Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

I'm definitely bigger earlier this time. I was showing by 12 weeks!! Saying that my little girl was petite and this baby boy is apparently very large!

I'm working until the last day in May then I have 2 weeks annual leave before my maternity leave starts. Hoping baby holds on until 38+4!!
Just caught up with how everyone is doing.
I haven't even thought about sorting my hospital bag yet! I'll probably give it another couple of weeks or so then I'll make a start.
Our whole house currently has the flu so we all feel absolutely horrendous! And my whole stomach and sides are just agony with the coughing. My little boy is exactly the same which has meant that he's been sleeping lots in the day allowing me to do so too. Of course I'm getting no help off hubby as in his head he always has everything worse! Men!
So I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself at the minute. Mixed with my crazy pregnancy hormones I just want to cry!
I hope to work right up until the baby is born, especially since I wasn't very clear on what my insurance covers and it's going to cost more than I thought to have the baby! I'm not going back afterwards, so I need all the money I can get.

I haven't even thought about a hospital bag yet. I guess I need to start!
Ella_hopefull, my bubs is breech too at the moment, the kicks to the cervix are pretty uncomfortable! Have you been given a certain week for the baby to turn by? x
I'm starting maternity leave on my due date but I am taking a week and a half leave before that starts. I think I might start taking a few Wednesdays off as leave in the run up as well because I'm getting quite tired during the week.

Not started packing my hospital bag yet but I've picked up some maternity pads and breast pads and a couple of other bits I'm going to need already.
Not sure what way my lo is lying but I doubt head down. I think either transverse or breech. Scan not until 16th to check. Just hoping and praying he moves. In agony when he is transverse with my pelvis. Might need to use the crutches the physio gave me. Boo!
Sending <3 to you and your family Heather, I hope you all recover soon!

For me maternity leave is a little different because I'm at Uni but I have some exams that I will be doing before I leave hopefully and I'll be about 35 weeks then.

Also found out today that I passed my GTT really well which I couldn't believe :) And my iron levels are still good which is a relief because I was anaemic for years.
Thanks for the thoughts on the job front, ladies. I've still got time to think it over though so I'm not stressing.

Hospital bag? I still feel like it's way too early for that! :haha: We haven't even put the carseat in yet!

Ladies who are working; Is anyone working until they go into labor? Or have you ladies stopped working already? Or have a planned stop date?

Had an appointment yesterday. Belly is measuring right on. Heart rate is in the 150's. I've finally gained weight on their scale. Haha. I'm up 5 lbs from pre pregnancy weight. I see my doctor again in 2 weeks at which time she is going to set me up with fetal monitoring appointments once or twice a week since I'm considered "high risk" with the GD diagnosis. She said my sugars still all look fine though.

I haven't started my hospital bag either. Still seems like its a ways away before LO gets here. Over here we can take our disability 4 weeks before our due date so that's what I expect to do and "volunteer" my time and go in to work so they don't get too far behind.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who isn't really gaining weight :haha: I thought I was a weirdo. Only 5.5 lbs for me over here. Sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis, they had that concern with me too but everything is ok. Do they make you stick to a strict diet or anything because of that?
I'm due to start mat leave at 35.5 weeks, so a few more weeks yet. However, because I'm a teacher, after next week, I get 2 weeks off any way, which I think will be nice from a rest point of view.

I haven't started a hospital bag yet. My house is too upside down at the moment to even think about it! We have decorators in and there is furniture EVERYWHERE! Plus, in trying to clear out the baby's room, all the baby stuff is piled into a bedroom along with extra furniture etc. so it's not really the prime location for packing.

Pink Passion - I love your avatar!
Well im still feeling horrendous. My flu type symptoms have pretty much gone but my cough is so bad that all my stomach muscles have been pulled and I must have really pulled a muscle bad in my side because it hurts all the time especially when I stand or walk!
And now my mums really worried me saying I should ring nhs direct to find out what harm it's doing to the baby! So now I'm scared and anxious that having flu does some kind of harm!
Does it? Please can anyone advise? I was going to go the docs on Monday but she's saying I need to do something sooner???
Pink Passion - I love your avatar!

