Due January 2012? x

Is anyone opting out of having any ultrasounds done? On the one hand I would like to see a little bean and hear a heartbeat, especially with my history of MC's, but on the other hand, even if I do hear/see him or her, that does not mean I won't go on to miscarry further down the road. It just disturbs me that there is not much evidence out there about the safety of ultrasound equipment. I mean, they were giving women x-rays at one point until they realized what a bad idea that was...

My midwife has recommended one for me at 6,7, or 8 weeks, whatever I prefer. I'm still contemplating.
I'm due January 26th :) Just found out 5 days ago, and I could use a pregnancy buddy! I am 19 and haven't told any of my friends, or family, yet so it would be nice to have someone to share everything with :)
I'm due January 26th :) Just found out 5 days ago, and I could use a pregnancy buddy! I am 19 and haven't told any of my friends, or family, yet so it would be nice to have someone to share everything with :)

I also due on the 26th as well ^.^ congrats girl! I havent told anyone but my mom and a couple people. Its hard keeping it in, but after a miscarriage last year, I'm trying to be cautious.
I'm due January 26th :) Just found out 5 days ago, and I could use a pregnancy buddy! I am 19 and haven't told any of my friends, or family, yet so it would be nice to have someone to share everything with :)

I also due on the 26th as well ^.^ congrats girl! I havent told anyone but my mom and a couple people. Its hard keeping it in, but after a miscarriage last year, I'm trying to be cautious.

aww how exciting! When did you find out? it seems so far away, yet so close when trying to prepare haha.
How did your mom take it? Hopefully well!
Only me and my boyfriend know which is a pain because he really hasnt been there for me that much :|
But I am sure everything will go wonderfully for you this time. I will keep you in my prayers! :)
aww how exciting! When did you find out? it seems so far away, yet so close when trying to prepare haha.
How did your mom take it? Hopefully well!
Only me and my boyfriend know which is a pain because he really hasnt been there for me that much :|
But I am sure everything will go wonderfully for you this time. I will keep you in my prayers! :)

I found out 19 days ago. Its been nice having my mom to talk to. my boyfriend is just now starting to get into the pregnancy. I dont think he really understands the process well. lol. I am glad I can come here to talk about everything cause this pregnancy has been rough with some intense symptoms and its been rather lonely not telling everyone while being excited.
aww no jfor3! that sucks! :hugs: My "morning" sickness lasts all day too! Luckily I didn't throw up today but I've been feeling nauseous all day in spurts. It really does suck to be at work when feeling like this! Do you work jfor3? Hey at least we can tell ourselves that it's a healthy sign!! :thumbup:

I'm eating small meals throughout the day (carrots, nuts, cheese and crackers, etc) and that seems to be helping. Maybe try doing the same?

How is everyone else feeling today? :flower:

Hi ladies,

My morning sickness has kicked in as well. I have only been sick twice but have been feeling nauseous for the past 2 days and end up wretching!! I was eating small bits every few hours but since this has kicked in I am finding it difficult to eat at all :(

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
It went really well, check back a cpl pages & I posted a pic or two xx

Wow - The pics are amazing - Glad it all went well -
I can't wait until Friday.....
Just so I know what to expect - Was that an internal or did they do it from the outside?? I have no idea what to expect!!
has anybody got their 12 week scan dates yet??

It was abdominal, she did offer an internal as would have prob got clearer pics but I was just happy to see a heartbeat x
Should get my letter for 12 week scan this week or next :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

I hope I get the choice..... I will be more than happy to see/hear HB...... I'm so nervous...... x
H0peful - I'm a teacher so luckily have been on half term this week, but I'm dreading next week - 30 teenagers in a room isn't sounding too fun at the mo! I need to do a supermarket shop to buy morning sickness acceptable foods! At the mo I'm just nibbling on toast and water!

ao30 - I'm so glad your bean is still sticking - is this the longest a bean has stuck for you? Any symtpoms yet? I can't tell you the feeling when you see your buba on the scan - it gives you reassurance and a sense that it's finally reality! Also, God forbid anything did go wrong I would rather know sooner rather than later. x
Thanks for jfor3 :) I'm 5 weeks 6 days as of today. I've had one hold out until 8 weeks. I know it's not a guarantee, but I feel that if I can go past 8 weeks perhaps everything will be okay. I'm jealous of your morning sickness! I know that's silly, but it would be reassuring to be hit with something that obvious. My only real symptom has been tiredness- I would take naps throughout the entire day if I could!

Just out of curiosity, I called my insurance company to ask about a home birth. The representative's reply: "a home-what?" Guess that's out of the question unless we want to pay out of pocket (oh, but I am getting ahead of myself. I still need this bean to stick).

Anyone out there already know where and how they want to deliver?
hi ladies :hi: welcome rosie, justustwo and stargirl! congrats :)

ao30, I kind of know what you mean about the potential dangers of ultrasound which is why I'm not gonna go crazy with it but I'm certainly DYING to see my little bean in a few days. I'll be 8w+4d at my first u/s which is a good time I think because the baby has developed a little bit and I *should* be able to see the little heart beating! omg I'm so nervous just thinking about it, I hope eveyrthing is ok.

