Due late Oct/early Nov. Wanna be buddies?

Lol nr3... Yeah I guess I should be grateful I know when :) but pre-e has blown me up like I'm having quads and given me carpal tunnel, so seriously I am so ridiculously uncomfortable. And I'm house bound as I can't reach the car pedals anymore hahaha!

Still. Trying to enjoy the last week of feeling this baby swim around - she can still do flips with all my fluid, so it's actually kind of cool :)
NR3 I'm just like you, only I've already done all that. I only have to go through my own bag again, see what I have to buy for my only personal care while at hospital. I'll see if I can upload some photos of the nursery. That's ready too! But I really am not ready yet. I know baby is supposed to come in less than a month and I feel like I'm in line for one of those very scary rides at Disneyland. You know it's too late to get out of the line now cos it's about to be your turn and you have nowhere to go, but it's scary and exciting all at the same time lol. And then, just like Suzie says, I'm trying to hold on to the last weeks of pregnancy, feeling baby inside me, cos I know this is a unique moment in his and my life... so yeah... weird times indeed lol
BTW Suzie hang in there, it must be very uncomfortable for you with the carpal tunnel and all, but you're in the final countdown! Just a few more days to go and your LO will be here! I hear you about the car pedals. Our new car finally arrived yesterday and my OH wanted me to drive it out of the shop, and I hadn't driven in two months. IT was a wonderful feeling, but I also felt like a snowman! I couldn't reach anything LOL
Lol nr3... Yeah I guess I should be grateful I know when :) but pre-e has blown me up like I'm having quads and given me carpal tunnel, so seriously I am so ridiculously uncomfortable. And I'm house bound as I can't reach the car pedals anymore hahaha!

I cannot get the car pedals issue, girls! We don't become shorter with the pregnancy, just wider :haha:, how come you don't reach the pedals anymore?
The only thing that I worry about while driving, is what if I experience a really bad cramp in my right leg... But I totally feel for you, staying at home all the time. I spend a lot of time just shopping, even now when I get tired really fast.

Rainstorm, it's not that scary. When you meet the baby, everything changes. I clearly remember how amazed we were when our first child was born, me and OH spent plenty of time just looking at him and enjoying the simple fact that he is ours. :cloud9:
NR3.. you must be tall... :) I'm 5ft 2 and to fit my belly behind (or a bit under) the steering wheel means I have to slide the seat back. My poor child length legs have no hope of reaching except for my tippy toes.

And Rainstorm.. I totally agree with NR3 - when the baby comes it's so so magic and you really do just spend ages staring at your amazing little one. I know that sounds a bit lame, but I've got 3 photo albums of my DS up to 3 months old, all in the exactly the same position with the same look on his face, just wearing different outfits. You never get sick of looking at them! And that bond is crazy! You really do love them immediately.
My biggest fear is the interrupted sleep... I know we wake up a million times a night to pee atm, but I do dread those night feeds. A lot :) I remember nodding off accidentally while DS fed, and waking up frantic in case I squashed him! I was really scared of the epidural needle that's coming next week, but apparently it's changed since I had DS and now they deaden the area first and use a spinal block instead, so much relief there.
NR3.. you must be tall... :) I'm 5ft 2 and to fit my belly behind (or a bit under) the steering wheel means I have to slide the seat back. My poor child length legs have no hope of reaching except for my tippy toes.

OK, I get it now. :) Thanks for explaining. :hugs:
Yes, I'm 5ft 9 (according to google :), I function in metrics :)).

We have so many pictures of our son at days and months, I feel guilty we don't have the same amount of my daughter, and I'll make some efforts to have at least as much as for DD for this baby. But definitely, when it's the first one, it's a magic.

OK, enough :coffee: for now, I go shopping again :). When I go to work, I never have time to look around, compare, buy and return, buy again :winkwink:, now I enjoy the whole process. Mainly because I know that soon it'll be over. :)
Thanks girls! I know it will be a magic, unique moment for me and DH. And I know it's unique because, if I am blessed with a second child, it'll be a different moment in my life and I'm sure I'll enjoy it in a different way. At least I'll know what to expect labour-wise.
BTW I'm beginning to get less and less sleep, a mixture of anxiety and this awful feeling of urgent bladder pressing that just comes suddenly, many times just minutes away from my last visit to the toilet... Just like what we've experienced so far but worse LOL
Haha rainstorm..it's the worst to get up all night to pee a quarter of a teaspoon at a time! Funnily I only got up once last night, I'm thinking this baby has moved again to laying across my middle, as all the bladder pressure has gone :) I've had months of insomnia so this has been just lovely.
Feeling really well rested or the first time in ages -must make sure I don't get used to this lol! Am trying to find a way to tactfully ask family members to come visit the day after the c section, but not having any luck. I think I'm being too subtle, as so far there are more than 8 people planning to wait in the waiting room... Sigh. Pretty sure I should be in recovery for a few hours til the spinal block wears off, so maybe they'll all get sick of waiting and just go home LOL!
Visiting people are an issue, esp. if you're having a c section, and most times they don't seem to take the hint that no one wants a crowded room after an operation. I saw several posts in the last tri forum of women complaining about the same thing.
What got on my nerves was my mom, my aunt (a second mother to me) and my MIL all determined to make sure that I know they are willing to go into the delivery room in case my OH chickens out. I just don't know how to explain kindly that I want no one but my OH there with me. So he better not chicken out! It was the same with the 4D ultrasound. People usually take their whole families and even some friends, but I wanted it to be an intimate moment, just me and him.
How are you, girls?
Suzie is your c section today or tomorrow?
Rainstorm, how are you doing?
Any new babies? :)
PregoSauce, how are you both?

