Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Oh yeah also I have really horrible fat feet and cankles :(
Can anyone with previous experience recommend any brands of maternity pads? (UK based) I'm on Easter hols now and think I need to make some of the less 'interesting' purchases, but I've heard they vary enormously in reliability and comfort. I've got it in mind that I heard Tesco were good at some point, but can't really remember.
I just used the Asda little angles range last time and some boots ones, both of which were ok for me.....on that note I should probably start purchasing bits like this as I haven't even thought that far yet...I feel I need to write a list!! Xx
Ophelia - Lovely pic of Jett! His little nose is adorable :)

Re pads, in the past I got really thick ones from boots (green packet I think) & they were horrible, felt like I had a nappy on!

Both times I've ended up using (think this is what they're called) Always super long night time pads -purple packet- with wings - the extra legnth & wings prevented a lot of leaks! This is only for home though - from memory the midwifes in hospital had me wear the hospital pads while I was there.

Oh & here's something I wish I'd known as a first time mum.. Those disposable knickers are a complete waste of money! I bought both the mothercare brand & boots brand. Both were sweaty & had odly tight elastic around the legs in particular (I don't have big legs!). I would most definitely recommend bringing a lot of regular cotton knickers with you to the hospital - you'll be so much more comfortable.
Ophelia great photo of Jett :D he looks adorable!

I also find it hard to believe what's inside us right now! It's crazy! A lady I know who was due the day after me had her baby last Sunday at 30 weeks, he's doing really well. Just looking at him is madness because that's what living inside us! Amazing!
Re pads, in the past I got really thick ones from boots (green packet I think) & they were horrible, felt like I had a nappy on!

Both times I've ended up using (think this is what they're called) Always super long night time pads -purple packet- with wings - the extra legnth & wings prevented a lot of leaks! This is only for home though - from memory the midwifes in hospital had me wear the hospital pads while I was there.

Oh & here's something I wish I'd known as a first time mum.. Those disposable knickers are a complete waste of money! I bought both the mothercare brand & boots brand. Both were sweaty & had odly tight elastic around the legs in particular (I don't have big legs!). I would most definitely recommend bringing a lot of regular cotton knickers with you to the hospital - you'll be so much more comfortable.

yes to the nappy feeling and yes to disposable undies being a waste of money - they're also rather smaller than the packet claims, i found. that said, i'm getting the thick tesco pads for the first few days as i needed the reassurance that i wasn't going to splurge everywhere - i had to wear two at a time for the first 3 days and change them immediately after the cramps subsided after a feed. after a week i went on to the thin maternity towels (but i had to put them upside down with the long tail at the front to get them to absorb properly) and regular pads for the last 3 weeks.
I bought cheap multipacks of cotton big pants from asda last time instead of the disposables. Much cheaper, more comfortable and I only had to bin 1 pair!!! Remember some big pants just in case you need a section as under bump ones are no use.
I also just bought cheap big knickers from matalan, as the disposables really are just a waste of money!
Jennifer - your little lady is very gorgeous :) funny how they do look fully baked in the scan pics at this point!

Can't wait to get my hospital bag sorted this week. Think I'll make feel feel a lot calmer knowing it's sitting there good to go.

Sat up v late last night writing out my birth plan. Had no plan whatsoever with ds1 (on the advice of the ob who was treating me) & had a bit of a sketchy one with ds2.
This ones a few pages short of a thesis. Glad I've done it though, feel a lot more in control :)
Thank you tilly! :) it is strange isn't it!

I also need to sort my hospital bag, need to go and buy a few bits and bobs and get it sorted. Like you said it will make us feel more relaxed knowing it's done and ready!

