Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Ah thanks Sizzles, I thought so, just wanted to check! Yeah good point, we only see paeds if we get referred for a specific issue I assume.
Frizz a they are so similar! Cute :haha:

I'm classing myself as 3rd tri tomorrow and iv barely looked at 2nd tri for a while now. And I'm super hormonal so I dare anybody to tell me I have to wait another week to be in 3rd :rofl:

I think iv been over doing it the past week or so. Been super busy and I'm really feeling it. Keep getting Braxton hicks and stomach cramps/ back pain and my feet swell up loads. I think I need to start slowing down abit now and resting more.

Off to hosp for a blood test in the morning then going baby shopping with my mama! So tomorrow should be fun :)
I was also told third tri was 28 weeks but if it is 27 then I get there in 2 days! Woo! Lol :happydance:
Had to post a pic of my first son against my 4d scan of son number two. They look so very similar!

The look almost identical. I especially love how they're laying in the EXACT same position. Too cute!!! :haha:

AFM; nothing much to report. I woke up Tuesday morning, brushed my teeth and got ready for work but didn't feel any kicks. I started to get nervous, even brought tears to my eyes. Drank some Mountain Dew to try and get her moving, but felt nothing. DF reassured me that she was fine and I went to work - about 20 minutes after sitting at my desk baby girl was kicking up a storm!! :haha: It would appear our little girl has the same sleep schedule we do and she was peacefully sleeping in the morning when I so desperately wanted her kicks!! I've learned to wait until after 9 am to panic from lack of kicks, but she's always kicking by then. Here's hoping what they say is true - Baby's sleep pattern in the womb holds true for their sleep pattern after arrival!! :happydance:
Lala - so sorry you had such a stressful, scary day :( I'm glad your bubba is okay. I didn't quite understand what you were saying about your bump? I think you missed a word, did you mean too big/small? Sending :hugs: Really hope you get your VBAC.

Frizza - Oh my god they DO look similar don't they! And such cutie, handsome baby boys :D

You ladies have made me worry, all this talk about Peadiatritions.. is that just in America that you have to choose/organise one like that? Someone in the UK tell me I haven't missed something really important I need to do! I've not heard of it here..

Oops, sorry I meant too big. In measuring 6-8 weeks ahead already. I was huge last time with an average sized baby but this time I definitely feel bigger. Hoping it's just fat and fluid!!!

No need to choose a paediatrician here. You only get to see one if your gp refers your lo. Xx
Oops, sorry I meant too big. In measuring 6-8 weeks ahead already. I was huge last time with an average sized baby but this time I definitely feel bigger. Hoping it's just fat and fluid!!!

No need to choose a paediatrician here. You only get to see one if your gp refers your lo. Xx

Goodness, well at least you know it happened last time so it is more normal for you to measure big, there can be loads of factors why. Hope there are no issues darlin, good luck :hugs:
I was also told third tri was 28 weeks but if it is 27 then I get there in 2 days! Woo! Lol :happydance:
Had to post a pic of my first son against my 4d scan of son number two. They look so very similar!

The look almost identical. I especially love how they're laying in the EXACT same position. Too cute!!! :haha:

AFM; nothing much to report. I woke up Tuesday morning, brushed my teeth and got ready for work but didn't feel any kicks. I started to get nervous, even brought tears to my eyes. Drank some Mountain Dew to try and get her moving, but felt nothing. DF reassured me that she was fine and I went to work - about 20 minutes after sitting at my desk baby girl was kicking up a storm!! :haha: It would appear our little girl has the same sleep schedule we do and she was peacefully sleeping in the morning when I so desperately wanted her kicks!! I've learned to wait until after 9 am to panic from lack of kicks, but she's always kicking by then. Here's hoping what they say is true - Baby's sleep pattern in the womb holds true for their sleep pattern after arrival!! :happydance:

I find the same thing, my kicks slow down from about 8pm and I feel a few kicks during the night but nothing until after 9am, I was super worried this morning as well but now they kicking and moving around too much:cloud9:, sure hope it holds true about the sleep pattern, I would love that!!!
Anyone else suffering with fairly painful braxton hicks? Mine have been like strong period pains for the last two days and are making baby very active! x
My BHs haven't been strong or often yet but they do feel like period pain cramping, just so you know you're not the only one getting cramps, because it can feel worrying. They say make sure you're very hydrated and take it easy if they start getting too much. Sorry I don't have much advice but I'm quite new to it all hehe :)
Yes I've upped my water intake to try combat them a bit. I had them with my first son but much later on. Luckily I've had them in the evening when my sons in bed so I'm able to lay down and chill! Think I'll invest in a hot water bottle! x
Checking in, although I almost feel like I shouldn't be here anymore I'm so absent :lol:

