Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Hope your scan goes well Rel!

Im hoping my nesting instinct kicks in soon! My house is a bomb site!!! And I have no motivation at all.
Yesterday I just wasnt feeling right. As a FTM I have no idea what's supposed to feel right or wrong so I called my doctor at lunch. My hips and lower back were sore/achy, he felt super low, and he just wasnt as active as he normally is. So I called and they had me go to the hospital for a NST. They hooked me up and watch for like an hour and a half. I had a raise BP and some contractions but nothing time-able. And of course as soon as they strapped me in, he became the karate master I have grown to know and love.

I'm glad everything looked fine, I just feel dumb for freaking like that. My husband also put his parents on red alert and they were about to get out of work to come to the hospital to wait for a baby that wasnt coming that day. As soon as we got out he had to call the dogs off haha. My parents were a lot more laid back and my dad assured me that they went 5 times for false labor before they had me.
Hope your scan goes well Rel!

Im hoping my nesting instinct kicks in soon! My house is a bomb site!!! And I have no motivation at all.

Me too. And my house is also a bomb site. Time is winding down and no sign of nesting yet!
Sassymom, this is my second baby and I was up the hospital being monitored on Sunday. These babies just like to worry us but it's always better to be safe than sorry! I wouldn't hesitate to go again if I thought something might be off so you did the right thing by getting checked out x
Sassymom, this is my second baby and I was up the hospital being monitored on Sunday. These babies just like to worry us but it's always better to be safe than sorry! I wouldn't hesitate to go again if I thought something might be off so you did the right thing by getting checked out x

Thanks so much, I know that's what I'm supposed to do. My doctor is usually really laid back so when she said go to the hospital I got worried and it set my DH off too.

This kid isn't even here and already giving me a heart attack hahha
It's always better to go and get checked! I remember one mw saying to me we'd rather you come a hundred times and everything be fine, just incase that one time there is a problem!
Dont feel like you're wasting their time, it's really important to get some reassurance! xx
Boothh and Cali - I don't know what sort of state your homes are in, but mine is in a SERIOUS mess! We literally have the contents of one large living room piled up in the dining room and study, rendering them next to useless. And there's no floor (as in, it's just a concrete base) as that should be going down next week. On top of that, I have piled boxes and stuff from one small bedroom (which will be the baby's room) into the largest bedroom in order to start decorating. So the large room is, in it's current state, not fit for use (it has stuff all over the bed, as well as all over the floor!) and the situation with the baby's room is that I've started stripping wallpaper... and that's it!
On the plus side, the end is sort of in sight with the lounge, and my dad is booked to come up in a couple of weeks to help decorate the baby's room.
I am starting to feel mildly panicked by the disorganisation!
Hi girls :flower:
Haven't been here a while because my account has been blocked due some word I used in a post that's apparently not suppose to be said ( not a cursing word or bad word :haha: , just regular word )

I thought it was ridiculous but whatever :shrug:

I am doing ok , except , I am huge , uncomfortable , feeling hot all the time , cannot sleep , my lady parts hut so bad and I am tired all the time .

Don't have anything ready for the baby yet , just buying stuff slowly but surely and when I have everything all together , I am gonna set it up . I don't like leaving anything unfinished :haha:

We decided on name ... Nicholas and middle name either Luke or Jake :shrug:

My first son is going to be 2 on April 24 th so we gonna celebrate , cannot believe he is about to be 2 :cry:

I didn't pass my GD test but passed my 3 hour GD test so :thumbup:

My mom and my sister are officially coming June 20th , after 5 and half years I am gonna see them is person :happydance:and obviously it's gonna be first time for my sons to see their grandma and aunt :kiss:

9 more weeks here for me , it seems like forever , cannot wait to hold and kiss my little man :baby:

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:

Cannot wait to see all the nursery pictures :happydance:
Oh wow proud - I'm interested in what that word would be! I've seen the F bomb so many times and it seems they never get blocked. Anyhow! Glad you're back!

