Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Congrats Irish Girl, she's beautiful xx

Jersey, I can only offer hugs xxx
Congrats Irish Girl! She's a cutie pie! Hopefully you recover well :)
Had my OBGYN appointment today. 38 weeks this week. I've had tons of Contractions but no change from my L&D check from Thursday. They*did*however send me for an NST scan since he was very quiet. He is moving though I can barely feel them and heart beat was fantastic.*
They gave me a induction date. June 27th. Which is pretty much my due date. It appears Andrew has gotten shy and is deciding he wants to stay in now lol. I truly hope he comes on his own. My son came at 38 weeks and was perfect. This ma'ma will be walking her tail end off this weekend.
Wow I can't believe how much has gone on in less than 24 hours!!

Congratulations Irish girl, joey no and exmbx :happydance:
My yellow bump turned into a Blue bump:)
I had my son Josiah James on May 30th via csection. He weighed 7lbs9oz:) the smallest baby for me yet;)
We are so in love and his big brother and sister adore him :) we feel very blessed:)


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My yellow bump turned into a Blue bump:)
I had my son Josiah James on May 30th via csection. He weighed 7lbs9oz:) the smallest baby for me yet;)
We are so in love and his big brother and sister adore him :) we feel very blessed:)

OMG Jen he is SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats again!!!! Can't believe he's almost 2 weeks old already. Where does time go?!
Hi ladies I haven't been on here for mths but I just wanted to update u girls tht my baby girl Sara was born on Saturday 7 June... It was quite a long and painful labour and baby had to b helped out with a vaccuum ... But we r both home now n doin well...
Congratulations to all the ladies who've had their little ones n all the best to all the rest of u who r waiting...trust me the wait n frustration is worth it at the end of it all
Congrats to all you wonderful ladies who've welcomed your little ones!!!

Just an update. My last day of work is Friday and if I haven't gone into labor on my own before then, I'll be induced June 24th! Can't wait to meet our little girl!
Oh my gosh so many new babies!!

Congrats Irish girl, pdxmom, and jen! Oh my gosh Jen he is just the cutest. Makes me so broody just looking at him :cloud9:.
For some reason, I thought I was going to go before my due date (which is silly, because I'm a first time mom). So even though my due date is tomorrow, I feel like I'm AGES overdue. The good news is that they'll most likely induce by the 17th if things don't go on their own, so I don't have that much more left to wait...

So jealous of everyone who's delivered already!
Congrats to all the ladies whose babies are here now, I'm happy to announce the birth of our Daughter, Jessica who was born June 9th at 12.10am 6lb 15oz. Hope you can see the pic.

I had a really short labour with my little boy almost 3 years ago so I knew this one was going to be quick too but I really had no idea how quick! Basically what happened was my waters broke at 7.15pm on Sunday night, My Husband took our little boy to my Mum's while I had something to eat and had a quick shower. by the time they got back half an hour later my contractions were five minutes apart and lasting about a minute so we went to hospital.

When we got there I was examined and found to be only 3cm dilated so the midwife said I could either go home (what?) or have a bath to wait for things to progress. there was no way I was going home so decided on the bath. the contractions were getting really painful and an hour and a half later the midwife came back in to say I might be at least 4 or 5cm by now so she would check me again and get me into a room in the delivery suite. I got out of the bath but as soon as I stood I knew I wasn't going anywhere, the pressure was unreal, I got down on my knees and said "the baby is coming, NOW!" The midwife pushed a big bean bag under my top half and I pushed three times - that was it, baby was born right there on the floor!

Unfortunately I tore quite badly, almost a 3rd degree tear, which was the same as with my little boy so the weak area obviously just tore again and I had to have a lot of stitches (definitely worse than giving birth!) other than that I am well, so is baby Jessica and we are slowly getting used to being a family of four. I haven't been back to read other's stories yet but I will do that now, just wanted to update :happydance: :hugs:


Oh she's beautiful!!!! Congrats!
Congrays pdxmom and Jen!! Jen he's just beautiful!! I'm dying to meet my little man now!! :)
Congratulations ladies! So many babies now! I keep having dreams of me going in to labour but then I wake up and nothing! Lol x
Loving all these baby announcements. :cloud9:

Congratulations to all those ladies who have their lo's in their arms already. :thumbup:

And hang in there to all the others still waiting patiently... Almost there. :hugs:
Congratulations to Irishgirl, PDX and Jen - very cute pics!
Congratulations to all the new mums!
I've put Anthea's birth story in the third tri forum at last.
To all the mums still waiting I wish you all the best and I hope you don't have to wait too long.

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