Due in Sept 2013 looking for bump buddies

My exhaustion and nausea seem to be subsiding thank goodness! Now I'm in that in between where I don't really feel pregnant and I'm just waiting form the bump to start showing. Can't wait to feel movements too, but I know that will be a while. I have to say I feel like time is going fast - doesn't feel like the TWW was all that long ago.
Symptoms are finally starting to ease up... even though I got sick this am lol. Been crazy tired latetly find myself sleeping 10+ hrs a day. Have had a few headaches but nothing on a regular basis so far. Boobs are still quite sore but i personally can't tell if they have gotten any bigger or not. Going for my 12 wk scan in a week and can't wait!!! Had to go and see a specialist last week because of a hemmerage and sever pain but looks like the hemmerage is finally gone!! And the pain is most likely from the fibromyalgia as i am no longer taking any pain meds. Got to see the baby and it actually started dancing around during the scan :) made the doctor stop and laugh a little lol. Hope everyone has a good day

Sending Happy and Healthy thoughts to you all
Hello Ladies, Glad to hear everyone is doing good. I am feeling a little better as well. It is nice not to be nauseas all the time. And my boobs are less sore as well. Hopefully it is normal for symptoms to decrease around this time. I have an appointment next week. I am looking forward to it. I am almost 12 weeks!
From what i read, symptoms decrease around 10-12 weeks. I hope this is true because i've been having less and less symptoms as well. I'm 11weeks today, and have an appt on Thursday. Good luck with all of your scans girls!
Hi ladies!! I've been exhausted too! Can fall asleep at like 8pm most nights. Lol! Had an US today and the doctor said everything looks "perfect". That was such a relief! Saw the little nugget rolling around and kicking it was so great. :-)

Nausea has subsided a lot here too thankfully. Just tired with some breast tenderness.
Hi ladies!! I've been exhausted too! Can fall asleep at like 8pm most nights. Lol! Had an US today and the doctor said everything looks "perfect". That was such a relief! Saw the little nugget rolling around and kicking it was so great. :-)

Nausea has subsided a lot here too thankfully. Just tired with some breast tenderness.

Wonderful news!!!
Hi ladies!! I've been exhausted too! Can fall asleep at like 8pm most nights. Lol! Had an US today and the doctor said everything looks "perfect". That was such a relief! Saw the little nugget rolling around and kicking it was so great. :-)

Nausea has subsided a lot here too thankfully. Just tired with some breast tenderness.

Thats great news!
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

Hi Elephant....I have been almost symptomless throughout these past 12 weeks. I've had the occasional headache (which I have always suffered from anyway) and been a bit more tired than usual and by boobs hurt...but really not a lot to go by and they have all but gone now.

Anyway today I had a U/S and all was just fine....we are getting to that stage now where the worst of the symptoms are over and it's time to enjoy. I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow -hopefully when you see for yourself you will be able to relax a little. All I can say to ease your mind is the % of missed miscarriages is extremely low so really try and enjoy your evening and get some rest!
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

Try not to worry! Everything is fine. I do the same and google all kinds of crazy questions and scare myself as well.. Its so bad. Your baby is doing just fine! Relax
I could be wrong as I try and not google miscarriages but wouldn't you know if you miscarried with bleeding, cramping, and such? I would really try and not worry about it. You really have no reason to worry from the sounds of it. And you haven't had a miscarriage is the past right? Tomorrow morning will be here soon enough and hopefully put your mind at ease and you can start enjoying this beautiful miracle!:flower:
Thanks Mimzy! I haven't had a miscarriage but the kind of miscarriage I'm worried about is a missed miscarriage where you have no signs...I dnk why I'm so worried - maybe because it took us a while to conceive? You all are so supportive and i promise not to post any more worring thoughts. I will try to stay positive!
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

I was too so I know how you feel. When I had my scan done yesterday my husband was so excited and kept saying "Arent you sooo excited to see the baby? I cant wait" and all I could say was "What if somethings wrong and there IS no baby!!" I was so nervous I actually gave myself diarrhea all day before my appt. Im sure everything will be fine! Good luck! :-)
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

I was too so I know how you feel. When I had my scan done yesterday my husband was so excited and kept saying "Arent you sooo excited to see the baby? I cant wait" and all I could say was "What if somethings wrong and there IS no baby!!" I was so nervous I actually gave myself diarrhea all day before my appt. Im sure everything will be fine! Good luck! :-)

This made me laugh---you could be my twin! Thanks for your encouragement!