I also know what you mean about wishing for morning sickness! I was so jealous of eveyrone who had it until it hit me! :haha: Just so you know I got mine after I was 7 weeks so it's still early for you don't worry!

jfor3, a room full of teenagers??? noooo! that doesn't sound appealing at all! hehe... but if you take the motherly approach to it.. think of them as someone's else little beans that have grown up into (annoying) teenagers hehe, then maybe that would help? either way, you can always come here and vent! :hugs:

aww Pinky! the ms monster got you too!!! keep having the small meals if you can.. keeping my stomach busy seems to really help me. and remember, it's a healthy sign! :)
I feel bad for everyone that has morning sickness. Not fun! I was lucky enough with my frist two pregnancies that I just had nausea. So I'm not expecting anything different this time around. We will see I guess. Less than a week till my u/s.... Big question is how many babies... Can't wait to see. I very happy with just one!

I've also had so much fatigue... Really tired already. I play hockey and I actually had to sit out an extra shift last night as I was pretty tired!
Hi girls, I'm due 7th January although I think I may be a bit out with the date by a week or so as we were NTNP so didn't really keep track of things! Oops lol. I'm looking forward to receiving a scan date soon so I can find out my proper EDD :)
How is everyone today? I'm still suffering with dizziness and sickness - it's getting a bit boring now!

McMummy - did you get the doppler in the end? If so, is it any good?

ao30 - I don't have the insurance issue here in the uk and home births are offered as standard (I think they are desperate to ensure there's anough beds at the hospitals!) I've opted for a hospital delivery though, like my first two, my youngest ds required some immediate attention after delivery and I was very glad to be in hospital.
jfor3- That is one of the things I cannot stand about living in the States- having a baby at home is pretty much considered crazy by most people, and it's like pulling teeth to get your insurance company to talk about it. I can understand your desire to want to have your baby in a hospital though- I just wish we had the option to choose here.

Hope you feel better soon!

I haven't had the urge to throw-up, but every afternoon for the last couple of days I get horribly tired and my stomach feels queasy. I'm guessing this is my body's version of morning sickness...
Hey Everyone :hi:

Jfor3 - Yep got the doppler, this one

It came yesterday, couldn't pick up the heartbeat yesterday but tried again this morning & could hear both the heartbeat and the placenta. :thumbup::happydance::wohoo:

Also got my appointment letter this morning for my 12 week scan, it's Sunday 19th June so 2 weeks tomorrow :thumbup: xx
YAYYY for the doppler and hearing the heartbeat McMummy! :yipee: June 19th will be here before you know it! (ok that's not true, you'll probably be counting down the hours like I was to today :haha:)

Minivan, the tiredness is very common as I'm sure you know. Hey, at least you're still playing hockey! :thumbup: I've been so tired all I can do is sit on my ass and I still complain! :haha:

jfor3, I feel your pain! I'm sick of feeling sick! :sick: I've got morning sickness that never goes away, not even through the night! Can't wait for us to get past this. :hugs:

a030, I hope you get over your version of the ms soon! how far along are you now? you need a ticker! :)

I've been feeling kinda depressed because of all the nausea/tiredness/backpain/stomach issues and because my body is changing in so many ways and I feel like I have no control over anything anymore! :( Anyone else feeling like that at all? I feel like I'm the only one who isn't ecstatic about my pregnancy (even though I'm uber grateful for it!!!), and I feel like a terrible mother for it already!!!

Today's my first sonogram though!!! Please pray for me ladies. I'm sure that'll cheer me up if everything goes well!
Hi all :hi:

I'm due Jan 17th if you ask the internet, or Jan 19th if you ask my midwife. :wacko:

Got my first scan on 8th July :happydance:
Hi everyone,
Well I finally had my first scan on Friday.... I was sooooooooooo nervous.... It was the longest day EVER..... Finally got to see and hear the little one... Consultant confirmed everything was where it should be. HB was 158bpm... He/She even started jumping around.... I was completely amazed at how it made me feel... Certainly is more real to me now..... He dated me at 9+4 Fri so due date now given as 02 January 2012. :)

MCMummy TTC - I can't see your link to see what Doppler you got :-( Which make is it? I have been looking but not sure which type to go for......

Also, how do you upload pictures?
Congrats VikieLP! :) That's wonderful news!

Hi ShireLass! Welcome (and your pup is cute!)

h0peful- I know, I need a ticker (I will be 7 weeks this Friday). But I am still posting in the Long Term Trying to Conceive section, and I would feel awkward with a ticker there. I feel just like you- not excited at all, and I feel horrible, especially since we've had infertility issues. I wonder if my feelings will change...
Hi everyone,
Well I finally had my first scan on Friday.... I was sooooooooooo nervous.... It was the longest day EVER..... Finally got to see and hear the little one... Consultant confirmed everything was where it should be. HB was 158bpm... He/She even started jumping around.... I was completely amazed at how it made me feel... Certainly is more real to me now..... He dated me at 9+4 Fri so due date now given as 02 January 2012. :)

MCMummy TTC - I can't see your link to see what Doppler you got :-( Which make is it? I have been looking but not sure which type to go for......

Also, how do you upload pictures?

I got this one https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FETAL-BABY-D...by_Maternity_Pregnancy_MJ&hash=item4cf77c58c6 from this seller xx

How lovely that ur scan went well :thumbup::thumbup:
To upload pics you need to post them online somewhere, I use photobucket, once they are uploaded on there click the pic icon (looks like mountains) at the top of the reply box. Then put in the picture code (photobucket will put the code next to the pic) xx

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