• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Due late Oct/early Nov. Wanna be buddies?

Congrats Rainstorm :) :)
Still have to wait 6 days for my scan, but I'm betting on team blue too :)
Hello ladies!

Rainstorm, congrats for the blue news!:flower:

suzie mcg, I'm glad for you finding your option for the doppler, it is very reassuring indeed when you could listen to the baby's heartbeat at your convenience. Did you find out the gender already?

txbiscuit, PregoSauce, how are you girls?

SisterRose, you have chosen the name already, good for you!

I had a call yesterday from my doctor's office about the amnio results - everything is normal! I am so relieved! Finally I could tell my son about the baby, I'm planing to do that today. He'll turn 6 in the summer and is very suspicious about my growing bump. He started asking questions about 3-4 weeks ago, up to now I answered that I didn't know and I would let him know as soon as I was sure.
NR3 - good to hear about your amnio results!!

Everything is going well here. I am very excited to be approaching 18 weeks. We will be moving to a new house in about a month so I haven't started setting up a nursery yet (waiting until we get in the new house). Has anyone else started a nursery? What themes do you have?
I'm doing pretty well too, although I seemed to have a little leftover morning sickness this week. :sick: My energy levels have been a lot better, though, so I can't complain.

We haven't fully decided on a nursery theme yet, but we're thinking of using something like this for inspiration:
Pink and grey
Hey all :)

We had our scan yesterday and the tech was fairly sure we're having a girl!! So so surprised and happy, but seriously so surprised!!

Everything measured perfectly, but I have to go back in 2 weeks because she wouldn't roll over to have her heart checked, so at least we can be sure before we paint the nursery pink :) lol

I've got the entire nursery ready to go thanks to a good friend giving me her whole collection of things. It's still in pieces though, because the nursery is still the spare room and full of junk. Still not sure where all that's gonna go, but we start painting the house next week so I'm thinking the shed.. not very proactive to just re-store everything, but sigh.. I am a hoarder.
We are also closing our business (we own a CD store) so over the next couple of months I expect to be fairly busy.. Dh already has a full time job ready for August, so BIG changes going on at this end! It's going to be such a relief to stop living on the edge financially!
Wow, you do have a lot of major changes coming up! I am sure everything will be fine with your LO's heart, but it'll be nice to confirm :pink: and see her (or him, as the case may be) again.

We are pretty evenly divided between pink and blue in here so far. I keep having dreams that the she-biscuit will turn into a he-biscuit at our next ultrasound, though we'll be happy either way.
txbiscuit: I LOVE the pink and grey! That is an adorable nursery - not too babyish and stylish. Girls are great and so much fun to decorate and dress.

Suzie: WOW- a girl!! I am surprised too since you were convinced it was a boy, so was I!

Since I have prepared my whole life to have a girl - it was definitely a surprise for us to be having a boy for our first :) For the nursery we have two options, it's either this:


or I will sew something from fabric I have picked out. I am swaying towards buying something because I don't want the pressure of having to sew a baby quilt, curtains and matching items when I have enough going on!
NR3 - Good news about the amnio results! :D

Txbiscuit - Love the pink and grey theme.

Congrats on team pink Suzie :wohoo:

I haven't thought about a nursery theme yet, I'm anxiously waiting until after my 20 week anomaly scan before i buy nursery things, prams and all the big items. Eeek. I'm just starting to get very anxious incase something is wrong. My scan is next friday :-o
Prego.. I LOVE that nursery theme!! Target in America is so much better than ours!

Txbiscuit.. I think I might steal a little bit of your pink and grey if you don't mind.. We already bought blue paint for the nursery (I was THAT sure of a boy) but that link you posted is one of the nicest girl rooms I've seen, so thanks for the inspiration!

Sisterrose.. Good luck with your scan - but be prepared for some bladder discomfort though! Nobody told me the scan takes an hour and I drank too much beforehand. 600mls is all you need (I found out afterwards). Gee I wish I knew that before I went!

I've booked for my second scan in 11 days, then we can start the nursery for real :)
I don't mind sharing at all suzie mcg! One of the main reasons I chose that theme is that our nursery is already a blue-grey color and I'm too lazy to paint. :haha:
Hi guys!! Just wanted to share that I just got back from my ob appointment, and he said everything was perfect, he said my belly measured just right, the baby is very healthy, my weight is just perfect (though I feel huge all the same). He even said his little boy parts weren't little at all, which made my OH sooo full of himself and proud lol so I'm in :cloud9: right now!! So happy!!!:flower:
Hey Rainstorm :) Congrats on all the great news! (and cheers for the laugh about your OH..)

Hope everyone is well and happy. We are totally flat out closing our business.. it's funny, now that it's a closing down sale we are busier than Xmas, so hopefully we can come out of this with some money in the bank! That would make it all worth while :) Everyday my feet are swollen like balloons, no matter how much I rest them, but it's only for another month or so then I retire Yay!!
Not for a while.. It's really hard working 6 (or 7) days with no definite income, so it's actually a huge relief to have a chance to shut down without being out of pocket for the lease. Usually the landlord asks for the remaining rent from your lease - we would have owed nearly $200,000 - but because of the pregnancy he let us just break it and leave.. yay!! And when DH starts his new job straight away, we will, for the first time in years, know we can afford to do whatever we want :) :)
And I LOVE the idea of taking a year or so off to just be a mum for a while. I think I'll look for something part time after that.
Well, that sounds fabulous!! Having the financial freedom to stay at home and enjoy your newborn and be with your family! Especially this period when we pregnant wome just want to be at home! My doctor said he would give me home rest from august onwards... so I don't have to spend so many hours standing and stressing myself, so I'm really looking forward to just being home watching movies and bonding with my belly
Your doctor is awesome! I hope to be doing the same by mid August too! Not so sure about rest though.. my mum has the funniest plan for the last 3 months. She wants to bring over dinner in the morning for the fridge, and pick me up for baby shopping/browsing when DH goes to work. She's promised to get me home before DH finishes work and to help with the housework if I promise to be her shopping buddy during the week days. Sounds awesome, we never get to spend much time together on our own, and it makes me so happy to think closing the business will give us so much more time together. Plus, she is a great bargain hunter! :)

Will you have to go back to work any time soon after baby comes?
Wow! How cool to go shopping with your mum! Sounds like a lot of fun and a great opportunity to get nice stuff for yourself and the baby! I'm quite a bargain hunter myself... or was... I haven't felt much like shopping lately-for clothes at least- cos I'm so larger than usual lol

My due date is late October, and I have 3 full months after that, but since I have holidays in January, I get to take the holidays after the 3 months are over so I won't be coming back till march, which is great news cos I just don't know how I'll part from baby's side. Besides, there is much thinking for me to do about my work life in the future, I have to decide on how many hours I will work. I'm a teacher and I'm paid by the hour, and I can have as many hours as I want. Right now I have as many as I am allowed which is a lot, but after baby comes I don't think I'll work as much, I'd rather have less money but more quality time with my son
I feel the same way. I'll look at something part time for a while after she comes, but I have management certification, so when I want to I should be able to get a nice full time income later on. But for the meantime.. really looking forward to slowing life all the way down :)

I got offered a job being a DVD rep today - even pregnant! The owner said I can take baby around with me for work..lol. Not sure how practical that would really be though!

I dreamed all my life of being a teacher. Ah.. all those school holidays LOL!
And I buy nothing in the way of clothing for me either - I've got a couple of cute dresses that I can get bigger in and just change the top underneath. Real clothes are never going to get around this massive bump (and butt) hahaha! Lucky it's winter so I can hide out under all my layers :)

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