Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Congratulations exmxb and joeyjo! How exciting!
Still nothing to report here!
My stomach hurts in the night but its more of a discomfort pain I think. I'm getting more and more fed up as time goes on just desperately waiting for something to happen! I'm 3 days overdue today!
Congratulations exmxb and joeyjo.

I can't hardly wait to hear more stories.
Ooooh, meant to say - it's a full moon on Friday & apparently there are lots of births during full moons... Something to do with gravitational pull making waters break... Might be a load of hocus pocus but my 1st (only spontaneous labour) was born during a full moon. I dunno, but hey, something to keep you ladies in waiting entertained :0) xx

I'm glad you said that as our calendar says Thursday, but is that because it's an American calendar? That can't be right though, because they're behind us... Can anyone explain? My brain's not working!

typing one handed while nursing my little latch champ, sorry for typos!!!

roman arrived at 9:38 pm after an intensely fast labor! will update with picture and story tomorrow!

Congratulations! That does sound quick!

Robert Matthew was born June 10th at 2:10am
4.347kg (9lb 9oz I think) and 53.5 cm long !

And yet more congratulations!

OK, I'm getting bored now and a tiny bit jealous of all these babies! Today is my due date and I want to be one of the 5% who actually have their baby on the due date, yet he shows no signs of wanting to come out and play - COME ON BABY!

Second sweep booked for this morning... :wacko:
I wish I had no signs I'm fed up of being up all night in pain for no reason :( argh!

Congrats guys!
So very ready to meet this baby!!
We went to the day unit again yesterday evening for reduced movements, thankfully baby is fine and my blood pressure was down too. The trace even picked up a few tiny tightenings, just need them to get a lot stronger!
Been feeling tearful over the last couple days and my nesting instinct seems to have finally arrived! Actually looking forward to my sweep on Friday, I'll be telling her to hold no prisoners!! Lol x
Congratulations exmxb and joeyjo!

Well I hope all you ladies start to get something happening soon!

AFM I'm quite happy to wait another two weeks for my c-section, so you can all go ahead and take any labour dust from me for yourself!
typing one handed while nursing my little latch champ, sorry for typos!!!

roman arrived at 9:38 pm after an intensely fast labor! will update with picture and story tomorrow!

WOW! Congrats! And to think a week ago, you were completely closed! Wowee! :D

Robert Matthew was born June 10th at 2:10am
4.347kg (9lb 9oz I think) and 53.5 cm long !

Amazing!! Congrats joeyjo!! :D :D
Congrats on all the little sunflowers being born and good luck to everyone else still waiting.

I'm 39 weeks today and expecting baby to come this week, I'm guessing Friday for some reason, probably wrong and wishful thinking lol. I'm feeling very worried about the birth though..just today I haven't been able to shake this feeling :( xx
Congratulations to all the mummy's that have had their babies so far!!!!

Don't you just wish people didn't tell you things?
My midwife and a few others were saying to me it would be very unlikely id reach my due date as my babies are so close together.... well due date is in 6 days and I'm still here!
Also I lost my mucous plug and people kept saying I'd probably go into labour that night,, just wish peoppe didn't get my hopes up. I'm now preparing myself for the fact that il be overdue!
Hmm, I know what you mean Catty. I'm also wishing I hadn't told people things; in particular, the fact that they wouldn't want me going (much) over my due date: the consequence has been that people are 'bothering' me today and the last few days to see what's what! If I'd just left it unsaid, I'd have had people telling me 'Oh, some babies are 2 weeks late - you could have ages yet', then we could surprise them with the news prior to the end of that 2 week window.

I'm also kind of wishing they hadn't said to me that they wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks, as OH and I have pretty much had today in our minds all along, as the end of the race. The impact of this has been me feeling very despondent today :shrug: and anxiously hoping that labour starts of it's own accord before they induce me on Friday. I'm fed up and bored, and I'm sure if I'd had in mind that I may continue on for another couple of weeks, I wouldn't have been so bothered, as I'm quite happy being pregnant.

