mattress pad! We just moved into our new house and got the most comfortable king size bed ever.. I would be devastated if I ruined it!!! Lol! With that being said... it is not on though. It is on the list of things to do today.

And about people coming to visit.. I totally understand. Hubby will be with me everyday as he is on summer vacation from school and so is my mom (both teachers). I am fine with my mom being here and I know the help will be much appreciated.

However, I had to put a stop to my MIL, SIL, and hubby's aunt (whom I have NEVER met?!?!) coming for a week right after baby is born. The men in hubby's family do "man week" and it is scheduled around when baby is born, like it will happen a week after whenever I give birth. So.... MIL decided that when the men in the family get together... all those women will come down and stay in my house. FOR A WEEK. That's not happening, lol. I told my husband to relay the message that it just would not be an ideal... time... at all.

I can't imagine.. I started worrying straight away when she said that was "her plan". She didn't even ask!!! I thought, Omg, I'm going to have a newborn, breastfeeding, worrying about feeding three guests (one of which I've never met!), and housing them for a week. How inconsiderate can people be?!

I know we will all appreciate and need help.. but help can come in forms of bringing a casserole, visiting for a couple hours, offering to do some things around the house.. then leaving!! LoL!

Hope everyone is doing well today. :flower:
Angieloo I was concerned about the same thing! Last time my water was broken by the rods so I didn't have an issue, but I was wondering if it happened at home would it mess up my bed? I'm going to get a waterproof pad as well.....thanks for that info
Dh has been so worried about this. Lol. We have a mattress pad on but I need to figure out something for the car. I know this sounds gross but it would be extra bad in car bc cars gets hot out in the sun. I csmot imagine.ninsilled a corona years ago in the floorboard and the smell was unreal after a few weeks and that was a BEER!
I'm thinking a towel would suffice. Im wondering how much fluid it is but I don't think it's more than a towel could soak up. And we could just throw towel away. Sounds easy enough.

Ali, lmao. People really are brazen. I know it's excitement and all of that but I always always ask is now a good time etc., even my friends that are in hospital having babies. I always wait 1 day to go and im just going for like 1 hour. Its called being considerate.
No is a god answer. " now is not a good time"
Good idea claire.. towel going in the car now.. Lol. I can't imagine that smell. There was a thread in third tri about whether or not birth "smells", like the fluids. Some said yes and others said no. But honestly, in the heat of the car... LOL, it can't smell good at all. I've read that if it gushes, it is a ton of fluid.

I agree, "Now is not a good time..." We will probably allll be using this line shortly.
Meant to add - 38 week bumpy! I want to meet this baby NOW!!!!!!


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Definitely the towel in the car! We have a brand new car and I would be devastated if it wa ruined.
It does amaze me how brazen people become when their is a new baby around. My mil is pretty good at realizing when time for visiting is up, but my DH's step mom is a whole other story- she would totally stay for weeks if allowed. DH is in charge of all of that so I don't get too stressed- lol - he's not looking forward to it, but I told him if I can push this watermelon out, then you can have an awkward talk :)
So I was having cobtractions 5 mins apart last night, but they didn't hurt so I assumed my uterus was just back to being irritable.... Well today I am having them 10-15 minutes apart and it feels like someone is twisting a knife in my cervix (with light menstrual like cramps to boot.) I am not holding my breath though... If nothing else, I should've made great progress b4 dr appt tomorrow. I wonder how dilated I would have to be for them to go ahead and admit me... Especially if I decide on a section as they'll want to do that b4 I go into labor if at all possible...

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