Due in July 2012

Wow so much to catch up on today!!!

Angela- Wow your pictures are absolutely stunning! You look amazing! The nursery is beautiful!

Steph- I'm Ellen- another love on your girls names!

I have been looking at newborn photographers today,... so frustrating as they are all so expensive. I know really you get what you pay for but I also need something affordable!

I'm really feeling for you girls who have been having the hand pain for a while. This only started this week for me and it is brutal!
I am going to do newborn photos at "picture people" by my sister's house... I am not big into props.... I like a solid white or black background with the focus on baby for newborn shots and I LOVE what they did for my niece and nephew. I don't know if they are all that good (it's a chain), but the one by her is fabulous! The best part is, you only pay if you like the photos, so I am going to go and if I don't like what they do, I have a private photographer all picked out who specializes in newborn that I will use at that point.
Oh! and I am Kati, by the way!
Angela your photos are gorgeous!!!! You're carrying extremely well.

I had my checkup today, cervix is closed and no sign of dilating :( even though the LO is head down, in position and ready to go. My doctor starts her vacation next week so she won't be delivering my LO :( she has given special instructions to her partner after I voiced my concerns.
Claire, I love all of those little poses too for newborn shots. They're going to be so cute! And I just can't wait to know if it's a girl or boy.. I will more than likely update in hospital!! LOL

OK, so I haven't had this hand pain you girls speak of at all, but this morning I woke up and my fingers HURT??? It's my knuckles/joints?? Is this the same thing? They are so tight like I wanna crack them but it offers no relief? Wth is it?
Morning/Afternoon Ladies ,
Any babies overnight ? No ... AWHHHHH lol.
im feeling like shes going to come very soon. Sorry for the TMI to come (but to be honest if you made it this far then that is prob not a issue lol)
been having sharp pains up inside my "bits" and a lot of pressure down , feeling like im gonna wet myself a lot of the time to get to the loo and "dribble", back ache bad :/
probably me clutcing straws cause im fed up of this horrible pregnancy. :lol:
you'd think Id remember the ""signs"" but I have no idea what to expect anymore lmao ..x

Ok ladies.. off to the hospital... I think Im going to puke!!! I will update when I can!!!
That is it!!!!! I ask my husband 10 times a day to crack them always thinking it will give relief. Mine are swollen more than normal this am but yes it's pain in the joints and they are stiff. The tips on my right hand are totally numb and it tingles. Hope yours doesn't get any worse. It's miserable. Prob one of the most annoying things so far.

Omg isn't today bug's day?????? This pregnancy brain is killing me but i think im right. She goes in this am!!!!!

And kt goes tomorrow am.

Keep your chin up. I'm not close either:( :(

Tomorrow we get new couches , all of her baby furniture, new fridge, and alarm system hooked up. Omg. Anytime after tomorrow I'm ready. I went to target and got the rest of the things for overnight bag like mini deodorant and shampoo etc.....

Ok I'm home again on couch all day. I'll check back in a little bit:)
Good luck bug! You will do great!
I feel like I am going to throw up anytime I think about tomorrow! :-/
Yes... that is the hand thing! But mine goes all the way up my arms and my whole right hand goes throbbing numb!
Ah!!! Good luck Bug!!! We will be thinking about you! :) :)

Claire, it is so uncomfortable!! It is my top knuckles, like the ones closest to my finger tips. The middle ones aren't too bad. I hope it doesn't get worse either! :(

And KT, you're tomorrow!! I can't wait to see your babies ladies. :) I can't remember, is Bug team yellow?? KT, what are you having again???

Going to go walk lots and lots at BJ's today. It's so damn hot outside I can't go to the park. Q - since I am 3 cm now, if I go to 4, would I still be "active labor" stage if I'm not having contractions??? I am not feeling anything :shrug: Just lots of pressure. I'm bouncing away on my ball though.. lol.
I am having a boy...
I am not sure... I think it depends on your hospital... Some hospitals would go ahead an admit you at 4cm and supplement pitocin to get contractions going... Some would send you home?? I have heard of people walking around 4 or 5cm, but I think most drs wouldn't let you because labor could go really fast from there???
My dr said if water hasn't broken and no contractions then they won't do anything befor 39 weeks. However if it's after 39 then its sort of a talk I out decision with the mom etc.... But if your water has broken and your having contractions and your 3 it's still nt considered active until you get to 4 cm. does that make sense?
Why would I know all this?? Bc im fed up with being pregnsnt and they haven't checked me yet bc said it doesn't really matter unless water breaks etc ebut I wanted to know if I asked to be checked and I was dilated if I could have baby. So i got all that info. Bc basically he said if I check you now and your 3 then so what. You're not 39 weeks which we prefer you be and your water hasn't broken and no contractions so you go home for now until something happens. Bummer so next fri will be my first check bc it's 38 weeks and he's like I gotta start checking smetime and 38 weeks is good time.

