Due in July 2012

I haven't had too much trouble, but once I'm up in the morning, I'm up- even if it's five am.
I also get up every hour or so to pee and it takes awhile to fall asleep too. I would say I get about four, maybe five hours total out of the 9 hours I'm in bed
Angie. I have those days that I sleep maybe 4 or 5 but they are increasingly rare and only come after I o go several days with almost no sleep. What about your husband? Does he sleep? Or are you in separate beds? Mine hates us not being in the same bed but I see no point for us both to be exhausted. Tonight i was like no bc usually we go to bed together. One day she is going to come and I need atleast him to be rested....
Know exactly where ur coming from . Im not sleeping either driving me mad and making me so exhausted. Its 9.17am here now . I went to bed at 10pm after falling asleep on the sofa was up tossing and turning , needing a wee and not feeling like I had enough space. Got up with the girls at 7 and made them breakfast oh demanded I go back to bed cause im looking ill.. Gotta get up now , got to take Amelia for her tester day in her new school shes off to :D grow up way to quick ! But today I feel drained , the other day this happend, went to sleep around 4.30 and was up at 7 and I felt so fresh all day :( odd
Steph- I do not know how you can be so prego with 2 other children and I know you have some help but...... This is a true test both physically and mentally.... I'm a first timer but already shying away from any talk about a second baby..... And I do not want her to be an only child but........

I'm up and vacuumed house and trying to be as ready as I can just in case they say they need to induce me or something. Probably will not happen but you never ever know.. About to get ready to go to dr appt for ultrasound. But don't see dr until 400 this aft. Just see ultrasound tech this am so she can do the scan. I bet i will know her size though and maybe I can predict what the dr will say but maybe not. It's 850 am here and dr at 10 but only a few minutes from my house.

If nothing else I'll be glad to see how many cm I am now. Hoping I'm like 5 or something. Atleast maybe that will make labor easy later on..... As you can see I'm just trying to be happy about something:)
Haha.. I don't know how im doing it. Not long back from Amelias day at "big school" she loved it :D so that's cheered me right up, Amelias now playing with modeling clay with daddy and watching peppa pig , Ava Mae had screamed for a hour now sleeping lol . So its mummy nap time. Keep us updated on the appointment , excited to hear xx
Hope your apt goes well Claire!
I agree Steph- I couldn't imagine going through all this pregnancy with two little ones. Although, maybe seeing their cute little faces would be a good reminder of what's at the end of what we are going through :)

I had a hard day yesterday, I think because it was my due date and I really thought Ben would be here by now and everyone keeps telling me to have him already... Yeah like I'm not trying!
I went to bed at 8:30 and fell asleep right away. I woke up every little bit to pee like normal, but I feel much more rested now. I'm hoping today will be much better than yesterday. 11 days till induction isn't that far right? Hopefully he'll come before then anyway :)
Its not that far considering you've waited this long lol ..
I was 4days over due with Ava felt like id be pregnant forever. IV had symptoms over the past two weeks .. Now nothing !! Calm before the storm maybe ?!?
Angieloo- I now how u feel.... Omg you're still prego????? As if I want to be...shut up people. I'm over it too. Ahahaahahahahaaha

Ok so- I'm 4 cm and 80% effaced!!! I had my bloody show the office. All over the table... Just from him checking. If she is not here tues they prob will induce. Why??? Bc my pb creeping up 134/90. Highest it's ever been and swelling is pretty bad. Her est weight is 8.2 lbs so she is probably 7.5lbs bc they est up to .5 lbs off if baby is under 9lbs. If over 9lbs then off up to a 1lb. That's their office keeping track of what they said and what babies were when born.

So Dr McNeil told me to go walking...... He said you can be back in 30 minutes tonight or sun. But it's soon " At the end of the day, I do not expect to see you at your appt on tuesday am"

I'm crampy right now and still bleeding but no contractions. So. .....once again... We wait!
OooooOhhhh yeahhh I really am excited for you !!
I think shes coming tomorrow early hours .. :D
still nothing from me . My spd is not even hurting and iv been walking today.
Im actually excited for you both. Im gonna be last haha :(
That's great news Claire!!! I would walk walk and walk!!!

That's so exciting that you could really go any time:)
oh i can't wait for you ladies to have your babies! I'm so excited!!
Yay that is great news Claire!! Not long now.

Hang in there ladies. Soon you will have those little bundles. Xxx
Claire!!! Did it start for you???

Fingers crossed you're at the hospital having your little one :)

I had some more plug loss today after bouncing on my ball for awhile.

We are headed to the swimming pool tonight so I can take some pressure off my aching body :) hope I don't look like too much of a whale!
Admitted. In active labor 5 cm now. Starting to hurt. They don't wanna break my water etc bc contractions are good and steady. No pitocin unless I stall out. Omg a baby! Lol
Ahhhh!!! Thinking about you Claire! Can't wait to hear your birth story and see your little one!! Yay :):)
Thanks so much. I dreamed over and over about july 13 so....... Intuition is amazing. Also dreamed at 11 weeks she was a girl.

Just laying here still.....hungry. Someone eat something for me :)
Thanks so much. Just got epi. They doing low dose pitocin but not gonna break my water st this point. The epi made me loopy in my head. Odd but it's fading now. Legs feel weird. She doing good so far hrart rtbeat is good etc.
Trying to update as much as I can bc I know how it feels to check for updates .....exciting even though we don't all personally know each other. Still no baby. Yet! 7 cm. low doses of pitocin. Dr be here soon so prob break water then. My drs really hate intervening if dnt have to. I progressing ok. Her sack Is really tough. It won't breakup til they puncture it w a tool thing. Nurse said she's been rough since I had epi. No luck. And she can't rupture itw tool yet bc dr said no. All the lack of sleep has caught up w hubby. He's passed out on pull out :). Bless him. I'm eastern time so it's 5 a, here. I think she will be here by 10
Sorry for mispells. In bed with iv's etc on iPad. Hard to type

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