Hi girls!! WOW everyone is moving right along!!
BUG I am SO JEALOUS you are all done with the pregnancy!! You get to meet your babe thats soooo exciting!! Can't wait to hear all about your labor! I am SO HAPPY to hear you don't have preclampsia, that still has to be my worst fear...my BP has been SO fantastic this entire pregnancy as well (and for the first time in my LIFE) but you never know when it can creep on...even at the very last minute!! You know we will ALL be thinking of you....
I am so sorry I have been on here SO INFREQUENTLY! My hands...they are just REALLY bad and getting worse
I have been SO EXTREMELY uncomfortable, my back feels like its going to snap in half, I still am not sleeping and my tummy just started to itch SO BAD! Anyone have the itchy skin? WHAT DO I DO? lol. I had a dr apt last thursday and was 3cm dialted 90% effaced and my dr said well it looks as if I will be seeing you this weekend Angela, I think you will be in labor...but no, no labor still
I have another apt tomorrow and we are going to discuss whether or not she will let me go past July 2nd. July 2nd was/is my induction date due to me being on medication for high BP BUT since its been so good this whole time she said we could talk about if I could go past that day, which really I DO NOT want to be induced just because it scares me to have that 50% higher chance of C section - just my personal preference of course. I have been bouncing away on my ball, walking, eating pineapple, drinking my tea..think she will just come when she wants, seems like I can't help her along lol.
My husband WILL NOT have sex with me...anyone in that boat? He is SO freaked out that she is an actualy little baby in there lol and she is so FAR DOWN so thats out of the question.
Im going to get a sweep done tomorrow too...has anyone had that?? Does it hurt?? It hurts when I get my cervix checked so it freaks me out that I cant even handle that. Well i can HANDLE it but it hurts dang it lol