Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

hope everything turns out ok & baby stays cooking for as long as possible!

some people just hold babies different. A friend has recently had her 4th baby and she cannot hold any of the babies longer than 37 weeks. She always goes early.. totally different subject i know.. x
Just think Rozzer, every single day your baby is inside your tummy it's getting stronger and stronger!

I think I might start packing in the next few weeks. I might not pack completely until about 37 weeks but if I get it started and pack what I think are at least essentials it might help DH out if I did go in to labour super early. It especially wouldn't hurt to pack the babies bag anyway, DH would definitely have no idea what to pack if I left it up to him lol. He would be a nervous wreck if I went early, he probably wouldn't be able to cope having to do it on his own lol
I started my bag last week. Just stuff for me so far as baby won't need anything if this early! Plan to sort out baby things in the next few weeks.
Lala - that's the same as my thinking; if baby comes this early, he won't be needing any of the bits I'd pack in his hospital bag as everything would be too small!
i've put some clothes (for me) aside so far, but that's about it. will sort through the sanitary wear next week (maternity pads and those mat things), and at around the 37 week mark i'll go get a size 1 pampers starter pack. for DS we had a pampers starter pack and a huggies starter pack, and he was into size 2 before we'd finished the huggies :/ so i don't want to overbuy in case they're never needed.

STILL need to go through all the baby clothes, that can wait til after our visitors have gone though.

last minute check of contents at 39 weeks, have toiletries prepped (decanted into travel pots, duplicate toothbrush and toothpaste etc) and a food/drink shopping list written out to get on the way to the hospital.
Hiya ladies! Hope everyone's doing well? How are the two babies doing in the group that have already been born?

Ladies who are on your second (or more) child, are you feeling HUGE!? I'm petrified of how much time is left and the fact that I feel like I'm literally as big as I was when my son was born!

ETA: maybe it's because I was smaller when I got pregnant this time? I'm just worried and feeling kind of crappy that I've gained SO much weight this time. I think I'm already at 40 lbs. :x

And is anyone having problems with vision? I'm pretty sure I experienced it the first time too, but it bothers me having to squint and get close to read things because they're blurry.
Ooooh the delivery bag! I packed mine so many times over with my first son. The last month I kept buying snacks, and packing them, then eating them and I don't think I went to the hospital with any hehe
Ooooh the delivery bag! I packed mine so many times over with my first son. The last month I kept buying snacks, and packing them, then eating them and I don't think I went to the hospital with any hehe

Haha I would so do that! No snacks are safe in my house!
Update from this morning:
Bad news, bubba is very small 5th percentile for abdomen, 10th overall.
Good news, as long as the status quo continues bubba can stay put for the time being. Specialist gave us a 50/50 chance of making 35 weeks. Monitoring is ramping up, we will be having weekly Doppler and fluid checks and fortnightly growth scans, plus blood tests etc.

Feeling really happy as the news was a lot more positive than I was expecting :) :)
On the hospital bag front, I am done. lol. Hospital bag, baby's changing bag are all ready to go and have been for two weeks now, I'm determined to spend the rest of my pregnancy relaxing!

Hopefully bubba, stays put for a long time yet and I'm glad the news was better than expected Rozza. It's also good to hear that they are going to be keeping a closer eye on you both although I'm sure all will be fine. :)

Exmxb, I feel huge but I am weighing in a lot less this time and am all bump unlike with my first where everything inflated on me. x
:hugs: Rozzer! Hope baby stays put happily for a good few weeks yet! xxx

My c section won't get booked until 35 weeks apparently. Everything went well at my appointment, I'm feeling sorry for myself though because I have an abscess on my wisdom tooth. Not slept or been able to eat for days :(

Iv just this week started hospital bag!
I bought a bag but when I got home I noticed it's ripped so need to go and exchange it.
So far I bought a long nightie with buttons down the front for bf, a little wash bag and a mirror. And I ordered some stuff from boots that I'm waiting for to put in the bag!
Pack of size 0 nappies
Nipple pads
Maternity pads
Lansinoh nipple cream
Dummies for baby

I'm starting to stock pile wipes too. Still use them for Ted anyway but I'm starting to buy extra packs every week so I'll have a build up. :)
Rozzer, I hope your little bubba can stay put.