Yesterday evening I had some contractions and suddenly I was worried that nothing's ready for baby and hospital... Today I'm on tight schedule for washing, preparing and so on. My mom and MIL will both come in 2 days, so I really hope that baby will wait for them, otherwise it'd be very complicated with the care ot my other 2 children. In general I prefer labor to happen during the night, because of traffic mainly, but with no one to take care of the kids it's more convenient to be during the day. Probably these worries are in vain and at the end baby will be born in November, but who knows for sure...
How are you, girls?
Suzie is your c section today or tomorrow?
Rainstorm, how are you doing?
Any new babies? :)
PregoSauce, how are you both?

Yesterday evening I had some contractions and suddenly I was worried that nothing's ready for baby and hospital... Today I'm on tight schedule for washing, preparing and so on. My mom and MIL will both come in 2 days, so I really hope that baby will wait for them, otherwise it'd be very complicated with the care ot my other 2 children. In general I prefer labor to happen during the night, because of traffic mainly, but with no one to take care of the kids it's more convenient to be during the day. Probably these worries are in vain and at the end baby will be born in November, but who knows for sure...

I understand your concerns... at least you'll have your mom and MIL to give you a hand, don't worry, I'm sure baby will stay put and in the meantime they can help you get everything ready :flower:
I was really excited when I saw a new post cos I thought there was a baby announcement. This thread is about to get exciting!! LOL
I went to monitoring yesterday, the woman said baby's heart and movement rate is excellent, and that it is ready to come any time now, but I should most likely expect him between the 18th and the 25th. So excited!!! The only thing is he is moving and pushing a lot these days, and sometimes he pushes an elbow or knee so far out it kinda hurts... his house is getting smaller lol. I wonder how prego's beauty is doing
Hi ladies! I hope everyone is doing well. You are right - this is about to become a very exciting thread!

I am feeling woefully unprepared at the moment; we have almost everything ready for the first few weeks, but nothing beyond that and nothing packed for the hospital. To be honest, I'm a bit superstitious about packing my hospital bag; I feel like if I pack it now, I won't go into labor until mid-November.

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'll miss some aspects of being pregnant. I really enjoy feeling the baby kick and move all day in my belly. (Of course, I won't miss the heartburn, mood swings, pelvic pressure, sore hips and back, etc., etc.)

I hope everyone is doing really well. I can't wait to see more baby pictures!
I'm ready for tomorrow :) bag is packed, house is spotless and nursery is jam packed with baby things. All we need is the baby now lol.

Hope u guys are all feeling well, I'm seriously a bit scared of the surgery, the in laws and my recovery but so so excited about this baby actually coming. This time tomorrow they'll be wheeling me in for the c section! It will be much different to DS as he was and emergency section after 2 days of labor, so fingers crossed I should be less exhausted. But the anticipation is a bit overwhelming.

And I've never been more uncomfortable than today, so it's definitely time for her to come out hahaha :) ill try to post a pic if I can figure it out on my phone... Otherwise I'll be on when we get home ...
Good luck, Suzie! Everything will be fine, don't worry! It won't be as your first c-section. The first time you may be practically experienced both - natural and section. Now it's scheduled, you just go and they do it! I have a friend with same experience as you - she said second time was piece of cake. Fingers crossed and we'll be waiting for pictures!
Hey ladies!
Checking in to see how everyone is doing. Suzie- can't wait to see a pic of your LO!

My baby is still in the NICU. Right now he is scheduled to come home Monday, the 14th if all goes well. The date has already changed once, so I am trying not to get my hopes up too much. My days are exhausting - I spend all my time at the hospital with my baby. And for those of you breastfeeding and/or pumping ...I have figured that takes up a total of 2hours of my day! The good thing is that I don't get up to pee in the middle of the night as much, but I do have to get up to pump milk and that's the difference, I am up for 30 minutes at a time vs. a quick pee.

TxBiscuit - the day after I packed my bag and put it in my car I was induced for labor - I was SO glad I actually did something in advance.

I'll post another pic of my LO - he is SO cute :) and I agree- I can't stop looking at him and immediately fell in love!
He is waving "Hi" from the NICU - he just hit 5lbs today!

All his tubes are gone and he is surviving on his own (breathing tube removed a week ago and feeding tube removed this week)


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Wow! He looks like he is doing so well. He is quite the handsome little fellow.

I think I'll pack a bag for the hospital this weekend just to be safe.
wow Prego! That little man is looking wonderful!So sweet! It does look like he's saying hi hehe So glad to hear he's breathing just fine, muyst have been hard having him there but it's over now!
I'm growing more and more anxious about mine. In the meantime, hope we get news from Suzie soon!

Hey all :) Baby Beth arrived on Friday and all went really well :) We only just got home, so I'll make it short and sweet for now, and post a proper update as soon as I get some proper time. Honestly, like Prego, I am so so in love with this little girl - I seriously waste HOURS just looking at her little adorable face. Love to you all xxx (yep, I'm all lovely dovey atm..lol)

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