I actually skyped with my family back in Florida so I could watch my niece open her birthday gift from me....she looks at me strange on the screen, tilted her head and ask if it was her Aunt jewee? My nose has double and my face has just spread. That part doesn't bother me tooo much because I know I will have my looks back eventually. What i want is for all these aches and pains to go away!
I think this may be a rant, but where else to share it with you ladies.
1. I can't get comfortable. my back pain is constant even though I have been wearing a uterus brace to help support the weight. I have sciatica down my right leg.
2. I cant sleep. my back pain prevents me from being able to sleep. If i do get a few moments its interrupted having to get up to go to the bathroom and getting in a standing position requires hufffs and puffs and grunts.
3 I have started snoring like a train, with pauses where I can breath (sleep apnea) and my husband complains of the noise.
4. if I drop something, I look at it and decide if its not going to kill anyone lying on the floor, its staying there until someone who can bend over and pick it up.
5. i am exhausted all the times
6. my fingers, wrists, arms, toes, feet - whole body are SO PUFFY! I get the pins and needle tingles all over because my nerves are compressed bc of swelling.
7. I cant believe I have spent so many years and $$$ on fertility treatments to get pregnant and now I am so miserably complaining about it.
8. I am irritiably beyond belief. My poor hubby tries to make me happy, but he gets a glare. Food usually wins me over but doesn't he understand my stomach is the size of pea and I can barely eat anything!!
9. I think I am going a little crazy here to start to plot how I can get this baby out. I am just being completely honest , but if I can't take it much longer I am going off my blood pressuer meds and check mysefl in the hospital. I want off the crazy train.
i know my baby will be best full term. Because my lo already had the steroids for lung development, he should be ok. I just feel like I am going to lose my damn mind and the though of 6-8-10 weeks makes break down in uncontrollable tears.
Thanks for the vent