I also didn't have a birth plan with my DD as I just thought i would go with the flow, not sure about this time round though. For me there's no particular kind of birth I want apart from it to go smoothly :haha: what are you hoping for?
My mother in law strikes again!! She has caused no end of relationship problems for us since we got married. They came to visit for 2 weeks when my 1st was born and expected to be waited on hand and foot. They also expected my family who live nearby to stay away as it was "their exclusive time". She announced this morning that they plan to come and stay for at least a week as soon as this little one is born. I told my DH I don't think I can cope with that and he says I'm being unreasonable. So, we've started arguing again all because of her!!
Oooh, lalar, feeling your pain.
Can't advise you personally as I don't know all the ins & outs of your relationship with your in-laws but I definitely can say that my oh & I do best in these tricky situations when we don't fight - easier said than done though!
Obviously she's bursting to spend time with your new lo but she (an your oh) need to realise how important it is for you to have that initial 'at home' time with your new baby and you will call the shots. If they say they want to help you can welcome that, but tell them you'd most appreciate that help when the baby is x amount of weeks old & things have settled down a bit :)

Jennifer- hoping to go do just gas & air this time. Had epidurals with the previous two but neither worked properly! Also definitely do not want to labour or give birth on my back. Gave birth laying on my side last time & it was sooooo much easier & felt a lot more comfortable. It's definitely a very individual thing though, what works for some ladies mightn't work for others :)
Well I hope you get the birth you want :D I had an epi with my DD after 10 hours and god it was boring I had to wait another 8 hours! So I think that's something I'll try to do without this time. I would also like to try giving birth a different way, I'll have to have a think!

Lala I feel for you, maybe explain to your OH if it was your parents coming to stay as soon as the baby is born if maybe he can see it from your point of view then? Like Tilly said you would be missing out on that initial bonding time just all 3 of you. I hope you can get him to understand and maybe they can come and stay when the baby is a few weeks old, maybe instead of dismissing the idea and getting into an argument just suggest they can still stay but just not immediately after birth, you also need that time to recover mentally and physically. I hope you get it sorted :flower:
My mother in law strikes again!! She has caused no end of relationship problems for us since we got married. They came to visit for 2 weeks when my 1st was born and expected to be waited on hand and foot. They also expected my family who live nearby to stay away as it was "their exclusive time". She announced this morning that they plan to come and stay for at least a week as soon as this little one is born. I told my DH I don't think I can cope with that and he says I'm being unreasonable. So, we've started arguing again all because of her!!

blanket ban on visitors staying over - you need that time to bond and get into a routine with littlest, END OF.

I hope you can get him to understand and maybe they can come and stay when the baby is a few weeks old, maybe instead of dismissing the idea and getting into an argument just suggest they can still stay but just not immediately after birth, you also need that time to recover mentally and physically. I hope you get it sorted :flower:

^^ wss.
Omg lala that would drive me insane! I don't understand how they even expect you to be ok with that, I'd hate it! x
Thanks ladies for all the comments re maternity pads and knickers. I'm happy to go down the cheap knickers route, but now my question is, what size do I buy? A size or 2 sizes larger than pre-pregnancy??

Lala - I'm sorry your inlaws are causing you grief. So many people seem to have issues with inlaws! My situation is the polar opposite though, as we've actually asked my inlaws (more specifically my MIL) to come and stay once the baby is born. The arrangement is that they're basically on-call for when we need them, but because OH will only be off for a couple of days, I would otherwise be on my own, and whilst I might be fine, I need the reassurance that someone is on hand should I need them. So I'm not sure at what point they will come, but come, they will! I know that they will be more a help than a hindrance though and will advise when necessary, prep meals and run the hoover round etc. For one reason or another, it's just not practical for my family to come and I get on really well with my inlaws.
I hope you manage to resolve the issue. As someone else said, maybe you could suggest they come after a few weeks. Also, could your OH not diplomatically suggest that during this tiring time, it might be unwise to have house guests to look after (since it seems they're unlikely to look after themselves! :growlmad:)

We went pram shopping on Sunday. This is the first time my husband has looked at them and it was all very confusing! I thought at the end of the day that we had made progress and had almost settled on something, but now he's backtracking a bit... :shrug:
I also bought a baby gym! It's the one I wanted: the Skip-Hop Treetop Friends. One more thing to tick off the list!
Lalar I wouldn't have any advice but good luck with the in law situation!

