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Due late Oct/early Nov. Wanna be buddies?

If you have plans to breastfeed it's much more convenient to have the baby in the same room. With my 2 kids I had their bed right next to ours (no gap between the beds, like extention kind of) and without even standing up I was able to take the baby for breastfeeding and put him/her back after that. It worked pretty well. Both kids stayed in our bedroom till the age of 9-10 months and very easily got used to their own rooms afterwards.

Here the glucose tolerance test is at about 28 wks, so I should have it in August.
NR3.. I did the same with my son, and it was so much easier in the middle of the night. I didn't move him into his own room at night until I stopped breastfeeding, but all his day sleeps were in his nursery to help with the transition later. Fingers crossed it works that easily this time! (that said, he didn't sleep through a whole night for a very long time!)

Is anyone else having a planned c-section? I've got a couple of appointments to get this fully agreed upon, and I'm getting conflicting information from midwives vs doctors of when's the best time to schedule it. The doctor wants to wait til 39 weeks now, but the midwife says 38 to lessen the chance of going into labour .. I had a pretty awful labour with my son and can't even consider a natural birth as an option (I don't want to scare anyone with the story!!) Any input would be appreciated!
NR3.. I did the same with my son, and it was so much easier in the middle of the night. I didn't move him into his own room at night until I stopped breastfeeding, but all his day sleeps were in his nursery to help with the transition later. Fingers crossed it works that easily this time! (that said, he didn't sleep through a whole night for a very long time!)

Is anyone else having a planned c-section? I've got a couple of appointments to get this fully agreed upon, and I'm getting conflicting information from midwives vs doctors of when's the best time to schedule it. The doctor wants to wait til 39 weeks now, but the midwife says 38 to lessen the chance of going into labour .. I had a pretty awful labour with my son and can't even consider a natural birth as an option (I don't want to scare anyone with the story!!) Any input would be appreciated!

That's a great idea to have naps in the nursery. We plan to keep Ellie in the room with us at first, but the transition to her own room was already starting to worry me a bit.

I am not having a scheduled C-section, so I'm afraid I'm not much help. I've only known one person who went into labor before a scheduled section, and that was my mother, thirty-[cough] years ago with me. She did say laboring before the C-section was not too bad.
Thanks Txbiscuit.. I accidentally did too much research on it, so now I'm worried.. I really try not to google anything anymore, but I did... and again, nothing but stress from it :) Apparently most hospitals choose 39 weeks, but studies (yep, on google) say mothers over 38 are more likely to have serious complications from an emergency c-section and should err on the side of caution by scheduling earlier... I've got about 6 appointments in the next month because of my blood pressure, the glucose test and the anti-d shot, so I'll have heaps of opportunity to grill all these care givers! Luckily with the public health system you rarely see the same doctor twice, so at least I can get some opinions.

Am quietly so glad I kept my doppler on hire for a bit longer - had pretty much no movements at all yesterday so it was a huge relief last night to hear the little heartbeat before I went to sleep :) I think I'm going to keep it until the end!
I've had a few days with very little movement too. Of course, as soon as I get out the doppler, the baby starts kicking and rolling all over the place. Still, I'm glad I have it for peace of mind.

Has anyone bought anything for the baby yet?
I bought one of those functional cribs that you can then transform into a regular bed and a bedside table. It has like a trundle bed under it that I can use to sleep next to the baby once he moves to the nursery. They take 60 days to build it, but I won't be needing it for a while, since the baby will sleep in our room at first. That's the ONLY thing I've bought so far LOL, and technically, I haven't even bought that cos it was a gift from my aunt so she paid for it :p
Oh.. I've gone to town since the gender scan... I think we have enough clothes for 16 babies already, and I've layby-ed a baby monitor, car seat, pram & breast pump. Feeling pretty organised as all of the furniture from my DS's nursery is still in lovely condition, and we've painted and decorated the new nursery. And to top it off, a girl from work gave me her cot, portacot and change table so it's pretty much all done!

Now, I'm buying a baby thing each week with the grocery shopping (like a pack of nappies/rash cream/wipes etc) every time I do the food shopping, so I should have a good stock pile by the time I need it. Obsessive much? Bahahaha!
Hello Mommies! The move is officially done, although now I am surrounded by a sea of boxes and don't have much energy. Thankfully my hubby is very helpful.

We just got the crib this weekend and a dresser/changing crib combo. I still need a mattress among other things, but now that we are in the new house I feel better as at least I have a room for the baby. We are probably going to use a co-sleeper in the beginning and then will sleep train at about 4 months.

Has anyone else had super swelling?! my feet and ankles blow up and my fingers won't allow me to wear my rings anymore. I've heard this happens, but didn't really expect it so soon and suddenly.

