Due late Oct/early Nov. Wanna be buddies?

LOL!! I guess it's to prepare them for breastfeeding. I had been told by other mothers that they did stuff to their nipples in order for them not to hurt later on (not sure what though!! lol) I kinda dismissed the idea, but then the OB tells me I should start doing that now to get them "trained" for later, cos sometimes the hurt... anyways it's kinda awful... very weird sensation and it does hurt a bit. I'll try and get DH to do it, at least that way I can make it fun!! Anyways let me know if you are told anything by your doctor/midwife about it lol
I wonder if I can find instructions for this online? I have to say though, I'm a little afraid to Google "nipple massage."

How's everyone feeling? I've been pretty exhausted lately. I think I'm going to have to bring back my first tri naps.
:rofl: you made me laugh! Yeah I'm kinda tired too. Yesterday I went to the mall and at a certain point I had to beg my DH to slow down cos I was totally out of breath. When we got home I was craving a nap
Hi girls!

I am constantly tired too, I've gained a lot of weight and I feel really heavy. I'm still working, I'm planning to work till the end of this month. The commute is killing me (about 1.5 hr in one direction).

Please, be careful with nipple massage, because it could start contractions. If you would do it, start at 34-35 weeks. Here are the first links I found:



Nipple stimulation is considered a natural way to induce labour.
How's everyone doing? I'm really enjoying feeling Baby E move all the time now, even though she seems to have a personal vendetta against my lungs and bladder.

Do I have everyone up-to-date in the first post?
Hi ladies,
Baby is moving A LOT - so much it has been giving me weird pains. The cramping and pressure along with the problems with my cervix ended me up at the hospital last night. My Dr. told me to go straight to labor and delivery. When I got there they put me in an actual delivery room, complete with baby warmer next to me and these ultra bright spotlights on the ceiling pointed toward my vj. Turns out that baby is fine- he is just hyperactive and kicking/punching is irritating my uterus and other organs. The nurse reminded me that an active baby, even hyperactive is a healthy baby.
I left the hospital around 1am and I just cant shake the nervous feeling I had lying in the bed in L&D....I have always been apprehensive about giving birth, but now I am terrified! I need to just get over it.

I start steroid shots this week to develop the baby's lungs since I am high risk for preterm labor. I am happy to side with caution on this one, just in case he does come early.

I got a 3d this week! SO amazing and we love him so much. I am attaching a pic here.


  • BABY BOY_3.jpg
    BABY BOY_3.jpg
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Prego I'm glad baby was fine and didn't feel like coming just yet! I was also told that excessive movement is better than little movement, and my LO seems to have taken it to heart! Your little boy looks beautiful in that shot... he seems to be very comfortable in there ;)
Hello ladies.

PregoSauce, how are you? Is your LO staying put for now?

I hope everyone is doing well. I had a 3-hour glucose tolerance test this morning, as I failed the first screening. I will not be surprised at all if I have gestational diabetes, as my blood sugar has taken some wild swings in the past few weeks. I also found out on my last blood test that I've become anemic. I'm grateful to know, though, as I'm hoping getting my blood glucose/iron under better control will help me start to feel a little better.

We've signed up for a hospital tour this weekend, as it looks like we may be deemed too high-risk for the birthing center. We've also ordered furniture. Things are becoming very real!
Hi biscuit- baby boy is staying put, thank goodness! I too am anemic with pregnancy and started taking iron supplements a few weeks ago. It's just another reason to be sure that I have been exhausted for good reason :)
how did your 3 hour glucose go? I hope its ok.
I started going through all the baby clothes/blankets and am going to wash and put them away. I also started thinking about my hospital bag and what I will need. I think the latest I will go is at 38 weeks I will be induced if I haven't already given birth by then. That means I only have 8 more weeks!
Work has been a bear lately and I've been working long 12-14 hour days. I am so exhausted and think I will take a day off and go get a prenatal massage or something to treat myself.
Hope you are all doing well!
Glad to hear your LO is staying put for now! A prenatal massage sounds lovely and well-deserved.

I passed my 3-hour glucose test. I think I will stay on the GD diet, though, as I feel a lot better. The iron seems to be helping too.
That's good that you passed your 3 hour test! What is the diet like?

My weight has skyrocketed. I honestly am looking forwarding to being able to diet again after baby!
The diet's not bad! I eat six smaller meals a day instead of three big ones, and make sure that I have a balance of protein and carbohydrates at each meal. I got a free glucose meter, but instead of testing four times a day, I just test my blood sugar a few times a week. I was putting on weight *really* quickly before I switched to eating more protein. I'm less hungry now, but gaining the amount of weight I'm supposed to instead of 2-3x as much.