I had a bit of a panic last night... I suddenly felt out of control, like everything is happening to me and it's not a choice. I felt like all I wanted was for my little family to be happy, for me and my partner and my baby girl to be happy and how that seemed like too much to ask and I wouldn't be able to make it happen.. Also I had all the things left to do before baby comes going round in my head.
My partner was amazing as always and held me and soothed me and I feel better today, but it was very weird having all those sudden anxieties!
I feel so blessed that I have everything I've ever wanted.. my man, a lovely little home, baby on the way, our little hamster familiar hehe and amazing family and friends, I don't really know what happened last night..
Has anyone elses pregnancy brain suddenly made them panic or breakdown like this? xx
Lala :hugs: I'll be here all night if I started talking about my MIL, she's absolutely crazy! She even crashed my wedding! Internet stalked me and constantly tries to get between me and DH.
You never get that time back with YOUR baby. You need that time to bond yourself. Don't let DH make you feel bad about it. He should be on your side regardless not mummy's! Tough luck if it offends her! This is a time you have to put yourself and your own needs first xx

Birth plans - I'm having a c section, which I'm totally happy about! The only differences I want is for them not to even bother trying to put a canular in my hand. It hurts! And iv never successfully had one put in my hand. Even after many tries. So I'm just gonna ask to skip it and go straight to my arm lol. I also want to be sat up abit more than I was in recovery last time. I think the being lay flat for the first couple of hours really affected our start to breast feeding and I'd like to avoid that if I can this time. I'd also like skin to skin straight away with the baby rather than it being whisked off to be weighed measured and messed around with. DH wants to see the baby born and I'm considering asking for the curtain to be lowered so I can see myself. Not totally sure on that one yet though! I hope when I see the consultant at 35 weeks we can work all this out :)

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and my follow up blood tests on liver function. I'm hoping this one comes back normal and I can relax x
Thanks everyone for the MIL advice.
DH has managed to have a chat with her and if they have to come when I'm still in hospital he has agreed that they should stay in a hotel and only come for a few days. The complicating factor is that if the baby is early they still want to come for a week. He has told them that they can't have the "exclusive" access that my MIL wants as there will be other friends and family who want to visit and/or help. I'm still trying to convince him that giving us some time before they descend would be better so we can have some personal time with our own little family.

I had my midwife check yesterday and the baby is breech again she thinks. I'm gutted as I was hoping for a vbac this time round. (DD was born by elective section as she was breech from 28 weeks) Still hoping the baby will decide to go head down although everyone I speak to is pessimistic. I've just ordered some moxi sticks from amazon to try after next weeks scan. If I do have to have another section then I get the MIL for longer afterwards. Double blow!!!!

Hope everyone else is well. Any news about our sunflowers who have arrived already? xx
Haven't checked in for a bit. I got wrapped up in preparing for parenthood, I suppose.

We put the car seat in my car Sunday and realized it wasn't going to work. In order for it to fit, the front passenger seat had to be move all the way forward so that when you'd sit, you'd pratically be in the dash. So, I had to trade in my beautiful Veloster :cry: for a more "mommy-suited" vehicle. I got a 2014 Toyota Corolla S Premium with all the bells and whistles. (I mean, if I had trade in my dream car for it, I wasn't skimping on anything..:haha:) It's a nice car, and fits the car seat wonderfully. I just dread the car payment for the next 6 years. :nope:

Officially 28 weeks today. 12 weeks left! Maybe I should start on that hospital bag now? :shrug:
I had my midwife check yesterday and the baby is breech again she thinks. I'm gutted as I was hoping for a vbac this time round. (DD was born by elective section as she was breech from 28 weeks) Still hoping the baby will decide to go head down although everyone I speak to is pessimistic. I've just ordered some moxi sticks from amazon to try after next weeks scan. If I do have to have another section then I get the MIL for longer afterwards. Double blow!!!!

hey, don't even worry about bub being breech at this stage, still plenty of time for them to wriggle about and get head down. mine was breech at my last MW appt, got a scan monday so will see where he's at now, but from the bruised feeling i've been having (and where the lumps and bumps are) i think he's turned back now. but taylor went breech at 37-38 weeks for 4-5 days before flipping back (now THAT was bad, i went into the labour ward on a sunday night in agony, he really kicked the shit out of me).

but ignore the stuff about it being sore - worth it if you want to vbac that bad.

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