I've been super busy with my babies so my feet are in agony. We went to Legoland yesterday and I looked after my nana today so I'm extra exhausted this evening. I can't seem to shut my brain off and sleep though. I will be able to once my OH gets in from work... which probably won't be until gone midnight!

On the pregnancy front, my heartburn is worse than ever, I think this baby will have thick black hair like daddy. Although they could surprise us all and come out bald LOL! After two super hairy babies I'm not putting any bets on a baldy. My feet swell every time I walk more than 10 minutes, so whilst the warm weather and fun days out have been lovely, the foot pain in the evening is nothing short of awful. My bump is beautiful though. Huge this time! Way bigger than the other two times. And I've only been sick twice this week....... :lol: Trying to think of positives so I don't bore you all!!

Some photo's


Picnic in nana's garden today


Harrison bump
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a fair few weeks but I have had a few family issues in regards to my dad and sister to sort out but I do try and read what everyone is getting up to. Firstly I hope everyone is ok and everyone's bubba's are doing well. I would also like to say a big congratulations to our first two sunflowers I'm glad they are doing well and fighting strong.

As for me, I am well and truly feeling the start of the third trimester. My SPD it starting to increase now in pain and my tiredness from 1st tri as well and truly returned with severe baby brain lol. On a good note though, my GD from my 1st prgnancy as not returned this time and it looks like my placenta may have moved away from my cervix, not that I will know for definite for at least another two weeks.

Also other than a few minor things, I actually think I'm ready, my hospital bag is pretty much packed, baby's changing bag is ready for out first trip out once we are back home and my breast feeding pump is all good to go and on stand by if I need it (hopefully won't lol). Everything is bought just in time for my maternity leave which officially starts on the 21st April, or at least I think it is. He he.

Also I managed to have my first ever 4d scan yesterday which I will post a pick of now. I'm so over the moon, I never had the chance with my 8yr old. Bless this ones little heart, in this pic she is smiling and what looks like she is picking her nose lol. I have also got a bump pic to show, I'm massive but all bump which is quite surprising considering I've gained 1st 11lbs but is even more so surprising less than with my 8yr old where I gained 3st 8lb.


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i had a stitch across my back with DS from about 14w, hurt most at night. only felt like it was a hand-span wide but it was right over my heart (but from the back) and really uncomfortable.

it's back :/ glad it held off for this long but won't be sad to see it go!
It did get quiet didn't it.

I had my GD test today. GROSS!! I've also been fighting what I thought was a cold all week, but the dr diagnosed bronchitis.. FUN! Not... Is it just me or does pregnancy ruin your immune system? I've had more colds, the flu and now brochitis in the 6/7 months I've been pregnant. I've never been this sick in my entire life! Grr. Drives me crazy!

I also had another growth scan today. Got to see Jett playing with his toes and sucking his thumb. I scheduled a 3D/4D scan for 2 weeks. I can't wait.

In other news.. I've been interviewing for my replacement while I'm on maternity leave. So time is def flying by! I'm also being considered for a really big promotion when I come back from leave. So that's exciting!!

On a sad note.. One of my very best friends passed away in a car accident last week. Her 2 year old daughter was also in the car but was uninjured. My friend was only 26 and wasn't wearing a seat belt. They save lives so buckle up! It was crazy that we were just talking about car seats on Facebook a few days prior. I bought the Bob by Britax since they had one of the best safety ratings and she too had one for her daughter. I just think it's too ironic and it's just a very sad situation.

I'll post pics of the nursery for you proudmama when I get the wall hangings up. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

Is anyone else as ready for Spring as I am?!?! I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in Tennessee the weather has been crazy cold.