I had my sweep this morning. Although in practice it seemed more successful than last weeks (she 'accessed' all areas much more readily than the consultant did last week and it was nowhere near as uncomfortable) I've had NOTHING to show for it, whereas last week I had some cramping and plug-loss. That hasn't helped my mood. Plus the fact that she really wasn't selling it to me, telling me that in her experience they don't really work. I nearly didn't bother, but then I said that I wanted to feel proactive in avoiding induction so we'd just go ahead with it. 50% effaced and 1cm dilated: I looked this up and this pretty much means nothing! I could still go on for 2 weeks if it weren't for the fact that they will induce me before that.
I'm still feeling majorly fed up of waiting now!
I've had another curry for dinner tonight as the one I had on Saturday night proved unsuccessful! Not an overly spicy one though, I don't like overly spicy food, I would normally just have a korma but I upgraded to a chicken tikka masala. It was definitely spicier than the one I had on Saturday so let's see if this does anything!
I have had a few niggly pains and twinges today but nothing major at all.
I'm having such trouble with this baby's name! His first name is definitely Freddy and has been since 18 weeks. Last name is Morton and we had thought his middle name would be Alan after my dad but today my uncle Robert passed away and I'd like to have his name in there too. Soooo I prefer Freddy Alan Robert Morton but his initials would be F.A.R.M. Is this mean? Freddy Robert Alan Morton doesn't flow the same for me.....x
I'm having such trouble with this baby's name! His first name is definitely Freddy and has been since 18 weeks. Last name is Morton and we had thought his middle name would be Alan after my dad but today my uncle Robert passed away and I'd like to have his name in there too. Soooo I prefer Freddy Alan Robert Morton but his initials would be F.A.R.M. Is this mean? Freddy Robert Alan Morton doesn't flow the same for me.....x

Aww I don't think it would be mean, like you say it flows better that way.
We initially weren't going to name this baby Lily as her middle name is Jean after my husbands gran. We thought Lily Jean sounded too much like Michael Jackson's Billy Jean and it used to make me break out into song every time I said it!
However we soon realised that it really didn't matter as it was the name that we both liked for our baby girl so that's what we're going with!
Not the exact thing I know but I hope that helps a bit!
Ahh thanx, I don't want people to make fun of his name but whether his initials are farm or fram it still sounds a bit funny! Lol. Middle names aren't used too often anyway so I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for him. Aww I think lily jean is really cute! x
If I had been a boy my initials wouldve been DOG Jr. Anything is better than that. :)
Congrats to all the ladies whose babies are here now, I'm happy to announce the birth of our Daughter, Jessica who was born June 9th at 12.10am 6lb 15oz. Hope you can see the pic.

I had a really short labour with my little boy almost 3 years ago so I knew this one was going to be quick too but I really had no idea how quick! Basically what happened was my waters broke at 7.15pm on Sunday night, My Husband took our little boy to my Mum's while I had something to eat and had a quick shower. by the time they got back half an hour later my contractions were five minutes apart and lasting about a minute so we went to hospital.

When we got there I was examined and found to be only 3cm dilated so the midwife said I could either go home (what?) or have a bath to wait for things to progress. there was no way I was going home so decided on the bath. the contractions were getting really painful and an hour and a half later the midwife came back in to say I might be at least 4 or 5cm by now so she would check me again and get me into a room in the delivery suite. I got out of the bath but as soon as I stood I knew I wasn't going anywhere, the pressure was unreal, I got down on my knees and said "the baby is coming, NOW!" The midwife pushed a big bean bag under my top half and I pushed three times - that was it, baby was born right there on the floor!

Unfortunately I tore quite badly, almost a 3rd degree tear, which was the same as with my little boy so the weak area obviously just tore again and I had to have a lot of stitches (definitely worse than giving birth!) other than that I am well, so is baby Jessica and we are slowly getting used to being a family of four. I haven't been back to read other's stories yet but I will do that now, just wanted to update :happydance: :hugs:

Congratulations Irish girl. Jessica is beautiful!
I feel your pain with the sutures. 19 days down the line and I'm still not fully healed.
Has any of the ladies who had a c-section developed an infection (endemetriosis)?

I developed this plus mastitis, and then I started having a bad reaction to the antibiotics. They put me on new antibiotics and I'm still throwing up and I have hives all over my body.

DH is doing a great job looking after DD and he isn't going back to work for another week or two but I'm getting scared that I won't be able to handle everything on my own. Especially because he works away Monday to Friday.

Maybe I'm just extra tired from the infection and from throwing up all the time but I feel like I won't be capable of it all on my own.

Did anyone or does anyone else have these fears after having a section?

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