Due in June 2014!(88 sunflowers), 37 (blue), 24 (pink), (48) here!

Hello ladies! I would love to join :)
I had a scan Thursday (18th) and we got to see our rainbow and a perfect heartbeat!
The ultrasound technician didn't give me an actual due date, instead told me a handful of growth numbers, so I should know for sure this Thursday when I see my midwife.

Based off the scan I am due June 4th/5th!
I shared with friends and family that I am pregnant however I am very cautious as we got pregnant about 2 weeks, 2.5 weeks after delivering our son, Elijah stillbirth.

Welcome! Sorry to hear about Elijah, can't even imagine how you feel. Hope this is your rainbow baby though xxx
Welcome to all the new soon-to-be June mommies!!!

Sizzles- I am also an IVF patient (gestational surrogate so not my baby) and I am measuring about a week behind as well but my doctors all think everything looks great and we either have a slow grower or the baby implanted late. At this early stage it is hard to get an exact measurement and it can be off up to 5 days. At my first ultrasound we saw a strong heart beat but baby is measuring small. My HCG levels were super low during week 4 and 5 and were rising but barely doubling in 72 hours or not at all! I hope both of our babies catch up by the next scan!!!

With this one I am thinking it is a boy since my MS is not as bad and I just have that feeling. I kind of would like it to be a girl just because I think it would be so adorable for her to be a daddy’s girl for both of her dads. I love having a little girl and seeing her bond with my husband… it is so sweet!

Love all of the pictures! They are such cutie pies!

The crown theory is interesting! Penny has a center crown but I’m guessing this won’t work for me since the baby is not related to us! :dohh:

I’m impressed with how some of you are at home all day with your LO’s while pregnant! I work and my DH is a stay at home dad and works his business. Its nice having him at home to cook and make sure the house isn’t a disaster. He is so good with Penny too! First tri is exhausting so let’s hope it flies by.

My DH has a traditional name as well… Timothy.

Ibelieveitwil- Wow! Huge congrats on the twins!!!

Joeyjo- I’m sorry the scan wasn’t the best. I hope in 2-3 weeks the baby will catch up. Are you completely sure of your O date? Late implantation could have delayed as well. It is so hard to be in limbo and not know what will happen.
Welcome radiance!! Think I said hello over in first tri? If not, hello anyway :) and I'm sorry to hear about Elijah :hugs: xxxx
I had a very bad scan this morning at exactly six weeks. Gestational sac was found in utero, but no yolk sac, fetal pole or heartbeat. :( My beta levels were so low, I was preparing myself for this ... But it still hurts so much. My doctor told me not to give up yet, that it still could just be too early, so they are having me come back in one week for a seven week ultrasound to confirm. They told me to be cautiously optimistic, but in my heart I hearts I know it's over. I guess I'm just sitting in limbo waiting... If it's going to end, I wish it would just end instead of dragging this on and giving me false hope along the way.

We were trying over a year for this baby, part of it wth the help of a RE and four IUIs before the last one finally took. I know some women have it so much harder, but I don't know how much of this I can take. I was so happy two weeks ago with my very first bfp. I thought all my TTC tears, anguish, money, and time had finally paid off. I'm heartbroken.
Ibelieveitwil, congrats on the twins! How exciting! Twin scans are really neat.

Joeyjo, sorry you didn't see more at your scan, but you are still very early. I can't count the number of times women have posted about their doctors freaking out about not seeing anything that early, only to find a week or two later that everything is okay. I had my first scan at 6 weeks 1 day, and the sonographer even told me before I started that the scan was too early to freak out about if we didn't see anything. I know it's hard not to worry and lose hope, but it's too early in the game for that.

jenniferannex, so happy that your lines are still dark! I can't wait until we're all far along to use our dopplers for reassurance.

Radiance, beautiful scan pics! I know that it must have been reassuring to hear the heartbeat!

hoping, wow so you're a surrogate. That's such a wonderful thing you're doing. It must be a wonderful feeling to know you can help someone's deepest wishes come true! I see your hubby is also a "Timothy", lol!

AFM, just biding my time and trying not to to get to freaked out googling stuff. I'd really love it if I could fast forward one month and know that the NT testing is going to be okay. I can't wait to tell my extended family. I also hope to find out the gender early like I did the last time!
I had a very bad scan this morning at exactly six weeks. Gestational sac was found in utero, but no yolk sac, fetal pole or heartbeat. :( My beta levels were so low, I was preparing myself for this ... But it still hurts so much. My doctor told me not to give up yet, that it still could just be too early, so they are having me come back in one week for a seven week ultrasound to confirm. They told me to be cautiously optimistic, but in my heart I hearts I know it's over. I guess I'm just sitting in limbo waiting... If it's going to end, I wish it would just end instead of dragging this on and giving me false hope along the way.