Sorry so long. Just wanted to catch up!
Hi everyone

Seeing as its gone all quiet I'll let you all know how I'm doing!
Everything's been going fine, still have quite a few braxton hicks, baby is soooo active and was head down at my last midwife appointment.
I've had something a bit strange happen to me tonight, little bit tmi I suppose! Well I went the loo for a wee at work tonight and when I'd finished stood up and pulled my underwear up some fluid came out! Not a huge amount but enough to go through my underwear to my tights. I was like omg I swear that wasn't wee, it must have been my waters!! Well I rang the hospital and they've just said put a pad on and if I get any more I've got to ring them back.
Fingers crossed nothing nothing else seems to have come out but I'm just feeling very anxious and worried. I mean I've never had a problem with bladder control! Lol! So I keep thinking it can't be that but what do you ladies
reckon? Is it more likely to be pee than my waters? Would there have been more after a couple of hours if it was my waters?
I don't feel like I'm going to sleep very well tonight. My hubby works nights aswell so I feel a bit anxious being on my own my with my little boy tonight!
Heather- sounds minging but if you give you knickers a sniff that should tell you because wee and waters smell very different. Apparently waters smell quite sweet and pee smells, well of pee lol.

Had my gtt yesterday. Wasn't too bad just have to wait until Friday when I see a consultant for the results so fingers crossed but I am gettin a little extra chocolate in this week in case it's the last time for 3 months lol
Sorry to hear about your friend Ophelia :hugs: that's so sad xx

Heather - any update? Hope it wasn't waters! Stuff like this has happened to me though, but I think it was pee, sometimes the baby is pressing against your bladder so kind of 'blocks' abit of it from coming out. Keep us updated :flower:

AFM - iv hurt my back over the past few days, think i did it climbing over DH to go to to the toilet in the night! It's like a stitch kind of feeling in the bottom left side of my back and it makes me walk funny lol.
Only the past three nights iv needed to get up and pee though so I think iv done well to get this far, especially after two kids already :haha:
Hi everyone

Seeing as its gone all quiet I'll let you all know how I'm doing!
Everything's been going fine, still have quite a few braxton hicks, baby is soooo active and was head down at my last midwife appointment.
I've had something a bit strange happen to me tonight, little bit tmi I suppose! Well I went the loo for a wee at work tonight and when I'd finished stood up and pulled my underwear up some fluid came out! Not a huge amount but enough to go through my underwear to my tights. I was like omg I swear that wasn't wee, it must have been my waters!! Well I rang the hospital and they've just said put a pad on and if I get any more I've got to ring them back.
Fingers crossed nothing nothing else seems to have come out but I'm just feeling very anxious and worried. I mean I've never had a problem with bladder control! Lol! So I keep thinking it can't be that but what do you ladies
reckon? Is it more likely to be pee than my waters? Would there have been more after a couple of hours if it was my waters?
I don't feel like I'm going to sleep very well tonight. My hubby works nights aswell so I feel a bit anxious being on my own my with my little boy tonight!

Heather I doubt its anything other than pee, I rushed to the ER and they checked and said its probably just pee and not your waters, if it was you would leak a lot more. I have it all the time now, constantly changing my liner, also smell it, if its like a bleach smell its probably just pee, amnio fluid is like sweet, almost like a basil smell. You would definitely know if it was. Don't stress, keep your feet up, that usually helps me. Word of warning though, it gets worse some days other days there is nothing! Good luck!
Hellooo ladies :)

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend Ophelia, I can't imagine how difficult that is for everyone.. sending love <3 Really pleased that things are going well for your pregnancy though.
Pregnancy definitely lowers the immune system yes, that's why they do health promotion campaigns about getting pregnant ladies to have the flu shot etc because we're more likely to catch nasty things :/
We've started getting some gorgeous days where we are, something feels so wonderful about being pregnant and out in the sunshine, can't wait for more of those days :)

Heather if there was any kind of break/hole in your bag of waters there would usually be more leaking out unless it healed up quickly (which they can do) so hopefully nothing to worry about :) Any update?

AFM - I had my growth scan (for BMI) yesterday which was perfect, baby girl measuring 50th percentile which I assume is exactly average? Hehe. She's the loveliest creature, I'm getting such powerful desires to kiss and cuddle her!
Had the GTT this morning, blergh, not the most fun thing, but more worried about the results, really don't want to hear something is wrong :/ fx for me this week.

Love to the ladies and babies! I counted the people on this thread a few weeks ago (there must be more now) and I got to 83 pregnant ladies! WOW, think of all those families, so nice to be able to contact you all.

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