Here is my little girl! Micah AnnaLeigh Dewey born July 5th 2012 at 10:45pm
7lbs 10oz and 21" long!
Sorry I have been gone for so long. I have been on here TWICE and typed out my entire birth story and it got erased....TWICE I was so frustrated with my stupid lil labtop I haven't been back on to try again lol. HERE I AM THOUGH! Gosh I cant believe everything thats going on!! I havent gotten to read through all of the posts but goodness everyones babies are so so adorable and I am so glad everyone it doing so well!
I had a horrific labor. Make a long story short since it will probably get deleted again lol....I was induced at 530am started on pitocin, they broke my water at 8am, i had contractoins that were 2 minutes apart (i had no drugs for pain) for 4 hours then they were back to back contractions giving me no break in between to catch a breath, for six hours, after 10 hours of drug free labor I got an epidural. I was not okay, Micah was not okay it was to intense for either of us to handle, being induced is so un natural, why did I try to do a "natural" labor...?! The contractions weren't real and they were insanly intense....but I i wanted this to be a drug free labor so bad I took the pain...I wish I wouldnt have. A midwife told me after all this went on for hours that "natural labor needs to START with natural labor" nothing about being induced is natural and I wish I would have heard those words 10 HOURS made complete sense. So after the epidural I was continuing to dialate as I had been all 6pm I was at 9cm but then it stopped...i never dilated anymore and Micah stopped moving. My dr came in at 8 and said if she doesn't respond to her trying to get her to move in the next two hours she is doing an emergency c section. It ended at 10pm with them rolling me into the surgery room for a C Section. As you all know this had been my worst fear this entire time...I was so upset, I was mad at myself for putting my baby through all of that, I had stressed her out from our long hard day of labor and I felt like it was my fault. The surgery couldn't have gone better and after I could have cared less...I was SO happy to FINALLY meet her and hold her. Its the most amazing thing in the world being a MOm isn't it?
Micah is THEE best baby ever! She doesn't cry, she latched RIGHT on and has been feeding like a CHAMP since hour one of her life!

She is so beautiful my husband is SO OBSESSED with her its SO cute! At her one week appt she had already gained all of her weight back PLUS an oz so we go the OK to let her sleep 4 hours in a row at night between feedings but she is up almost every 2 hours anyway to eat!
I feel great. I haven't had an postpartum or depression or anything THANK GOODNESS! I have never been so happy in my life. My milk is coming in great and my surgery pan has gone down so much already as well!