I'm also hot all the time! I'm usually cold and have the heat on, but I've threatened my OH if he touches the thermostat I will paper cut his face. :)

AFM: I had another growth scan today and he's measuring right on 32 weeks but his belly is measuring 30 weeks. He weighs 3lb 10oz which is right at normal but his belly made him dip into the less than 10th percentile. So.. I have to go back in another week for another scan and see how it goes. The dr said not to worry that it's his machine that factors everything low. Since I had the SCH in 1st tri and I'm now in the less than 10th percentile he HAS to follow up based on policy. No complaints here, but you can't help but worry just a little.
Boothh and Cali - I don't know what sort of state your homes are in, but mine is in a SERIOUS mess! We literally have the contents of one large living room piled up in the dining room and study, rendering them next to useless. And there's no floor (as in, it's just a concrete base) as that should be going down next week. On top of that, I have piled boxes and stuff from one small bedroom (which will be the baby's room) into the largest bedroom in order to start decorating. So the large room is, in it's current state, not fit for use (it has stuff all over the bed, as well as all over the floor!) and the situation with the baby's room is that I've started stripping wallpaper... and that's it!
On the plus side, the end is sort of in sight with the lounge, and my dad is booked to come up in a couple of weeks to help decorate the baby's room.
I am starting to feel mildly panicked by the disorganisation!

Our house is the same and have now had the bright idea to remodel our kitchen! So having a major clear out and taking the kitchen out....not sure how wise it is 8 weeks before due date but hey it'll make us get on with it I guess!! Ha! X
I'm glad it's not just me feeling like we were crazy to have major works done so close to expecting a baby!

Ordered the cot today, and a moses basket mattress and cot mattress protectors (no cot mattress yet as they're out of stock, but at least with the moses basket sorted, he'll have somewhere to sleep!)
minion is measuring 3 weeks ahead, is between 95th and 98th centile for growth and is estimated to weigh 2.5kg+ already. means he will be 4.5kg or thereabouts at term... that's gonna sting.

and after my initial glee at passing my GTT 2 months ago, i volunteered to have another as i felt i may have since developed it - and i was right. but better to know than to continue in ignorance and have that put us both at risk.

hope everyone has had a good day so far <3
We're having a major extension done that should be finished the day before my c-section! Probably wasn't the smartest thing we've ever done, but will be worth it!

I'm doing ok, feeling more and more uncomfortable every day. Just soooo tired.

Hope you're all doing well xxx
Ophelia I hope everything is OK for you!
Well I have had a busy last week. I have had contractions all week, My nesting Instinct has came in full blast :) Perfect timing as hubby has been home for his 7 day off! But i went to L&D on Saturday to be monitored for lower back pain, tightings with pain & Pressure. Well I was having contractions every 4-5 mins lasting about 45 seconds each so i got a IV drip with fluid to try to stop contractions well that didn't work so they gave me the shot of something to help stop them. It slowed them down to every 12ish mins. & they checked my cervix im dilated to a 1 now. Im still having contractions about every day but i have a dr appt on thursday and gonna talk to him about them.
Wow! That does sound busy Kayla! Glad they were able to slow the contractions and your bubs is staying put for now. He's got to bake a few more weeks! :)
Wow a lot of you are busy! We have just finished decorating most of the house so thankfully no more big jobs for us!

Kayla glad baby is staying put for now, let's hope he bakes even longer!

So how is everyone? I'm in so much pain at the top of my bump, my skin feels like it's about to rip open!! Awful!
How stressful for you Kayla. I hope baba stays put for a few more weeks at least.

I too feel huge. Sitting on a low chair now hurts as my bump is pushing up into my chest. Baby is still not moving into the right position and shifts frequently from breech to transverse and right to left. I'm still going he will figure out head down is best!! I have a 3d scan booked this afternoon. A local clinic had a half price deal on so I couldn't resist the temptation. X
Ooohh Lala enjoy your scan!! They are amazing :)

I am so nervous, we find out what school Lily has gotten into at 6pm today (uk time) I'm so worried she won't get her first choice!

Anybody else waiting to find out?
Kayla I know what you are going through as I am in hospital as well. I had the shot to mature the lungs and I am on bed rest I guess for the rest of the pregnancy. They are keeping me in till tomorrow when I have a scan scheduled and hopefully I will be able to go home then.
I was hoping to avoid that this time as I was off work but it didn't work out that way.

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