Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Is anyone that is expecting their second baby starting to feel really worried and anxious about coping with 2 kids???
I'm starting to feel really worried but saying that it's not helped by the fact that I know my husband is extremely unhelpful and he is very much a hands off dad!

I'm a single mom and in college so I definitely feel you on that worry. My older son spends 50% of the time with his dad, so I do have some relief, but he's not having anything to do with this baby so I'm pretty much on my own with everything for him. I just am trying not to stress, I've already got enough drama with the father of my kids, and I am planning on taking things day by day. I invested in a really nice sling for myself to wear baby while I get cleaning and such done and play with my older son, and plan to do schoolwork during naps.
Finding it very hard to get about now. I think I'm suffering with SPD? Agony turning over in bed, walking, getting dressed, in the bath etc. feel like someone's been kicking me in the lady parts! :(
Sure it's gunna get worse too as baby gets bigger. Didn't have any of this in my first pregnancy x
Sounds like pelvic girdle pain frizabelle. (New term for SPD) I would see if you can be referred to a physio. I go weekly and it works wonders.

Any of you ladies developed new nipple/breast tenderness? I have had real discomfort for the last few days.

Repeat attempt at our 3d scan today. Not holding out much hope for a picture as he is still breech with his head near where the placenta is. Such a shame. Consultant next week and I am going to pester for an early ecv. last pregnancy we waited until 37 weeks which was too late.
I have definitely been experiencing new nipple pain.. it feels like they are on fire... weird!!
Finding it very hard to get about now. I think I'm suffering with SPD? Agony turning over in bed, walking, getting dressed, in the bath etc. feel like someone's been kicking me in the lady parts! :(
Sure it's gunna get worse too as baby gets bigger. Didn't have any of this in my first pregnancy x

I could have written this entry myself today. I was recently diagnosed with pelvic girdle pain and I'm going back next Thursday to have a support belt custom fitted to help support and manage the pain. In the meantime I have a nice big tubigrip with helps a bit. I'd call the physio if I was you, the sooner you get something to help the easier it'll be to manage.
Thanx ladies, just waiting for my midwife to get back to me now.
And yes boobs are a lot more tender/painful then they have been and have even leaked a little :/ x
Sorry it's been so long since I checked in, ladies! Glad to see everyone is doing relatively well, and just coping with the pains of pregnancy.

1eighty, Sorry to hear about the complications but glad your doc is looking forward and planning ahead.

AFM: At my appointment Wednesday, belly was measuring at 31 weeks. I have a growth sono scheduled for next Thursday, the 1st. :happydance: Doc has also requested NST's twice a week starting at 32 weeks, so my first will be Thursday the 8th.

Still not too uncomfortable. My feet and ankles swell so badly but they're not painful so I can't complain. Flip flops are not allowed in my office, but that's all my feet will fit in so I've been given special permission. :haha:

9 weeks or less of work left before baby girl's arrival!! :happydance:
I'm actually petrified of having 3 children now lol! I must have thought I could handle it though..... crazy lady
Went for our 2nd attempt 3d scan and I think we are doomed not to get any 3d images of the baby!! Spine to the front his time!! On a positive note, we definitely confirmed its team blue and the best news of all - head is down!!!! I'm not silly enough to think there's still not a chance of him flipping again but at least I know he is capable of getting head down!
Hospital scan next Wednesday and back to the 3d scan place next Friday.
Heather - you're gonna have pretty much the same age gap as I had with my two boys. I worried loads about how I'd cope with 2 but it was honestly fine! It just takes a week or so to get in the swing of things and then you'll be off!
I'm worrying again about having 3! I'll be totally outnumbered once DH is back at work and I'm worrying how I'll manage but I'm sure it will all fall into place and be fine.

My boobs are sore at the moment too and get shooting pains in them now and again.

Other than that I'm feeling okay though apart from sciatica and heartburn. 6 weeks to go!
I am back home again. I have a different sort of tablets to take and I have to be monitored at home and rest and I get to go back in two weeks for them to check that my cervix hasn't got shorter.
So I am being good and lying down all day. It's great to be home.
Glad you're home rel, rest up.
I'm a 33 week whale! Lol I was nowhere near this big in my first pregnancy! x


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I'm a 33 week whale! Lol I was nowhere near this big in my first pregnancy! x

i hear ya!

i'm as big now at 34 as i was at 38 with DS1 :/ weight wise, probably heavier!


