Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Trying to get caught up here!

On the pets front, I have one dog, an Alaskan Malamute and she's my 90 lb. princess right now :haha:.

I haven't even started my hospital bag and as for maternity leave from work, I'm still a bit undecided. As a first time mom, I'm not sure how long I will hold out at work, but I'm hoping to go to the end of May at least and maybe the first week or so in June.
I finally registered DH and myself for birthing and nursing classes at the hospital so well start those in a few weeks.

My birthday is coming up in a little over a week so DH and I have decided its now or never for a baby moon trip! So excited to get away for a few days before I become super massive! :haha:

Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely ladies celebrating today!! :flower:

Here's a pic of my 27 week/3rd tri belly and my sweet pup!! :happydance:


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I've been reading but haven't updated much.. Nothing new to report.

I have 1 dog - Lacey the English bulldog - and I have 6 puppies that are 4 weeks old I'm having to take care of. We plan in keeping 1 and selling the others. They're just sooo cute!!

I have a 4D scan tomorrow and I'm sooo excited!! I didn't have one with my DS. We did maternity pics today. I hope we got some good ones, it was windy and my hair was everywhere. We'll see in a few weeks.

As far as hospital bag goes.. I've gotten the toiletries we'll need. I haven't purchased a diaper bag yet but plan to in a few weeks.

Here's my 30 week bump pic from today!


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I've been reading but haven't updated much.. Nothing new to report.

I have 1 dog - Lacey the English bulldog - and I have 6 puppies that are 4 weeks old I'm having to take care of. We plan in keeping 1 and selling the others. They're just sooo cute!!

I have a 4D scan tomorrow and I'm sooo excited!! I didn't have one with my DS. We did maternity pics today. I hope we got some good ones, it was windy and my hair was everywhere. We'll see in a few weeks.

As far as hospital bag goes.. I've gotten the toiletries we'll need. I haven't purchased a diaper bag yet but plan to in a few weeks.

Here's my 30 week bump pic from today!

Such a cute bump! I'm waiting to take professional maternity pics till the end of May. Can't wait!
I've been reading but haven't updated much.. Nothing new to report.

I have 1 dog - Lacey the English bulldog - and I have 6 puppies that are 4 weeks old I'm having to take care of. We plan in keeping 1 and selling the others. They're just sooo cute!!

I have a 4D scan tomorrow and I'm sooo excited!! I didn't have one with my DS. We did maternity pics today. I hope we got some good ones, it was windy and my hair was everywhere. We'll see in a few weeks.

As far as hospital bag goes.. I've gotten the toiletries we'll need. I haven't purchased a diaper bag yet but plan to in a few weeks.

Here's my 30 week bump pic from today!

Such a cute bump! I'm waiting to take professional maternity pics till the end of May. Can't wait!

Your bump is adorable too!! I had to get them over with! My nose is starting to spread out over my face and there's only so much photoshopping you can do. Lol I still take weekly or biweekly pics but I wanted to feel pretty during the professional ones.
I haven't got much to update really. Just plodding along. need to start taking pictures of bump, as haven't taken any yet! I am just so tired all the time :(

I asked my sister (who's a professional photographer www.lisaburrett.co.uk) yesterday if she would do some maternity pics for me, and she said of course - so need to organise those for the end of May.

As for animals, we have 2 cats and 1 dog (Siberian Husky). This link was shared by a colleague, I clicked on it and was looking through going, aw, aw, cute...WAIT A MINUTE...number 5 is a picture of MY babies! Josh was just over a year old and Eika was 10 weeks. https://hopeshared.com/22-photos-that-prove-babies-need-pets-number-17-especially/ Picture my sister had taken, she hasn't got it on her website, so it's probably come from my Facebook, scary!
I totally understand about wanting to take your pictures early. I'm so tired now all the time that it's such an effort just to take my weekly bump pics! It's like, you mean I have to do my hair and put makeup on? Lol! That's why my last pic I had a ponytail and just lip gloss, lol! I'm gonna have to find some energy though for the professional pics. Everyone tells me that is their biggest regret if they didn't take maternity pictures.

