Congrats to all the ladies whose babies are here now, I'm happy to announce the birth of our Daughter, Jessica who was born June 9th at 12.10am 6lb 15oz. Hope you can see the pic.
I had a really short labour with my little boy almost 3 years ago so I knew this one was going to be quick too but I really had no idea how quick! Basically what happened was my waters broke at 7.15pm on Sunday night, My Husband took our little boy to my Mum's while I had something to eat and had a quick shower. by the time they got back half an hour later my contractions were five minutes apart and lasting about a minute so we went to hospital.
When we got there I was examined and found to be only 3cm dilated so the midwife said I could either go home (what?) or have a bath to wait for things to progress. there was no way I was going home so decided on the bath. the contractions were getting really painful and an hour and a half later the midwife came back in to say I might be at least 4 or 5cm by now so she would check me again and get me into a room in the delivery suite. I got out of the bath but as soon as I stood I knew I wasn't going anywhere, the pressure was unreal, I got down on my knees and said "the baby is coming, NOW!" The midwife pushed a big bean bag under my top half and I pushed three times - that was it, baby was born right there on the floor!
Unfortunately I tore quite badly, almost a 3rd degree tear, which was the same as with my little boy so the weak area obviously just tore again and I had to have a lot of stitches (definitely worse than giving birth!) other than that I am well, so is baby Jessica and we are slowly getting used to being a family of four. I haven't been back to read other's stories yet but I will do that now, just wanted to update