I don't know who wanted what(gender) but it seems like there are a lot of girls.. I mean in general. It seems like most people that are pregnant are having girls. Kudos to all the boys about to be born. I have 2 friends that just had babies and both a girls. In my hospital tour our of like 12 couples only 4 were having boys. Seems like theres a lot of girls.
My hubby wants a boy but in cse this is our only I wanted a girl first. He wants 2 so he doesn't care. Now he's ecstatic it's a girl bc when we first met he always said he wanted a girl. Wanting one of both i can understand although my dad never wanted a boy and he had 2 girls so I guess everyone is different. Thats what makes the world go round so i think it's good.

I hope it doesn't worsen for you. Cold water first thing in morning helps mine. Angelasd said she ices hers and it helps. I haven't iced yet but I let cold water run over them. I think Angela's are a little worse than mine :( bless her.
Has anyone gone back and read old post like back April etc.... I just went back and Canada had posted " so glad to be in double digits..only 98 days to go" ahahaahahaahah. Hard to imagine 98 days to go now. I would die. But we have come so far. Yay for all of us!!!!!
Totally Claire! I was just saying I remember when it was 99 days!

My dr won't do anything before 41 weeks :( it might be just me last on here- lol

I got up early this morning and walked 2 miles- this baby is coming out before 41 weeks so help me! Lol- I'm very tired of waiting and I'm not known for my patience :)
FYI on the walking... I walked 2.5 miles a day last week after I found out his size... My cervix didn't change at all (maybe due to the stress I was putting myself under?) but he did drop from -1 to 0 station, so keep it up... It can't hurt, and if nothing else, you are getting in better shape for all the running around we are about to have to do!
On another note.. I really hope I go into labor at like 4am... Then, I can skip the pitocin and all that and rest assured knowing that the baby agrees that IT IS TIME! =)
Plus, I won't have the anxiety of waking at 5am and pacing around the house waiting on the phone call/freaking out on the way to the hospital etc... I think if I am already in labor, I will be too distracted to freak out... Maybe?
Ok that does make sense.. only at 4 cm are you considered active. That's crazy, I had no idea, lol. I just wish my water would break that way I don't have to wonder, lol. They also told me I'm positive for Group B Strep so would have to go in straight away if my water broke for penicillin.

Angie, good luck with the walking. I didn't go to BJs and walk around.. mainly because I was bouncing on my ball all morning and my damn inner thighs hurt so bad! I feel like I'm being ripped apart from the middle of me!

KT, I hope you go into labor before you go in!! That would be wonderful. :)
Angieloo. I dont know. I have a feeling I'm not dilated at all and I'll go later. My mom was late with me and same thing- no issues with anything during pregnancy My sister has just not ever been like us esp during pregnancy. She has high blood pressure even not pregnsnt so it was no wonder she had her babies early and they were twins.

You're ahead of me already bc I'm 37 weeks tomorrow but it's possible you could be last Canada is due July 13. I know that bc I keep dreaming I have her July 13. Well I used to dream that. Haven't in a while so she may be late too. I guess there is just really no way to know

Ali, I have strep b too. Glad you said that. If water breaks go immediately. They found it n my urine so they are just assuming its elsewhere. They said no reson to chsnce it. I agree. So if water breaks I will high tail it to hospital!!!!

I'm going to start pushing myself walking at night when it's cooler starting at 38.5 weeks. Ok ok maybe at 38 weeks to the day Lol
Argh so I know I got a while but I need this baby to come!! Do you think the midwife will agree to do a sweep see if it gets me on my way if I pull the tears out lol.. Its just one thing after another. Had SPD which is agnonising now, heartburn which sent me into hosp, waters leaking which they managed to stop, high blood pressure which they managed to lower, two weeks ago thought I was in labour , rushed in and after 24hours of testing found gall stones and a inflamed gall bladder, now I have unbelievable pressure and cramps (not strong enough to be contractions) and got a letter in the post saying that when they did my gall bladder scan they also found spots on my liver just waiting on a MRI emergancy slot. Give me a break . I possibly cannot handle anymore.. :cry:

Sorry for the rant ladies needed to blow off steam
So sorry to hear about your heartburn and other medical stuff. I had no idea how horrible the heartburn could get. I have it so bad I cough and cough, but no relief until I take extra strength tums. That doesn't even help sometimes!

I hear ya on the walking. My hope is that even if the walking, squats, lunges and ball bouncing doesn't put me into labor then at least it will make the labor easy. That's the hope at least :) lol

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