Due in July 2012

Yay kt!!!! I can't believe we are going to start having our babies this week!!!

I feel like jello after being on the exercise ball and totally like the baby is going to drop right out. I do feel amazing when I'm actually on it though- like there is finally some pressur relief on my hips.

Yup Claire it was me :):) it's painful and usually comes and goes- mostly I get it when I'm moving around and then sit for a few and go to get back up again.

Seriously I feel like one of Ben's little arms are going to come out- there is some much poking and pricking down there!
ugh I'm so annoyed! my belly has not dropped yet!!! has any of your bellies dropped?

Also TMI alert....I am curious....if you get a section, do you still have to wait 6-8wks to have whoopy? I am just curious lol
Canada. I don't think mine has dropped but she gets low often and it hurts but then she always moves back up. Or at least I don't think my belly has dropped. I guess that's something I will know when it happens??????

Yes you do. My dr told me. It's usually 8 to be safe she said but depends on the person and incision etc. but drs in general recommend waiting 6 weeks to have sex no matter how you have the baby although people rarely wait that long that is the universal recommendation . we were talking about sections and if something happened and I was given the choice bc early on. Inquired about it bc I have 2 friends that somehow scheduled theirs. I think it probably was not on the up and up if ya know what I mean. As in....oh yeah you have high blood pressure.......or something. I need to ask them. I'd imagine it will be a while for me bc I'm so uncomfortable now and infant imagine it hurting even more and being totally exhausted and trying to do it. Lol
my tummy has dropped a lot in the last week... hah I can really tell as my shirts that used to cover the bottom of my tummy now don't!!!
Bug. 2 days!!!!! Are you ready?????? :). That's so exciting. Only thing I get to be excited about is her furniture being delivered :) I wish she was here. Anytime after Saturday is great:). I'm almost reqdy.
Yes... after being asked if I wanted to try vaginal at my appointment last week, and convincing myself that a c section was the only way, the dr than appeared very confident that I would be an excellent induction candidate, but "we still aren't going to go crazy... If I am not progressing, we aren't going to draw it out all night." Also, he said that I am going to have to push him out all on my own... He isn't going to do any vaginal interventions and risk ripping me as he pulls him out. If I can't get him out on my own, we will section... That is 100% fine with me... I would prefer a section over vacuum or forceps anyways.
You are still SUPPOSED to wait 6 weeks with a section, but unlike vaginal (where several of my friends were TERRIFIED at the thought as the 6th week drew near, with a c section it's no big deal when the time comes. This is all heresay of course.... It's a lot easier to avoid bumping your lower abs than the impossibility of avoiding your vagina during intercourse. LOL.
Glad you got reassurance about fetal movements at the dr... I'm sure it is nerve wrecking.. I have an anterior placenta too, but my little guy is facing sideways, so I still feel all his kicks in my side. LOL...(And now whenever he kicks, it shoots his butt out my other side so I feel like I have been sucker punched!)
When mine dropped to -1 station, that's when I got my first stretch marks (ugh!) Then when he dropped to 0 station last weekend, it feels like someone is stabbing my cervix with a knife...
Fla- I think I am ready... but am getting super anxious, there are way too many "what if's" running through my head. At times I am really excited, other times I just want to cry.

Glad to hear you and your Dr have a good plan in place KTS- sounds very reasonable!
Bit late join this one as were all due to pop.very shortly... Yeahhh..
I dont think I can possibly take much more . Had two perfect pregnancys, a perfect birth and a bit of a rocky one , and this pregnancy from hell!! Feeling a little better now the finishing line is in sight.

Think my body is sayin too much too soon steph !! Lol.. Good luck ladies. Xx
Yes! It totally feels like a knife stabbing pain- I couldnt find the words to describe it properly.
I'm so excited for you bug and kt! I can't believe it's so soon!!! I would be beside myself with excitement if I knew the exact date.

Still bouncing on my birthing ball. Trying to bounce at least an hour a day and I try to do 30 squats a day too to help with tearing. Apparently doing squats helps prevent episiotomies.