Thank you!!! :) I love my doggie!!! Here are a few more pics for you to enjoy!!!

Off topic, but since I'm just a big animal lover... What pets do y'all have?


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I have to say I don't know how you girls that go out to work do it!
I'm a SAHM and I'm starting to get tired and find it tough now! I really don't think I could handle working all day too!
Happy Mother's Day everybody xx
I have two dogs.
I''ve nearly finished the nursery, I just need to finish the cross stitch bears that will go on the walls. I have done two and there are five.:happydance:
As for the bag, it is ready too, except for my chothes as I am wearing them at the minute and I am not sure what I'll fit into yet... But it's the only thing left, I think.:thumbup:
Happy mothers day to all the uk moms!:flower:
I want to say a massive happy mother's day to all the amazing mummies on this thread who are doing everything they think is best for their baby(ies) and nurturing them in their bodies, I think we're all super stars :happydance:

On the pet front! I had rodents for years but have had to have a break due to circumstance, I had rats mainly and some hamsters and I loved it SO. And just last night me and my partner have decided we're ready to have another furry friend in our home and we've chosen a hamster this time just because we had rats more recently hehe. So excited! We're going to the pet shop today to have a look at a brand new cage for the lickle thing. :cloud9:
Well i just caught up on this thread.. No maternity leave problems for me as im already a SAHM. I Started on Ryder's hospital bag but not mine.. <---- Baby stuff is more fun! As For Pets we just have 2 dogs which both are staying outside as me and Evan has horrible allergies and they are furry! Mothers day?! Where at?
Pink Passion - I love your avatar!

Thank you!!! :) I love my doggie!!! Here are a few more pics for you to enjoy!!!

Off topic, but since I'm just a big animal lover... What pets do y'all have?

I have 4 cats! Would love a dog (or two) but our current circumstances mean it wouldn't be fair with us working. I did say when I stopped work we would consider getting one, but I think getting a puppy (which is what I'd prefer) around the same time as having a baby might be a tad too much! May be in a couple of years...

Kayla - it's Mother's Day in the UK. We were supposed to be having a large-ish family meal with mum and dad and siblings, but unfortunately it feel through for reasons outside of my control. As it turns out, hubby and I are both exhausted. Add to that 'losing' an hour of the day with the clock change and all the chaos going on in our house with major decorating work, we're both quietly pleased it's not happening (as it's a 2 hour drive away and we'd go and come back on the same day.) However, we are rescheduling for a few weeks time, so at least that's something to look forward to.

Icky subject alert!
I've always had congestion issues in the mornings and have to clear my airways. However, this morning I was bringing up blood in my phlegm. I've had it before where there's been a bit of blood-streaked phlegm, but this was more like actually bringing up bright red blood with a bit of phlegm in it - though I'm certain that the nature of blood always makes it look worse than it is. I don't have to cough it up, it just sort of 'materialises' and it continued for about half an hour after rising, then for another half hour or so after that with reduced blood. I've googled, and it looks like I may have a chest infection, but apart from still feeling very tired this morning (but there's a lot going on here AND I'm 'growing a baby') I feel ok, and it's stopped now.
Anyone else have experience of this? Anyone medical able to help? I thought about calling my midwife, but figured it's not really pregnancy related, so I think I'll call my GP surgery tomorrow.
We have no pets because DH is severe asthmatic and allergic to animal hair and DS2 is allergic to animal hair too :haha:
I'm not an animal person anyway, I had a cat once but had to leave him with my mum when I moved in with DH. x
We have two cats and a dog! (Our dog Echo is my profile pic). It's a lot to deal with, especially because we live in a townhome and don't have a yard for the dog. Adding to a baby to the mix is going to be chaos! :haha:
On the maternity leave subject, I'm going to try and work up until labor then I'll only be able to take a month off. As far as pets, I have 3 cats and two dogs. I'm a sucker for animals, though we won't be getting anymore any time soon.

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