Thank you hopeful
I am glad I am not the only one that it doesn't feel real for. I only have sore boobs, tiredness and constipation too. The first doctors appointment I could get was on Thursday so haven't even started the ball rolling with the midwife! I think I will be happy when I can hear its heartbeat, I think then it will sink in for me x
It is wierd, I never thought I would be wanting to have morning sickness!!
Although I don't feel 100% I have never got a definite sickness feeling. I suppose eating every few hours has been helping that
You ladies can have my sickness!
Its Horrible at the moment!
I've just spoken to my doctors and the first midwives appointment they could offer me was 16th June - I'll be 9 weeks by then! At this rate I'll be in Maternity trousers before I've even seen a midwife! Grrrrrr.