Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Thanks everyone for the MIL advice.
DH has managed to have a chat with her and if they have to come when I'm still in hospital he has agreed that they should stay in a hotel and only come for a few days. The complicating factor is that if the baby is early they still want to come for a week. He has told them that they can't have the "exclusive" access that my MIL wants as there will be other friends and family who want to visit and/or help. I'm still trying to convince him that giving us some time before they descend would be better so we can have some personal time with our own little family.

I had my midwife check yesterday and the baby is breech again she thinks. I'm gutted as I was hoping for a vbac this time round. (DD was born by elective section as she was breech from 28 weeks) Still hoping the baby will decide to go head down although everyone I speak to is pessimistic. I've just ordered some moxi sticks from amazon to try after next weeks scan. If I do have to have another section then I get the MIL for longer afterwards. Double blow!!!!

Hope everyone else is well. Any news about our sunflowers who have arrived already? xx

I'm still around just don't add much because I kind of skipped all the topics you all are bringing up. :haha:

Anyways, little Ellie is doing amazing. She's up to 4lb 2oz and gestationally would be 32w1d. She was moved off of cpap and onto regular oxygen flow of 1L yesterday and so far has tolerated it well. 34 weeks is a huge mile marker for her as we can start slowly introducing breastfeeding if her breathing status is good and we can transition her to an open air crib if she maintains her temp! Exciting things are coming that's for sure. :) We almost have her nursery done so I'll have to post pics of that soon.

Keep baking all you other sunflowers!


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Soo glad to hear how well little Ellie is doing! Such a warrior! Hopefully the next few weeks go smoothly and quickly and she can come home eh :flower: xxx
Awwww beautiful baby maybe! So glad to hear she's doing well, she is adorable! Xx
She's gorgeous!!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the nursery!!
Awww Ellie looks so happy!!! :) I'm so glad she's doing well!
Aww she's so precious! What a strong little lady, well done to you all <3
Lala- glad your oh is on side & hope you get your vbac :)

Little Ellie is just precious!
Thanks for the update babymaybe. Ellie is just beautiful and it sounds like she is doing brilliantly! Good luck with the breastfeeding! Xx
Oh Ellie is just beautiful! Thanks for sharing, it's wonderful to see how happy and healthy she looks! :flower:
Peeing every 15 mins is really starting to bother me lol.. I feel like i never get much sleep anymore :/ how is everyone else feeling?
She's beautiful babymaybe :cloud9:. So glad she's doing so well.
Soo glad to hear how well little Ellie is doing! Such a warrior! Hopefully the next few weeks go smoothly and quickly and she can come home eh :flower: xxx

Her middle name is Louise... we picked it because it means warrior! We just knew she was a little fighter. :)
What a good girl Ellie is!

Kayla - yes, the peeing is getting on my nerves! Last night wasn't too bad, but the night before I had an awful night and got up 5 times to go to the loo! I find I'm also worse in the morning (probably as I start the day with 2 drinks in close succession) and I can literally go before leaving the house and 5 mins down the road feel the need to go again! Seriously!
Soo glad to hear how well little Ellie is doing! Such a warrior! Hopefully the next few weeks go smoothly and quickly and she can come home eh :flower: xxx

Her middle name is Louise... we picked it because it means warrior! We just knew she was a little fighter. :)

It's definitely a fitting name! :haha:

I'm definitely feeling very heavy and pregnant now.
Heartburn, swollen hands, legs and feet, back pain, sciatica, can't breathe, feel squished and sick after eating, lots of uncomfortable Braxton hicks, constant peeing, not being able to get comfy to sleep, tired, sore boobs, leaky boobs, itchy hands and feet and bump, my ribs are sore, ibs playing up.
So yeah. DH says I'm constantly moaning!
The thing that's annoying me most is I'm struggling to chase after the boys now. Even little things like bending down to tie their shoelaces is just soooo uncomfortable! Trying to keep the house clean and pick up after them, even washing clothes, all the bending and folding. It's just taking it's toll on me and making me pretty miserable at the moment!
They are going to my mums Monday morning until Wednesday, cus me and DH are going to see my favourite band and were staying in a hotel. So I'm hoping a few days to relax and then with the school holidays not having to get up so early and run around getting organised for the school run will make me feel abit better! Especially as DH has days off and bank holidays so I'll have some help :)
I'm definitely feeling very heavy and pregnant now.
Heartburn, swollen hands, legs and feet, back pain, sciatica, can't breathe, feel squished and sick after eating, lots of uncomfortable Braxton hicks, constant peeing, not being able to get comfy to sleep, tired, sore boobs, leaky boobs, itchy hands and feet and bump, my ribs are sore, ibs playing up.
So yeah. DH says I'm constantly moaning!
The thing that's annoying me most is I'm struggling to chase after the boys now. Even little things like bending down to tie their shoelaces is just soooo uncomfortable! Trying to keep the house clean and pick up after them, even washing clothes, all the bending and folding. It's just taking it's toll on me and making me pretty miserable at the moment!

oh gods i hear ya here. i'm on crutches from the physio now, so things are getting awkward at home and DH is having to take over a huge chunk. i can't even take the laundry out to hang dry some days because standing there and bending, pegging, bending, pegging becomes excruciating. we have a tumble dryer so all is not lost, but i resent the additional cost as well as the nagging thought that people will just think me lazy :wacko:

i'm sending DS away to grandad's more too so that he can get the running around he so desperately wants. i can let him out in the garden for a bit at a time but he needs more interaction too, which i can't provide atm - things like flying him around or tossing him up in the air etc... i'm just not physically capable any more :cry:

so, big :hugs: <3
Forgot to mention the carpal tunnel :haha:
Just took the kids to the park on the way home from school and it could only manage twenty minutes before we had to leave. Ted is at the age he needs a constant help to climb stuff so it's a lot of bending and lifting there too! I felt so bad cus we usually go for an hour or so! x
I also feel huge now. I had a dream the other night where I was all slim (hasn't happened in quite a few years! lol) and woke up feeling even bigger than I knew I was!
I have definitely slowed down but I keep seing things that need doing and thinking that I should be doing them, but I can't. It's annoying.:wacko:
Anyway, I'm getting to see my little girl next thursday at my last scan:happydance: and hopefully, this time everything will be fine, as I have been doing a lot less than during my previous pregnancy, as I have been off work.
I hope everyone is doing well.

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