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Due June 2009, AUS


Mum to Layla born June 09
Sep 25, 2008
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I have just found out I am pregnant, due in early June. This is my first child, so would love to chat to anyone due around the same time as me!
I just found out I am pregnant yesterday! My LMP was 29 August, which I believe makes my due date June 3, 2009. This will not be my first pregnancy, but it will be my first child too :)
Hey there, congratulations!! I am due on that date as well, how exciting! So how have you been feeling?

Me, I am paranoid to the max, over analysing every pain and sensation, driving myself mad lol. Having a bit of cramping and bloating today, hoping that it is all normal.
Hi girls. I have the same due date June 3,2009. Have any of you experienced any morning sickness yet. I haven't at all. Just sore boobs. Thanks Sylvia
Hi there,

Can I join in? I am due 7th June. So very excited!!
Hello again,

I haven't had any morning sickness yet. I've got sore boobs, cramps and am peeing a lot! But no morning sickness. Its really weird but I can't wait for that to kick in!!

Hi ladies!!

Welcome and yes you are all very welcome to join in!! We all seem to be very early June, so very exciting that we are all close together in due dates. Will be good to compare notes with you all!

My symptoms are changing a bit. Definitely sore boobs which get sore sometimes then not so bad the next, have had some mild cramping and some mild lower back pain, also have had some sharp pains in my left hand side of my abdomen and I also get tired on and off. I can be tired one minute and then fall asleep for like 10 mins and wake up refreshed and ready to go - very strange. I have not been feeling sick yet at all, but occasionally get some reflux burning in the back of my throat. I also have to pee a lot and feel quite bloated. For some reason, I am looking forward to morning sickness, so it all feels real for me. I am having a really hard time convincing myself that I am pregnant and that there really is a little baby inside of me.

Great to meet you all, and looking forward to talking with you all some more.

Hugs and congratulations to you all x
Hi all,

Esther - its like you have described exactly how I am feeling too!! Sometimes very sore boobs sometimes not (they tend to be more sore at the end of the day just before I get into bed!) cramping pains that are mainly on left hand side. I am very tired most evenings and fall asleep between 9 - 9.30 pm which is not like me at all!!

I also can't wait for morning sickness to kick in so that it feels more 'real'

I have my first u/s on 20th october and am really looking forward to that!!

Hope you are all well and I look forward to the next 8 months together!!

So reassuring to know that you are feeling the same as well. Looking forward to the next 8 months as well!!
How is everyone doing?

I still have no morning sickness but all other symptoms are there!! Has anyone else seen lots of blue veins on their (o) (o)?? Sorry weird question!!

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Hey there, been pretty tired over this weekend. No morning sickness yet though, thought I had a tiny bit of nausea yesterday but that was about it. Yes I am getting lots of blue veins on my boobs, but I already had them on mine to begin with so not sure if they have increased or not.

Really weird though, my cramping has just subsided, not getting any cramping at all.

Hope you are all well xo
Hi Esther,

I wouldn't worry about the cramping subsiding at all! I had that, my cramps went for about 3 days and I rang doctor. They said that cramps will come and go for first 12 weeks as baby tries to make space! It will probably be back soon. Also doctor said that you might notice cramping more in the evening as your body starts to relax!

Take care,

Can I join? I am due around June 15.
Hi Amber,

You are most welcome to join in! Congratulations!!
Thanks everhopeful, yeah I am trying to not worry about the cramps subsiding. I have had a bit of trapped wind last night which was incredibly uncomfortable and also had my first taste of nausea last night. Was feeling like my stomach was in the back of my throat. Just had to lie still on my side, with the fan streaming cold air on me and a nice cold wash cloth over my head - it was 30 degrees yesterday as well so was horrid.
It is so strange to think you are so hot over there! Mind you I am from South Africa so I get the Christmas during summer bit!!

I hope that your sickness doesn't get too bad. No sickness for me yet!

Amber - welcome!! Its always good to meet people who are due at roughly the same time. we can try to keep each other sane!!

Hope you are all well!

Yeah it was absolutely stinking hot today and yesterday. Although it is not too bad tonight, it has seemed to have cooled down a bit which is great.

The nausea wasn't too bad today. I seemed to be quite ok, had a few moments of having a gross feeling in my stomach but nothing too bad. Been pretty lethargic as well, just have no energy whatsoever and feeling really bloated again tonight :(

How is everyone else going?
Thank you for the welcome! I am excited to get to know you girls and share our experience.
Hi all,

Esther - I am always feeling bloated at moment! I can;t fit inot my jeans with the button done up anymore. I have no idea what I am going to wear when I go to see the in-laws!!

Have you told anyone? I have told my parents but we have not told husbands parents yet as we have not seen them.

Amber - when do you get your first scan? Is it early in the States?

Hope you are all well.

I'm not sure when my first scan is but my first appointment is on Nov 4.

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