How is all the washing/organizing coming? I have a whole day of baby laundry planned this weekend. I need to run to Target to pick up some more tiny baby hangers.
I am looking forward to dieting as well, I really miss my body.
As regards organizing, yesterday I empied all the boxes and bags with baby stuff and I set apart the stuff I need for labour, and organized the rest. There is so much stuff already! And it's all gifts. At least I was able to make a list of the things I still need to buy before the baby comes.
Hahaha I'm looking forward to properly eating again! I really can't wait to sit down to a meal without first blood testing, injecting and wondering if I'm doing my baby harm with every mouthful. I feel like food is the enemy right now. I just want a Christmas where I can eat and not even think about it. Mindless eating. Oh yes.

We had a surprise scan on Wednesday after the diabetes clinic (I had just gone to query an upcoming appointment but they were quiet so they slotted me in) and Spud is measuring exactly on dates, is head-down and everything is closed up the way it should be at 29 weeks, so that was all wonderful to find out. It means my diabetes is well controlled, so that's great to hear.

Also, started Ante Natal classes last night. It was weird. Found out our hospital has a 40% section rate, which is terrifying to me. They also don't turn breech babies and insist on sections for FTM with breech babies. Now I know why my friends were urging me to the midwife lead units further away. That said, my baby isn't breech and isn't likely to move now (Spud is waaaaaay down -- they had to scan vaginally to get head measurements!).
Hey everyone
Sorry I've been so absent, but I've been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and kept in hospital for the last week. Horribly boring, and I actually feel fine so it feels like I'm not really meant to be there, but they want to moniter everything all day, everyday... sigh. Luckily they let me come home last night (with strict instructions of rushing back if I get any physical symptoms - talk about making me paranoid!) so it's my first day with internet. Back there today though.
Looks like I'll be spending the last few weeks there, so I've just kind of resigned myself to it, and at this stage as soon as the symptoms start (flashes/stars in my vision/pain behind ribs, migraines etc) they'll look at a c-section sooner than later. Pretty daunting.
Hope everyone is well!
Oh gosh suzie, that's scary! I'm so glad they caught it. I hope you stay healthy and the baby can stay put a little longer.
Oh dear - sorry to hear Suzie. It seems we all have our fair share of issues with our babies wanting to make an early appearance. just make sure to take your meds and report any of those other symptoms right away. Preeclampsia is a serious condition for both you and baby. I am at high risk for it too and have to take several pills a day to try to keep it under control.

Besides the weight gain, have any of you ladies noticed other areas growing? My FACE looks so FAT! Then I take a closer looks and noticed my nose has doubled in size and is so wide across my face. I honestly don't even recognize me. I feel hideous and am afraid to show my face to anyone. :(
Oh Prego! I've been hiding at home for the last few weeks because I feel so ridiculously bloated in the face too! Sometimes it goes down and I look OK, but other days - gee, I'm not even sure who I look like! I was looking at photos from just before we started IVF and wow I was soooo skinny (of course, I thought at size 12 I was fat) LOL!
Still going to hospital everyday for monitoring, but on the upside having loads of scans. I have no idea how to add a photo, so I've changed my profile pic instead :)

Hope everyone is doing well! :)
I actually skyped with my family back in Florida so I could watch my niece open her birthday gift from me....she looks at me strange on the screen, tilted her head and ask if it was her Aunt jewee? My nose has double and my face has just spread. That part doesn't bother me tooo much because I know I will have my looks back eventually. What i want is for all these aches and pains to go away!

I think this may be a rant, but where else to share it with you ladies.
1. I can't get comfortable. my back pain is constant even though I have been wearing a uterus brace to help support the weight. I have sciatica down my right leg.
2. I cant sleep. my back pain prevents me from being able to sleep. If i do get a few moments its interrupted having to get up to go to the bathroom and getting in a standing position requires hufffs and puffs and grunts.
3 I have started snoring like a train, with pauses where I can breath (sleep apnea) and my husband complains of the noise.
4. if I drop something, I look at it and decide if its not going to kill anyone lying on the floor, its staying there until someone who can bend over and pick it up.
5. i am exhausted all the times
6. my fingers, wrists, arms, toes, feet - whole body are SO PUFFY! I get the pins and needle tingles all over because my nerves are compressed bc of swelling.
7. I cant believe I have spent so many years and $$$ on fertility treatments to get pregnant and now I am so miserably complaining about it.
8. I am irritiably beyond belief. My poor hubby tries to make me happy, but he gets a glare. Food usually wins me over but doesn't he understand my stomach is the size of pea and I can barely eat anything!!
9. I think I am going a little crazy here to start to plot how I can get this baby out. I am just being completely honest , but if I can't take it much longer I am going off my blood pressuer meds and check mysefl in the hospital. I want off the crazy train.
i know my baby will be best full term. Because my lo already had the steroids for lung development, he should be ok. I just feel like I am going to lose my damn mind and the though of 6-8-10 weeks makes break down in uncontrollable tears. :(

Thanks for the vent :)

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