Is anyone else crazy irritable? I've been having random bouts of frustration randomly urging the day. I'm normally pretty easy going so it's weird for me to feel so upset. I could feel my blood pressure climbing today over getting dr pepper instead of rt beer- not a big deal at all, but I was so pissed! Lol I felt like a crazy person- luckily I had enough control not to yell at anyone!
I am extremely moody! I'm so done with preg! Bug222 and kit, you both are my idols right now! I can only wish, but it looks like I will be around my due date or later :( so long!!

Welcome to the new lady!
Hey gals, so I was having contractions in my lower back and they wrapped around to my lower abdomen (felt just like period cramps) every 6 minutess last night from 1-6 pm. Bump would go hard for like 20-30 seconds. I was walking, laying down, etc and they kept on. I took a 2 hr nap and when I woke up they were gone :nope:.. lol.

I suppose it may be the start, but it is probably a very slow start at that. I have my 39 wk appt today! Hope everyone is doing well!! And so excited for the ladies that are about to hold their LOs in their arms!!! :) :) :)

Edit: Welcome to Mummy, when are you due??
July 16th !! Cant wait . Pregnancy from hell :(
Hope things are actually in motion for you . So exciting :D :thumbup:
Thanks!! I hope so too, but I keep telling myself it's nothing... perhaps I'm trying to use a little reverse psychology on myself so that it might mean something!
Oooh! Those sound like the real deal, wrapping around from back to front... Hopefully they at least did a number on ur cervix!!!
Welcome mummy!
I'm irritable too! I'm doing better now that a date is set, but I told my dj that I was going to go Carrie on them if they didn't do something at my appt Monday.., and I sort of believed myself!
Bug... tOMORROW! What time is ur section and what time zone are u in???
Welcome mummy,! Sorry it pregnancy from hell. Sometimes I feel that way too. Ha

Ditto kt....... But what time and what time Zone?

Kt- you too!! What time?

I just got home from dr which was a normal scheduled appt. I was in Monday but that was for u/s bc she won't moving so much. He told me today that I'm perfect patient to carry to 40 weeks!!!!! Ahhhhhh. So CANADA you probably are not going to be the last it's probably me:( he said theres no way to predict..I could go next week and of course they wouldn't stress or try to stop it but that I have absolutely no medical issues and she sisnt too big so statistically patients like me go to atleast 39 weeks. My blood pressure is 122/64 which he is so happy about so he's like..this could be a while. Dangit:) but then again he said with her size etc it's better for me to go atleast 39 so I'm having mixed emotions.
I do not have 1 stretch mark but I bet money that I carry until I atleast get a few !!!!! So my luck :)

Ali- it's starting. That sounds just like what they are supposed to feel like. What's your date again? I forgot. I'm July 20

And WHERE IS ANGELASD???????????? She is gone again..... Baby??????
Correction- ----that was supposed to say ditto KT- BUG what time and time zone?
Wahhooo well I just got home and was checked at my appt - I am 3 cm!!! She said I'm very soft, 50% effaced, she could feel baby's head and things are def getting ready. She said I will more than likely go before my due date (July 4). That was a little unexpected!! AH SO EXCITEDDDDD

Edit: Also am bleeding now (she pulled out this huge string of stuff kind of accidentally, LOL) and she said I would be very crampy all day. She said I probably already lost my entire plug since I'm 3 cm but didn't notice it. Told me I was positive for GBS so will need penicillin when I first go in. My Blood pressure was also high today - has been perfect the whole time.

Wahhooo well I just got home and was checked at my appt - I am 3 cm!!! She said I'm very soft, 50% effaced, she could feel baby's head and things are def getting ready. She said I will more than likely go before my due date (July 4). That was a little unexpected!! AH SO EXCITEDDDDD

Edit: Also am bleeding now (she pulled out this huge string of stuff kind of accidentally, LOL) and she said I would be very crampy all day. She said I probably already lost my entire plug since I'm 3 cm but didn't notice it. Told me I was positive for GBS so will need penicillin when I first go in. My Blood pressure was also high today - has been perfect the whole time.


Woooo glad things are moving . Anytime now for you!!. Just a question have you had any "stinging" down there..
Im getting this sharp stinggy pain inside my vagina sorry for tmi. All tests are coming back clear so no idea what it is ?? You'd think id remember stuff like this :lol:
Omg! Isn't 4 cm dilated considered active labor????????? How flipping excited are you! I'd be dancing around the house :)

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