We were trying over a year for this baby, part of it wth the help of a RE and four IUIs before the last one finally took. I know some women have it so much harder, but I don't know how much of this I can take. I was so happy two weeks ago with my very first bfp. I thought all my TTC tears, anguish, money, and time had finally paid off. I'm heartbroken.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry you didn't see what you wanted at your scan. But your doctors are right. It is still too early to assume the worst. The wait must be agonizing. I hope things turn out better than you're expecting.
Hey ladies. I know sometimes seeing nothing at 6 weeks is bad but with my daughter I promise you there was nothing on her 6 week scan! At 7 weeks she was a little bean with a beating heart! Don't lose hope :( I will pray for you all x
I had a very bad scan this morning at exactly six weeks. Gestational sac was found in utero, but no yolk sac, fetal pole or heartbeat. :( My beta levels were so low, I was preparing myself for this ... But it still hurts so much. My doctor told me not to give up yet, that it still could just be too early, so they are having me come back in one week for a seven week ultrasound to confirm. They told me to be cautiously optimistic, but in my heart I hearts I know it's over. I guess I'm just sitting in limbo waiting... If it's going to end, I wish it would just end instead of dragging this on and giving me false hope along the way.

We were trying over a year for this baby, part of it wth the help of a RE and four IUIs before the last one finally took. I know some women have it so much harder, but I don't know how much of this I can take. I was so happy two weeks ago with my very first bfp. I thought all my TTC tears, anguish, money, and time had finally paid off. I'm heartbroken.

I am so sorry you are having to go through this :hugs: it must be so hard to stay positive but I guess that's all you can do! Praying for you that everything will turn out ok xxxxx
I had a panic attack this afternoon, it was so horrible and I feel so drained now. I started feeling funny when I went to get Jesse from school, the classroom was so full and I got very flustered and then he fell on the way home and I was trying to hurry him up because I felt weird and I felt like all the other parents where judging me because I was snappy with him. Luckily managed to get to my back garden before it kicked in properly. Luckily my next door neighbour came out and took the kids in for me and got them sorted and fed and let me sit down and calm down in her kitchen til DH got home. I havnt had one since I was pregnant with teddy and I'm really shaken up from it! I should've known something was wrong I even snapped at jesses teacher when she asked me a question :/
Should I be worried that I don't really have any symptoms? I mean, I'm tired, and have the occasional wave of nausea, but no throwing up and sore boobs you ladies keep describing?

I've only thrown up a few times but I do get queasy occasionally through the day. I think it's normal. :)
I had a very bad scan this morning at exactly six weeks. Gestational sac was found in utero, but no yolk sac, fetal pole or heartbeat. :( My beta levels were so low, I was preparing myself for this ... But it still hurts so much. My doctor told me not to give up yet, that it still could just be too early, so they are having me come back in one week for a seven week ultrasound to confirm. They told me to be cautiously optimistic, but in my heart I hearts I know it's over. I guess I'm just sitting in limbo waiting... If it's going to end, I wish it would just end instead of dragging this on and giving me false hope along the way.

We were trying over a year for this baby, part of it wth the help of a RE and four IUIs before the last one finally took. I know some women have it so much harder, but I don't know how much of this I can take. I was so happy two weeks ago with my very first bfp. I thought all my TTC tears, anguish, money, and time had finally paid off. I'm heartbroken.

Didn't see this, :hugs: sorry Hun, I hope that when you go back you see something and everything has caught up! Iv been there and I truly know how awful it is to be told, I'll be thinking of you xx
I had a very bad scan this morning at exactly six weeks. Gestational sac was found in utero, but no yolk sac, fetal pole or heartbeat. :( My beta levels were so low, I was preparing myself for this ... But it still hurts so much. My doctor told me not to give up yet, that it still could just be too early, so they are having me come back in one week for a seven week ultrasound to confirm. They told me to be cautiously optimistic, but in my heart I hearts I know it's over. I guess I'm just sitting in limbo waiting... If it's going to end, I wish it would just end instead of dragging this on and giving me false hope along the way.

We were trying over a year for this baby, part of it wth the help of a RE and four IUIs before the last one finally took. I know some women have it so much harder, but I don't know how much of this I can take. I was so happy two weeks ago with my very first bfp. I thought all my TTC tears, anguish, money, and time had finally paid off. I'm heartbroken.

