• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Due late Oct/early Nov. Wanna be buddies?

Hi Girls,

I have been quiet of late as I have been worried about the results of my Verifi blood test. It's been over 3 weeks of hell. I got the results today (remember my papp A and B-HCG were low and my risks were 1:17 Edwards, 1:69 Patau and 1:70 for Down Syndrome) Anyway, no Anueploidy detected :) Also, we're Team Pink which I was shocked by as I was certain with Hubby having XYY syndrome, that with all those extra YY's we'd have a boy! I am over the moon..... Squeeee!

Next step is to see my Ob and maybe be referred to a Genetic Specialist again and to monitor Baby's growth. I am nervously await my 20 week scan now.

How are you all going?
Congrats Dream!! You must be so relieved to get all this testing over and done with, and with such great results :)
Fingers crossed for perfect growth on your next scan! And a girl sounds awesome too :)
attempting to post photo from 3D scan ... if nothing shows, then I have failed :) LOL


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Hi Girls,

I have been quiet of late as I have been worried about the results of my Verifi blood test. It's been over 3 weeks of hell. I got the results today (remember my papp A and B-HCG were low and my risks were 1:17 Edwards, 1:69 Patau and 1:70 for Down Syndrome) Anyway, no Anueploidy detected :) Also, we're Team Pink which I was shocked by as I was certain with Hubby having XYY syndrome, that with all those extra YY's we'd have a boy! I am over the moon..... Squeeee!

Next step is to see my Ob and maybe be referred to a Genetic Specialist again and to monitor Baby's growth. I am nervously await my 20 week scan now.

How are you all going?

Congrats! Fortunately the worst part is over, right? Congrats on your little girl :)
Hello girls! I hope most of you are fine.

xxDreamxx, I saw the terrible news in your signature. I am so sorry, girl! I don't know what to write... Everything seemed good and all of a sudden that... Take your time to mourn, be strong and find your way to continue!
Suzie - very cool 3D image!! I can hardly wait to have mine done.
:wave: Hey all, thought I would drop in to upate that we're expecting our second pink bundle in october. It's a girly!

We went for a private gender scan, and they let us have a lil peek in 4d too but baby was all snuggled up in the placenta and couldn't see her face very well. This is the best picture we got, but we're really pleased since we didn't pay to have any 4d!


Quite a few people have struggled making it out, but when it's pointed out it's clearer to see. Her lil face is turned to the left at he top right side, you can just make out her nose and her eye, her right arm in the picture is tucked up under her chin and her left arm is against her face/cheek and you can just make out her body snuggled around. :cloud9:
xxDreamxx - I am so sorry to hear your tragic news. I know there's nothing I can say to make it better, but please know that I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Congratulations SisterRose! We found out this week that we are also team pink. :cloud9:
Congrats txbiscuit and sister rose on your pink bundles of joy! I'm finding out (confirming) next tuesday. Cant wait!
Congratulations to all who found out the sex! :flower:

We are having a boy this time! :)

I had the amnio 2 days ago, it went well. My OB did it, just a coincidence she was on duty that day. Today I received results from FISH test - everything is fine. Now I have to wait about 3 weeks for the amnio result... Longest 3 weeks ever...
Congrats on your little boy! :cloud9:

I hope the next three weeks fly by quickly for you.
Like Txbiscuit said, hope the next 3 weeks are quick for you and congrats on your little boy!

Congrats on your pink bundle too, txbiscuit :pink:

It's such a lovely time in second trimester when you get to find out what gender the little people you're making are! It's one of the reasons I couldn't leave it to be a surpise as A) I'm super impatient and B) I think it's nice to have something extra to be excited about once you've reached the half way mark :D
xxDreamxx I am so sorry... I really thought things were getting better for you and your baby girl... :( Big hugs and lots of love to you and your family
I thought I'd posted earlier, but must have just been thinking instead of typing...

Frstly xxDream.. My heart goes out to you and your family. I wish there were adequate words - I hope you can heal from this terrible loss and I'm so sorry xx

SisterRose.. Great 3D pic and it's totally clear to see her! She looks very comfortable in there. Congrats on your little pink one :)

TxBiscuit.. Also congrats to you on team pink :)

NR3.. As with everyone, hope the wait passes quickly for you! Glad to see someone evening out the pinks with a blue :)

I've decided to find out the gender. we spent so long studying all the 3D pics and my mum has convinced me that there's a recurring penis.. I would love the idea of another boy, but would also love a girl, so am hanging to know more now than before. I have to wait for the 20 week scan so not til the end of the month, but really looking forward to that now.
My doppler has been a life saver during these quiet weeks of not much movement. I'm sure I would be a basket case if I didn't get that reassurance, but maybe that's just because of the spotting scare. I'd like to think I'm not that paranoid, but.. possibly I am :)
Thanks girls,

It was a shock to be scanned and there be no heartbeat, It hard to think that over a week has gone by as when they released me from the hospital after being induced, I wasn't sure how to carry on breathing let alone do anything else.

We await answers from the post mortem and I see my Dr in 7 weeks so everything should be back then. Hubby called the hospital the other day and initial pathology seems to indicate that the baby could be a boy so now we're more confused than ever.

If the verifi prenatal got that wrong, we wonder if it got anything else wrong. Only time will tell. As for me, I will continue to grieve but I have to get myself healthy and well so that we can try again with the fertility treatment once I am given the go ahead (probably after the 7 week appointment provided my cycle has returned).

Thanks for the kind thoughts & prayers. I appreciate them.
xxDreamxx.. thanks so much for the update. This must be such a terribly traumatic time for you and I wish I knew the right words to say. Good on you both for having the courage to get back on the fertility wagon so soon and I wish you all the best xxx
Thanks girls,

As for me, I will continue to grieve but I have to get myself healthy and well so that we can try again with the fertility treatment once I am given the go ahead (probably after the 7 week appointment provided my cycle has returned).

Thanks for the kind thoughts & prayers. I appreciate them.

Thank you for keeping us updated on how you are doing. It is nice to hear that you are already planning and moving toward the next step of getting pregnant again. In my previous m/c it was what gave me hope because I knew I could get my next cycle started quickly so I can eventually have my precious baby. Let us know what happens after you 7 week visit!
xxdreamxx - thanks for updating. It's great to hear you're planning on trying again soon and I'll be looking forward to hearing news of your next pregnancy. :hugs:

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