My baby Britta Teagan was born on Saturday June 18th at 2:35PM - 7lbs 12 oz, 19.5 inches long.
Britta Teagan Moser by JennaMoser, on Flickr
Felt contractions (slight ones) all day on Friday - went into the hospital around 11pm that evening when the contractions (still very mild) were 4 minutes apart, lasting over 1 minute each. When I got in I was only 1-2cm and 70% effaced. They debated sending me home, but I insisted that I was already 2 days overdue and the contractions were so regular... they ended up admitting me. I did not progress much overnight, and in the morning the plan was to start pitocin to get things moving - but right before they were going to start, 4 women came into the hospital at once ready to push! So that delayed me, but I started progressing on my own and did not need to get the pitocin at all! The big thing was that it also seriously delayed me getting my epidural when I REALLY REALLY wanted it. You ladies that go the natural route are heroes, I swear. After I got the epidural it was smooth sailing and Britta was born early that afternoon. Totally smooth labor & delivery. Britta was born with her hand on top of her head though, and I had some serious tears & stitches. Ouch!
I'm just loving being at home with my girl now - we have been home for 2 nights, and she is such a good baby. Every day I am so thankful - even when I am so scared/terrified of what I will do from minute to minute. They aren't kidding when they tell you life will never be the same. It's so true. The day just flies by!
Thank you girls for all of your support and I will keep checking in!!!