Hello all - hope everything is going well for everyone!!!
Emily - how did your vist go today, I'm curious?
I started a thread describing my visit looking for some feedback since I was a little thrown off by the results of my visit, however for some reason I wasen't all that surprised. This is how my visit went:
I had a transvaginal and a regular scan today and the ultrasound tech said that she did not see anything. She was very nice and respectful and said I looked very healthy but she said she could not see a sac or anything of the sort for that matter.
Before the tech started the scan I told her that I thought I wasen't even quite 5 weeks yet. She asked if I had blood work done yet? I said no because when I called my obgyn last Thursday to set up my standard 9 week appt, once they looked at my file and saw that I had a miscarriage(chemical) at about 5+ weeks in February 2011 they said they would need to call me back. So I received a call back from the nurse on Friday and said per my obgyn should get a scan on Monday(today) and they set me up with regular dr appt tommorrow(Tuesday).
Hmm.... so now that the results of my scan today showed nothing at all, i'm wondering if it I was to early in order to show anything? I honestly think my obgyn thought I was further along. I did tell them that the 1st day of my last AF was June 03 and I generally ovulate between cd 18-20.
From my caluclation I think i'm at about 4 wks 5 days which would make my due date March 13, 2012.
The tech today was asking me if maybe I had ovulated a lot later then I thought? She told me she thought I was there to early but I'm not sure what to make of it all? I got my 1st clearly pos HPT on July 4th but the two days before that I did get very faint lines.
Let me know what you all think??? I'm staying very positive i'm just a little curious about it all now?