Exmxb. Yeah, I'm feeling huge too, but I'm weighing a little less than I did last time. I feel like the weight is all over my body instead of just my belly this time. My vision hasn't gotten any worse--but my vision is bad in general.
Ladies who are on your second (or more) child, are you feeling HUGE!? I'm petrified of how much time is left and the fact that I feel like I'm literally as big as I was when my son was born!

fricking massive. i've gained almost twice as much weight as when i had DS (but i was smaller starting out this time and no awful MS to help lose some 1st tri bloat).

they're gonna keep an eye out though as bump is measuring 3 weeks ahead and scan measurements at 27+ were showing an average of 29+ growth, so might have developed GD since i passed the GTT.
Had my apt yesterday. Baby girl is doing great. HB was 154, fundal height is measuring right on schedule. Great news is she's head down with her back on my left side and her feet up by my ribs on the right. Hoping that she isn't one of those 4% or whatever that find their way into the breech position and that she stays put. Only downside to the apt was that my midwife and I were discussing the new controversy that's popped up about the safety of water birth and I'm hoping that my hospital won't stop allowing it, at least not before it's time to deliver! Everyone I know that's done it had a great experience and the hospital has been doing in for 20 years with great results so hoping it stays that way.
Aw Rozzer, hoping baby can stay in for a while yet, but at least they are keeping a super close eye on everything and will be ready for baby coming a bit early <3

On the hospital bag front, I haven't started at all yet! FTM and all :haha: But I'm aiming for a homebirth so it doesn't feel super urgent, but I'll definitely put together an emergancy one and I heard from others who've had homebirths that having the essentials in one place for their OH to access was really useful too hehe.

No real updates from me to report.. Still plodding along, attending uni etc, all is well :thumbup:
Well.... all this talk about hospital bags made me run out today and buy some essentials I've been needing for the bag!!! I will have it packed in no time now :)!!
Thinking of you Rozzer!

I have to say, I've been reading survival rates every week, has put my mind at rest a little as I still have frequent BH contractions.

Yesterday was scary though, I had painless contractions every 10 mins for a few hours. I hadn't had them that bad before, so I decided to go to L&D to have them check me out. They put me on a monitor, gave me 2 litres of fluid by IV and did a scan. The contractions stopped right away when they put me on the monitor though of course!! Looks like everything's fine though!

When they were doing the monitor, the baby kept punching the monitor really hard and you could hear the inteference. And during the scan, he was breech, and kicking down there... I had an internal scan to check my cervix and you could see the baby was actually kicking right at the ultrasound wand (even the doc. could feel the wand being kicked). It was amusing to see!
Thanks for the thoughts on the job front, ladies. I've still got time to think it over though so I'm not stressing.

Hospital bag? I still feel like it's way too early for that! :haha: We haven't even put the carseat in yet!

Ladies who are working; Is anyone working until they go into labor? Or have you ladies stopped working already? Or have a planned stop date?

Had an appointment yesterday. Belly is measuring right on. Heart rate is in the 150's. I've finally gained weight on their scale. Haha. I'm up 5 lbs from pre pregnancy weight. I see my doctor again in 2 weeks at which time she is going to set me up with fetal monitoring appointments once or twice a week since I'm considered "high risk" with the GD diagnosis. She said my sugars still all look fine though.
Minnie: I plan to work up until my waters break, baby willing! Everyone at my work is hoping he comes late or some of the projects I'm on end sooner than the baby comes!
Minnie, I worked right up until labor with dd. I left work as usually on a Friday and had to go to the hospital early Monday morning. This time I'm going to work right up until the time I think it's time to go to the hospital. I'd rather have that time for maternity. Last time dd came 2 weeks early, but it would be ideal if I went to my due date this time and then got a scheduled induction.

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