Suzie- I am probably going to have a planned c-section too. With all the complications I have had, we have only discussed how early we could do it-- and when the twin was posing a big risk it was 25 weeks. I am doing better now though, so I hope we can hold off as long as possible-- well into 30 something weeks.

I hope you ladies are all doing wel!
well I passed my GTT - no diabetes for me! I am shocked quite frankly, bc I have always been told I will get diabetes, its just a question of when and it runs heavily in my family. I am happy with the results!

I think I posted that I started having some cervical funneling/dilation which indicates preterm labor (did I post, I don't remember - Pregnancy brain!). Well, yesterday they checked and my cervix is looking good with a minimal amount of fluid in the canal. They did a test call an FFN which is a swab of vaginal secretions and will check for amniotic fluid and if positive indicates that I will be going into labor in the next 1-2 weeks. The test came back negative! I will have this test every 2 weeks until 34 weeks.

What a rollercoaster this pregnancy has been - I am so thankful I have made it this far. :)
And you will make it even farther hun! I also tested negative for diabetes :)
Congrats to all on the negative tests and double digits! My GD test isn't for another three weeks. I've been randomly testing my blood sugar and it has been OK so far, but I'm eager to get the test out of the way.
Those of you worried about your GD testing. I'll say this -- in the waiting room at the GD clinic, I have observed one thing: most of the women there are not especially heavy but it's rare to see a woman there under 35. Anecdotally anyway, it seems like age is the biggest risk factor.
Booo that sucks in that case. I'm only 24 and think I'll have it again this pregnancy as I did with my last, and I was only 20 then! I think I'm at a high risk for type 2 diabetes in later life as it does run in the family :-(

I have my GD test on the 5th August, so 3 weeks away but have also been testing my sugars with a monitor and they're high if I eat badly, but fine if I'm good! I think the GD test is different in the UK though I see a lot of US ladies talking about a 3hr test? we only get the 1hr test, as far as I remember and if you fail that you're diagnosed with GD. How exactly does it work over there out of curiosity?

Congrats on double digits tomorrow Rainstorm!!! I hit double digits today :D X
That's good to know J.D. My mom had GD with me, so I'm a little worried, but hopefully I'll pass the test.

In the U.S., if you fail the 1-hour test, you have to go in and do the 3-hour test. I guess there are a fair number of false positives for the 1-hour test, which is why they make you test again. My sister had only a 2-hour test for her last pregnancy; apparently a lot of doctors are moving to that because there aren't very many false positives (so you still usually do only one test), but it's not quite as brutal as the 3-hour test.
Oh no! You're the random young woman in the waiting room! Honestly, most of the time I'm almost the youngest in the room and I'm 37. One of the women I was talking to last time is expecting her 9th child in August, and in October, her first grandchild.

My family is full of diabetics, which is why they tested me at 20 weeks.
I think it'd be much better to do more than the 1hr test over here too! I know that if I eat something sugary, or order a pizza or eat anything unealthy my sugar levels aren't normal when I test but really I think that's to be expected. I don't think you can expect to have normal sugar levels after eating take out and junk food a lot of the time!

But when I eat healthy and normal which is 95% of the time I get normal readings after meals when I test my sugars and it's fine.
When they give me the huge load of sugary drink at the GTT test, it's a massive load of sugar for my body to handle in the space of an hour and im not surprised really that it turns out my sugar levels are high afterwards! I know most people must be normal after other wise it wouldnt be a good test but i think it'd be better to wait two hours to get a more accurate picture. If you get what im trying to say! :) lol
I think it'd be much better to do more than the 1hr test over here too! I know that if I eat something sugary, or order a pizza or eat anything unealthy my sugar levels aren't normal when I test but really I think that's to be expected. I don't think you can expect to have normal sugar levels after eating take out and junk food a lot of the time!

But when I eat healthy and normal which is 95% of the time I get normal readings after meals when I test my sugars and it's fine.

That's brilliant though -- it means your GD will be controlled with diet. Mine couldn't be. My fasting numbers were the worst.

So I'm on two types of insulin.

And yeah, in "normal" people (and probably with you when you're not pregnant) when you eat something very sugary, your body steps up insulin production and it's a non issue. But when you have GD, your body either stops responding to the insulin, or your pancreas just can't keep up.
Suzie- I am probably going to have a planned c-section too. With all the complications I have had, we have only discussed how early we could do it-- and when the twin was posing a big risk it was 25 weeks. I am doing better now though, so I hope we can hold off as long as possible-- well into 30 something weeks.

I hope you ladies are all doing wel!

PregoSauce, I cross my fingers for you and your baby and really, really hope you'll make it at least until 32 weeks! The best would be 36 + wks - to be considered full term. Even though babies are already viable, they are still very tiny. C-section at 32 weeks still means baby will stay in the hospital, I cannot imagine how hard that must be for the mother... So far things are going good for you, I wish you to be like that as longer as possible! :hugs:

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