Sqwidge, you're so lucky your sister is a photographer!!
On the pet front, DH and I have one male cat. He's about 3 years old, we've had him about a year and a half, and a super cuddle bug/shadow. The only problem is he is very aggressive if there is too much movement or he feels like it. He has attacked my husbands face a few time when all he was doing was sitting on the couch. This scares us because we are going to be bringing a baby into the house soon and I don't know how he will react. I love my cat but the first time he attacks our son... He may have to go back to the shelter. :(
I totally understand about wanting to take your pictures early. I'm so tired now all the time that it's such an effort just to take my weekly bump pics! It's like, you mean I have to do my hair and put makeup on? Lol! That's why my last pic I had a ponytail and just lip gloss, lol! I'm gonna have to find some energy though for the professional pics. Everyone tells me that is their biggest regret if they didn't take maternity pictures.

Sqwidge, you're so lucky your sister is a photographer!!

Very very lucky! She did our wedding photos too (for free, thank god!) and it's so much easier to be yourself when it's someone you know!

I didn't actually get any pictures done when I was pregnant with Josh, which I do regret a little bit. This time he can be in these ones, will make up for it slightly!!
On the pet front, DH and I have one male cat. He's about 3 years old, we've had him about a year and a half, and a super cuddle bug/shadow. The only problem is he is very aggressive if there is too much movement or he feels like it. He has attacked my husbands face a few time when all he was doing was sitting on the couch. This scares us because we are going to be bringing a baby into the house soon and I don't know how he will react. I love my cat but the first time he attacks our son... He may have to go back to the shelter. :(

has he been neutered? that might need to be a priority if not. it will help settle him. get him used to baby equipment (pram/stroller, moses basket, crib) and when the baby arrives, give him something the baby's slept in to cuddle with in his bed so he gets used to the smells without having to be too close to the baby.

as with any pet, NEVER leave baby unattended with the pet, even if the pet is asleep and the baby is asleep. lastly, when the baby gets big enough to be curious and start interacting with the kitty, don't go overboard if kitty swipes out - just separate the two and keep them apart for a little longer. our greebo (black female kitty) has had her claws in taylor a couple of times but never maliciously - just bat-bat-bat "i've had enough" kinda thing. she moves off now rather than retorts.

take each day at a time, eh? don't try to anticipate problems as you can never tell how a pet will respond to a baby.

Also, you could speak to your vet or a pet behaviourist (though you might have to pay??) to see what they recommend as far as preparing puss for the baby's arrival.
I've no idea how our 4 will react to having a baby in the house, but we plan to try and still give them lots of love and attention. Also, in the run-up (so soon, I guess) we plan to play baby sounds around the house to get them used to the noise.
Thanks for the thoughts on the job front, ladies. I've still got time to think it over though so I'm not stressing.

Hospital bag? I still feel like it's way too early for that! :haha: We haven't even put the carseat in yet!

Ladies who are working; Is anyone working until they go into labor? Or have you ladies stopped working already? Or have a planned stop date?

Had an appointment yesterday. Belly is measuring right on. Heart rate is in the 150's. I've finally gained weight on their scale. Haha. I'm up 5 lbs from pre pregnancy weight. I see my doctor again in 2 weeks at which time she is going to set me up with fetal monitoring appointments once or twice a week since I'm considered "high risk" with the GD diagnosis. She said my sugars still all look fine though.

I haven't started my hospital bag either. Still seems like its a ways away before LO gets here. Over here we can take our disability 4 weeks before our due date so that's what I expect to do and "volunteer" my time and go in to work so they don't get too far behind.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who isn't really gaining weight :haha: I thought I was a weirdo. Only 5.5 lbs for me over here. Sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis, they had that concern with me too but everything is ok. Do they make you stick to a strict diet or anything because of that?

They gave me "diet" paperwork - stuff to avoid, stuff to eat more of - but most of it was obvious.. Chocolate, cakes, candy, sugary beverages. Ironically enough, prior to getting pregnant I was hypoglycemic (which, if you don't know, is basically the opposite of diabetes.) so I was watching my carbohydrates and sugars anyway. Plus, I've never been a fan of chocolate or cakes and I've been drinking diet sodas for at least 10 years now. In other words, I haven't changed my diet any but my sugars are still within normal limits so I guess no, it's not a strict diet? :haha:

I was beginning to wonder about the weight thing too while watching everyone else post their numbers.. But I'm also glad to not be the only one. I mean, I was overweight to begin with so my doctor didn't really want me to gain much anyway. :haha:

Alright, so I asked about everyone's leave time but didn't post my own plan. Whoops. :dohh: My plan is to work until it's time to go to the hospital, even if that means working through light contractions for a few hours. My office is literally down the street from the hospital I'm delivering at so it's quite convenient (My office is address is 9900 and the hospital is 9000). And a co-worker has already agreed to drive me down the street when the time comes. :haha: After delivery I have to take two weeks unpaid (or covered by paid time off, but I'm not sure I'll have any left because of appointments...) and then I get 4 weeks or 6 weeks depending on natural delivery or c-section.