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I hope everyone is doing well, I continue to follow all of your stories I just don't post often as I'm not really experiencing any pregnancy symptoms like you all at the moment. :haha: Can't imagine why. :dohh: Anyways my little sunflower is doing very well, I posted a full update in my journal if you care to read but it looks like she could come home as early as next week! Please keep your fingers crossed for us and I wish you all to keep your babies cooking so I can read happy stories in a month!

My journal has pictures of Ellie and her nursery too. :happydance:
My journal has pictures of Ellie and her nursery too. :happydance:

she is such a cutiepie <3

i like seeing your long posts because i don't get so much time to randomly surf and i tend to forget to keep up with people :blush: so the link to your journal is very handy!
dh and i just had a fight, he's really stressed and one of the issues is me using these forums, so for the sake of our marriage i'm signing off for now. will check in again when i can. best of luck ladies.
Aw that's great! Hopefully Ellie is home soon! :happydance:

Hope you're okay 1eighty :hugs:

This is my 32 week bump pic! Havnt taken one this week!


Just been for my blood test ready for clinic tomorrow and she tried four times and couldn't get synth out :( so I'll have to try again at the hospital tomorrow!
I feel so unfit, had to keep stopping on the walk home cus it was too much hard work pushing the pram uphill. It's only a mile each way so I feel abit annoyed I struggle now!

Hope everyone else is doing well x
Sooo yesterday and the day before i was having a lot of painless contractions every ten mins or so. Then randomly around 1 pm yesterday my back started aching in the middle, and by 7 it had gone from just an ache to excruciating pain. If I try to turn and look behind me it's excruciating, when I try to wipe on the toilet it's excruciating. I'm not sure whats going on but I don't have a phone right now so I can't call dr, plus they haven't been helpful.

Today I woke up with diarrhea too, and yesterday night didn't have much of an appetite for anything. Have yet to notice contractions today, as I only just woke up.
Hello ladies, I've not posted in ages because I haven't really had much to add. Not to make you jealous but I've totally had a perfect pregnancy (until Sunday happened). Everything is fine but here's my story from the last couple of days.

Went to bed on Sunday night to read for a little bit before going to sleep and just before I got out of bed for the loo I felt a trickle. To be honest my first thought was I was wetting myself although it didn't feel like it- felt like I had no control over it what so ever so then I thought it could be my waters breaking. When I got out of bed I noticed a patch of bright red blood- it had soaked through my pj bottoms and the sheet and felt like there was quite a lot there (to be honest I think when you're pregnant any amount of blood feels like a lot right?).

Rang my maternity unit who told me to pack a bag and come in. I was really panicking too much as I know I'd felt the baby that evening and I wasn't in any pain or having any tightnings. I think I just expected them to check me over say everything was fine and send me home and that the bag was for just in case.

Got to hospital and they did a trace, checked blood pressure etc then gave me an internal examination- they could see there had been fresh bleeding and they couldn't see my cervix and I was about 2 cms dialated. That was when they told me I'd be staying overnight to monitor me and I would see the doctor the next morning. Luckily I have a great maternity unit with my own room with ensuite and my husband could stay with me!

They next morning I saw the doctor. I hadn't had anymore bleeding since that bit at home. It had tailed off quite quickly so he was happy about that. He wanted me to have a scan to check that my placenta hadn't moved and that had caused the bleed. He also suggested I have steroid injections as although he wasn't expecting me to go into labour now, he thought if I was back again with the same problem they might have wished they had given them to me. SO I had one that morning and boy are they painful!! (Sorry to anyone who might be having them but they are!).

Had my scan yesterday afternoon and everything was fine. Had to stay in hospital another night so I could have my second steroid injection this morning and saw the doctor again who was happy for me to go home and I just have to go back if there's any more bleeding.

So like I said, everything is fine (as far as anyone can tell) but that's my drama for the last couple of days. Hows everyone else?
trinity - so they didn't tell you what the source of the bleeding was?

sorry it was a stressful couple of days :hugs:.

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