So, just as all of you probably guessed, everything went fine this morning at my appt. I thought i was going to get another u/s but i guess because of insurance purposes they said I won't get another u/s until around 19-20 weeks but the dr. did use the doppler and we heard the heartbeat again! I wish i was able to see my baby again as well but i am very thankful to have heard the heartbeat - she said it was around 150-160bpm and guessed i was going to have a boy! She said it was not an educated guess, just a gut feeling. We'll see...... Thanks again, ladies, for all of your kind words during my worried moments!
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

I was too so I know how you feel. When I had my scan done yesterday my husband was so excited and kept saying "Arent you sooo excited to see the baby? I cant wait" and all I could say was "What if somethings wrong and there IS no baby!!" I was so nervous I actually gave myself diarrhea all day before my appt. Im sure everything will be fine! Good luck! :-)

This made me laugh---you could be my twin! Thanks for your encouragement!

So, just as all of you probably guessed, everything went fine this morning at my appt. I thought i was going to get another u/s but i guess because of insurance purposes they said I won't get another u/s until around 19-20 weeks but the dr. did use the doppler and we heard the heartbeat again! I wish i was able to see my baby again as well but i am very thankful to have heard the heartbeat - she said it was around 150-160bpm and guessed i was going to have a boy! She said it was not an educated guess, just a gut feeling. We'll see...... Thanks again, ladies, for all of your kind words during my worried moments!

Great news!! So glad your appointment went well!!:happydance:
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

I was too so I know how you feel. When I had my scan done yesterday my husband was so excited and kept saying "Arent you sooo excited to see the baby? I cant wait" and all I could say was "What if somethings wrong and there IS no baby!!" I was so nervous I actually gave myself diarrhea all day before my appt. Im sure everything will be fine! Good luck! :-)

This made me laugh---you could be my twin! Thanks for your encouragement!

So, just as all of you probably guessed, everything went fine this morning at my appt. I thought i was going to get another u/s but i guess because of insurance purposes they said I won't get another u/s until around 19-20 weeks but the dr. did use the doppler and we heard the heartbeat again! I wish i was able to see my baby again as well but i am very thankful to have heard the heartbeat - she said it was around 150-160bpm and guessed i was going to have a boy! She said it was not an educated guess, just a gut feeling. We'll see...... Thanks again, ladies, for all of your kind words during my worried moments!

Great News! :happydance: Thats comforting to hear the heartbeat again :) I wonder why she guessed boy? mmmm ? I so want to know the sex of my baby already:wacko:!!! The heartbeat last time I heard it was 174. Hopefully I'll hear it again, with the doppler on Monday.
Yes, i agree -- wanting to know if it's a boy or girl is killing me too! I'm sure you'll get to heartbeat on the doppler at your next appt. When is it?
OK, ladies, so i've got my appt tomorrow morning and i cannot wait but i've been sleepless the past couple of days worrying about it! I wake up around 2am, go to the bathroom and have the hardest time falling back asleep. My mind starts racing and then i start googling stupid questions about miscarriages on my phone. 2 hours later i'm wide awake and even more scared. I hate feeling this way and i wish i could enjoy this pregnancy because it's really been fairly easy, but i find it hard to. I know stress is bad for the baby but i cannot help it when i don't feel pregnant and all i can think about is a missed miscarriage? After tomorrow, if the scan goes well, I'm sure i will be less worried but until then i'm literally going nuts.

I was too so I know how you feel. When I had my scan done yesterday my husband was so excited and kept saying "Arent you sooo excited to see the baby? I cant wait" and all I could say was "What if somethings wrong and there IS no baby!!" I was so nervous I actually gave myself diarrhea all day before my appt. Im sure everything will be fine! Good luck! :-)

This made me laugh---you could be my twin! Thanks for your encouragement!

So, just as all of you probably guessed, everything went fine this morning at my appt. I thought i was going to get another u/s but i guess because of insurance purposes they said I won't get another u/s until around 19-20 weeks but the dr. did use the doppler and we heard the heartbeat again! I wish i was able to see my baby again as well but i am very thankful to have heard the heartbeat - she said it was around 150-160bpm and guessed i was going to have a boy! She said it was not an educated guess, just a gut feeling. We'll see...... Thanks again, ladies, for all of your kind words during my worried moments!

Im so happy everything went well! Hearing that little hearbeat makes it all better :-) When I had my ultra sound this week I heard the heartbeart, but she didnt tell me how many BPM it was and I forgot to ask :-( I want to start trying to guess the gender by heart rate! lol!

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