I have no pets, personally. My ex-husband got to keep my cat (Nicholas). I miss him sometimes. He was such a sweet kitty. DF's mom has two cats though. They're ok, I suppose. :haha:
Pet wise we just have a 9 year old boxer dog and my little boy has 2 goldfish!
Afm- I really thought all these horrible flu symptoms had gone and I was just stuck with a horrible cough, but oh no this afternoon out of nowhere im back to feeling feverish, shivery, no energy whatsoever plus I'm a bit concerned that my urine is orange so not sure if that might be dehydration or infection? It really doesn't help that my husband is still giving me no help with our little boy, who is also still poorly and he doesn't even help me out by getting me food or drinks either. It's a nightmare and it's probably making me worse!
So im waiting for an emergency docs appointment and when I go I'll just have to leave my little boy with hubby and just go!
I’m going on maternity leave at 36 weeks, because of public holidays and I only work 4 days a week I only have 22 work days to go! I’m having 9 months off and then going back part time.

I was in the nursery on the weekend just daydreaming (as I do lol), and I got excited and wanted to start packing the baby’s hospital bag. But I was completely stuck and besides clothes I had no idea what to pack lol. So looks like I will be googling today! :haha:

I love animals especially dogs and I have two. A beagle who just turned 1 and a silky terrier.

This is my baby girl Harley

And this is my bump pic at 29+6!
I’m going on maternity leave at 36 weeks, because of public holidays and I only work 4 days a week I only have 22 work days to go! I’m having 9 months off and then going back part time.

I was in the nursery on the weekend just daydreaming (as I do lol), and I got excited and wanted to start packing the baby’s hospital bag. But I was completely stuck and besides clothes I had no idea what to pack lol. So looks like I will be googling today! :haha:

I love animals especially dogs and I have two. A beagle who just turned 1 and a silky terrier.

This is my baby girl Harley

And this is my bump pic at 29+6!

Your pup is so cute and so is your bump!

I'm loving the bump photos ladies!!

AFM, I forgot to mention the weight gain. So far I've gained 15 lbs. but it feels like so much more! I know I'm getting to the point where the weight really starts to pack on but I'm going try not too stress too much. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible but still allow myself the odd treats here and there. :blush:

Now off to start researching hospital bag items!! :wacko:
My 4D scan didn't go so well today. My little stinker had his back to us and after we tried to get him to move around he flipped face down looking at my back. Nothing would coax him out, he just fell asleep. We're going to try again on Friday.the tech did see some hair on the back if his head so I guess it wasn't a total bust. I also have an anterior placenta so that makes it a little harder to see around.

I've gained 15 pounds too. I'm not worried about weight gain. I know I'll lose it again when I start working out 6-8 weeks PP.

Exhaustion is the one pregnancy symptom I could live without. I think I'd rather have MS!! Ugh!
Blah! Carpal tunnel :(
And swollen feet and new shoes = huge blisters on the backs of my heels :(
Checking in again!

29+4 today. Measuring 32 weeks fundal height but Oliver was always the same so they're not concerned. My midwife and consultant both can't see why I can't have a water birth in the midwife led birth unit so hopefully the head midwife agrees so they're all on my side. There was talk of possible continuous monitoring during labour this time around but I've argued my case. None of the reasons they want me to be continuously monitored are going to be helped by continuous monitoring during labour. I'm just going to feel anxious and listening to his heart rate constantly and panicking which isn't going to help any one at all.

Little man is all down my left side, head resting on my left hip so very uncomfortable to walk ect, and bend down to pick up my toddler. Heartburn is horrendous. Apart from that I feel pretty good in the third tri! Hope everyone is well.

I'm assuming since my first two were a week late this little man will be, too! What do we reckon ladies? The first was 13 days late, the second was 9 days late. If this one comes before 41 weeks I think I might pass out from shock LOL
Baby bear has been beating the crap out of me today! Sometimes it really hurts...like when an elbow is thrown or the spoon I swear s/he is using to try and dig their way out with is used!! Owwwwwie!

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