Hey girls.
Maximilian is here, he weighs 6 pounds and is 19 inches. he is amazing and beautiful and I am so in love.
I came to the hospital at 6 am, got pitocin at 630, and they upped it every 30 minutes..I started at 2 dilated, and had my water broke at 830, at 1030 I was dilate to 3, contraction hurt but they were not unbearable, I got up and moved around at 11, by 1130-1145 my contractions got reallyvstrong, nurse checked and I was 10 dilated, we were so surprised on how quick I dilated. the nurs called the Dr and the baby doctor, and we got started 10 minutes later..I pushed maybe thru 4 contractions and he was here at 1219 pm. I didn't get any pain medication as I went so quickly. I'm feeling great and Max is doing wonderful.
what a wonderful day. I will post a pic once I get home from hospital, it will be sometime over the weekend.