I am so sorry you are having to go through this :hugs: it must be so hard to stay positive but I guess that's all you can do! Praying for you that everything will turn out ok xxxxx

I'm sorry to hear that! :nope::hugs: I will be thinking and praying for you!
Rubbish scan. :cry: only a gestational sac, no yolk sac let alone fetal pole or heartbeat. Doctor reckons only about 4 weeks. Personally I know my dates aren't that far off - I got the BFP 2 weeks ago! He said wait 2-3 weeks and go for a rescan which I will but I suspect it's a blighted ovum :cry:
Feel completed deflated, glad my folks are coming tonight and I'll end up telling them anyway but with a completely different slant. I knew I was being optimistic hoping for a heartbeat but I thought at least I'd see a fetal pole. :cry:

I might be a bit distant from this thread till I know what is going on :hugs: to you all :hugs:

I'm sorry :nope::hugs:
Hi there ladies - I'm so sorry to hear of the heartbreaks some of you ladies are going though...my prayers are with you...and FX'd that everything turns out for each of you!
Rubbish scan. :cry: only a gestational sac, no yolk sac let alone fetal pole or heartbeat. Doctor reckons only about 4 weeks. Personally I know my dates aren't that far off - I got the BFP 2 weeks ago! He said wait 2-3 weeks and go for a rescan which I will but I suspect it's a blighted ovum :cry:
Feel completed deflated, glad my folks are coming tonight and I'll end up telling them anyway but with a completely different slant. I knew I was being optimistic hoping for a heartbeat but I thought at least I'd see a fetal pole. :cry:

I might be a bit distant from this thread till I know what is going on :hugs: to you all :hugs:

Ahh! Just saw this. Sounds like you and I had very similar days. :hugs: xx
Thank you everyone for your kind words! It means a lot... :)

Nothing much to do but sit and wait and see. I'll try to stay as hopeful as posible... But like joeyjo above I may keep my distance a bit from this thread until I know one way or the other. Thanks again everyone for your kind words and positivity! I'm sorry if I sound melodramatic. I just never expected this outcome. Naive, I know. In my year of TTC my worse case scenario that I imagined was just never getting a bfp. I never fathomed once I finally got one that it would be fleeting. :(
Hello ladies! I would love to join :)
I had a scan Thursday (18th) and we got to see our rainbow and a perfect heartbeat!
The ultrasound technician didn't give me an actual due date, instead told me a handful of growth numbers, so I should know for sure this Thursday when I see my midwife.

Based off the scan I am due June 4th/5th!
I shared with friends and family that I am pregnant however I am very cautious as we got pregnant about 2 weeks, 2.5 weeks after delivering our son, Elijah stillbirth.

Welcome! Sorry to hear about Elijah, can't even imagine how you feel. Hope this is your rainbow baby though xxx

Thank you. :flower:

Welcome radiance!! Think I said hello over in first tri? If not, hello anyway :) and I'm sorry to hear about Elijah :hugs: xxxx

I believe you did!! Thank you for the welcomes <3

I had a very bad scan this morning at exactly six weeks. Gestational sac was found in utero, but no yolk sac, fetal pole or heartbeat. :( My beta levels were so low, I was preparing myself for this ... But it still hurts so much. My doctor told me not to give up yet, that it still could just be too early, so they are having me come back in one week for a seven week ultrasound to confirm. They told me to be cautiously optimistic, but in my heart I hearts I know it's over. I guess I'm just sitting in limbo waiting... If it's going to end, I wish it would just end instead of dragging this on and giving me false hope along the way.

We were trying over a year for this baby, part of it wth the help of a RE and four IUIs before the last one finally took. I know some women have it so much harder, but I don't know how much of this I can take. I was so happy two weeks ago with my very first bfp. I thought all my TTC tears, anguish, money, and time had finally paid off. I'm heartbroken.

I'm so sorry, please don't give up hope though!! :hugs: I too had heartbreaking news after having my second, it would take years (with treatment) to get pregnant and that there was a small chance I could never conceive again! We got pregnant with Elijah a little over a year later <3 Even though he was stillbirth he is our miracle. We got pregnant about 2.5 weeks after delivering Elijah, everyone in the medical field and friends/families have said how amazing that is! It simply is.

I was filled with joy and plenty of other emotions around everything I've been going through, at my 2nd appointment on the 15th (hadn't had a scan yet) I got some bad news. My hCG levels only went up about 1200 out of the expecting 6000 in 48 hours, they told me it was most likely an ectopic pregnancy. I had my scan Thursday, baby was perfect and measuring on track and maybe a little ahead :thumbup: Believe me, I went in thinking the worse, actually knowing the worst and it turned out good. Sending a lot of loves and hugs your way!

Radiance, beautiful scan pics! I know that it must have been reassuring to hear the heartbeat!

Thank you! And yes, it was my first (and only) scan so far and I was just hoping to at least see a baby!! It was even greater news to see and hear that the heartbeat was perfect.
MissyLissy and joeyjo, I really hope it works out for you. Loads and loads of hugs....


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