Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Warning: tmi alert!

So I am 34+4 and I think I am losing my mucus plug! It's not a huge glob but a little every time i go to the washroom. I have been having a lot of non-painful contractions lately as well that I have been keeping track of a few. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I'm not freaking out. My husband on the other hand... He thinks I could pop at any second haha.

Is anyone else finding they are losing this plug? I know it can happen weeks before labor actually starts, which is a reason I'm not quite worried yet.
No they couldn't see a cause for it but apparently it's quite common. I've since spoken to two friends who had unexplained bleeding (although not with the slight dilation combo which is why they have me the steroids)
Sassy - iv been losing my plug too, I mentioned it at my appointment today and they said it can be totally normal especially if you're active (I walk everywhere and run after two little ones) and it doesn't mean labor is imminent. Just keep an eye for signs of infection etc x
I have been losing my mucus plug as well for the past two weeks. & been having contractions :/ Im so tired of being pregnant now... But on the plus side i have a 3d ultrasound on Friday! I will be 32 weeks 2 days :)
Hi ladies :wave: just wanted to see how everyone is doing now that we are getting closer. Nothing going over here, no real symptoms or pains other than getting kicked in the lady bits constantly. Just started working on some projects for LO, anyone else addicted to pinterest? Too many projects I'm finding on there.
Trinity - I had some bleeding (just the one episode) during my last pregnancy. After examining me the doc said it was from an erosion on my cervix, apparently quite common & nothing to worry about. But yup, I totally understand how terrifying if can be to suddenly see blood, especially after having months of no periods! Try not to worry - if it makes you feel any better I went on to deliver a full term happy, healthy baby :0) xx
Pinterester right here!!! We made Ellie's bow holder off a combination of ones I liked, tons of ideas for decorating the nursery, and made an infinty nursing scarf!
I've had two episodes of unexplained bleeding which has had me present to the hospital. My ob checked babies movements on the CTG, she seems very happy in there and he checked my cervix and it's closed and looking fine. He said sometimes we can just deliver a healthy baby and never find an explanation to why we had some minor bleeding.

As long as baby looks like it's happy. My bleeding has only ever lasted a few hours, it's still scary but as long as it doesn't accompany any cramps and it's not too much, and baby is still active then I try not to stress. It's still hard but I'm sick of going all the way to the hospital and leaving with no answers!
I lost a part of my mucus plug on Saturday, called L&D and they said to come in, I just felt I didn't need to and didn't go, nothing since them, just the usual wet liners but on the ultrasound fluid around the babies were fine. I am huge to say the least, getting kicked in all directions!

Baby B has changed places with Baby A and is now bottom first, so C-section for me, even though I am measuring 2 weeks ahead OB wont move my date, I was hoping for May. Honestly though, I give these babies until 36 weeks and I got a feeling they will be here!

Love my babies, but so so tired of being pregnant!!!
Lovely bumps ladies! :)

Ellie is sooo beautiful <3

I'm so sorry about your scary couple of days Trinity; that would have really freaked me too. I'm glad everything seems okay :hugs:

I haven't lost any plug yet as far as I'm aware.. but I've had a couple of episodes of strong period-like cramps in my lower stomach/back which I found odd... People say that braxton hicks don't feel like that? :shrug:
I don't really think I've felt anything - other than usual pregnancy niggles. Not noticed and BH and apart from increased discharge, I haven't noticed anything else going on 'down there'! Am I unusual in NOT being fed up with being pregnant!? I don't feel too huge (or look it) and just suffer with more tiredness, shortness of breath, trouble getting comfy in bed and indigestion (ok, so that's quite a lot!) Oh, and my ribs have been hurting at the top for the last few days.
Hehe Sizzles, aside from the odd weird pains I've had recently I could have written your post. I am not sick of it either and I feel better these days now I'm on maternity leave than I did at 28 weeks when I was trying to do too much. I'm not carrying very big it seems and I like being pregnant :) I will miss it.. but I am getting sooo excited to hold my baby now, it's getting harder to wait! X
Only 8 more weeks for me today! & Ryder's room still isn't done :/ Is anybody else slacking like me? I should of already had it finished as i have already been in labor once and got it stopped & dilated but I can't do it alone & OH has one crazy work schedule!
Kayla - I am 6 weeks minus 1 day and the baby's room is still not done! However, we are making progress. My dad has been up (but sadly has to leave tonight) and the prep should be pretty much done by the time he goes, leaving us 'just' to do the painting side of things. I'm not sure how much OH will be able to help me as he also works long hours, but I finish work a week on Friday and (aside from baby deciding to make an early appearance!) the coming weeks are less frantic than the last month or so has been. I do also have baby's stuff to wash and hospital bags to pack though!
So I have been feeling a bit rough since last night, really bad heartburn, felt like some tightenings as well.

Wasn't due to see midwife until next week, but made an appointment today. She thinks I have a urine infection, so I have antibiotics to take.

I only have 3 weeks until I start maternity leave and 8 weeks (yesterday) until my section...it's all going very fast!
6 weeks to go and I'm so unorganised it's unbelievable lol
Hey ladies, I've been keeping up but haven't had the chance to update.

I go for growth scans every week to make sure his little belly continues to grow. Right now it's 2 1/2 weeks behind. I'm still gaining weight, my FH is right on, fluid is good and he weighs 4lbs 11 oz at 33+5. So we're right on track. Honestly, I think they have me in there every week because I have a $1500 credit on my account they're trying to use up. Anyways.. I'll still go just to see him but I'm guessing he's going to be of average weight and size - I'll be shocked if he isn't.

The nursery is done - We just have to hang some shelves and get some baskets and I'm hoping we do that this weekend. I'm still in the process of packing the hospital bag. We have what we need to survive but I'll be throwing things like the hair dryer and brush in at the last minute. (Don't forget a razor so you can shave your armpits ladies) lol Diaper bag is packed and ready to go. I should receive my nursing bras in a few days to throw in. Other than that... just waiting and waiting.

No terrible symptoms here except can't get comfortable to sleep. I can't lay on either side for more than an hour without my hips and shoulders killing me. I have a gazillion pillows but they don't help. Oh and rolling over takes an act of Congress (US ladies will get it).
I was also getting really bad back pain and Braxton Hicks and heartburn for the last week or so, but then yesterday, the baby dropped, and I feel SO much better. I still have back pain, but at least the heartburn is mostly gone.

The funny part is that now that the baby dropped, I look a lot less pregnant--more like I looked in my 6th month than in my 8th, except with a slightly bigger stomach.

I read online that it's normal for first babies to drop at 34 weeks, so I shouldn't worry, right?
No I wouldn't worry about the dropping, every baby is different and it's nothing to be concerned about!

Iv been getting quite painful BH this time, don't remember them ever hurting with the boys. The baby is high up and breech though so that might be partly why!

I'm still really unorganised, really need to pack my hospital bag etc. I'm trying not to worry about organising though because I know it's not the end of the world when it comes down to it! Ours house is already so busy the baby will just have to fit in lol!

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