Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

Becca - cookies sound lovely - I want some now! :haha:

Pitakat how are you feeling?

Tweak amazing they found the HB straight away! I hope your scan is soon!!

I can't wait for my scan either - it is on 24th October and we are letting DD come with us. Trying to get her super involved in the pregnancy so she doesn't feel left out.
Not too much longer to wait for your scan, Soph!

I'm doing okay, I had a few days where I just felt sick all day and had a hard time eating anything, but for the most part I'm feeling pretty good now. My first dr appointment isn't for another 4 and a half weeks. I'm starting to feel a little neglected lol. We still haven't told anyone, and I don't really want to say anything until after the appointment. It just seems like so long to wait! :wacko:

I feel like my pregnancies are meant to teach me patience. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, then it was a few months before I got pregnant with my son. My last pregnancy, my little girl was born 10 days after her due date! And now I feel like I'm in waiting limbo yet again for this dr appointment. So much waiting involved in having babies!
Wow Pitakat you definitely have patience not telling anyone yet, nearly everyone knows for us! Especially since we told DD she tells anyone she speaks to! :haha:

Sorry to hear about the miscarriage :hugs: how many weeks along are you now?

AFM - I am feeling pretty good touch wood! But stupidly that makes me panic because I don't feel sick etc! I can't win! :haha:

Hope you all are well.
Soph, glad you're feeling good! Don't panic! My symptoms are coming and going instead of constant, so maybe our bodies are just getting adjusted finally!

Tweak - I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have to go up a flight every day for work (I refuse to use the elevator until I HAVE to)! So amazing that you got to see that beautiful baby! How soon do you get to go back?

PitaKat - Glad you're feeling good for the most part! I am in the same boat waiting as you - only one week left now! It's dragged on. You are SO right about the waiting! I guess it's a good starter lesson for parenthood in general :lol: So I hear, anyway! I've told my sisters and my mom and OH's brother and SIL know...basically the people I would talk to anyway if things went wrong, but I'm waiting for sure this time until after the NT and bloodwork next week...Hoping to find a cute Halloween shirt to announce!

AFM - Not much to report! I am waiting and waiting for next Monday to arrive so that I can hopefully stop worrying so much after the scan. I also want to get something along the lines of the harmony test. The sooner I can find out the gender the better - I'm dying to know! I don't know how you team yellows do it, I just drive myself crazy thinking about unknowns. Respect!

In other news, I just finished delicious Indian food that I'm forced to take to work because OH gags when he smells it. I guess you either love it or hate it. I LOVE it. I guess baby does too :)
Let's hope Monday comes quickly for us having our scans then! I can't wait thats for sure!

Pitakat I had Indian last night too and it was amazing 1 had a random couple of breaded mushrooms on the side just because I thought about them all day! Now I've mentioned them they are on my mind again! :haha: When do you get the Harmony test done? That will be exciting to find out what you are having!

AFM - feel preety much okay - I have the definite start of a bump that looks bigger and bigger as the day goes on thanks to me stuffing my face with food constantly - I am so hungry now!

How are the rest of you guys?
Hi ladies! Been a few busy days at work and at home!

We celebrated our daughter's 4th birthday yesterday! Crazy that she's 4! We took her to the children's museum for the day, and she loved it. She also has a new pet fish for her room, who she named Pluto and LOVES.

As for the baby, I'm doing well! NT scan is THURSDAY! The next day and a half better fly by! Now that symptoms have definitely lessened, I find myself having to use the doppler more, but I find the heartbeat after only a minute or 2 which makes me happy. Just can't wait for that scan so I can see the baby again!
Aw Happy Birthday to your daughter for the other day Tweak! And you have you scan today! :happydance: I hope it all goes well - make sure you let us know as soon as you have seen baby!
Thanks Soph!!

Scan went well!! Baby measuring right on track, NT measurement was a 2, but I think anything under a 3 is good. The baby was such a wiggle worm!!! The tech was commenting on how much he/she was moving!!! <3
Aw amazing! So happy for you Tweak. I hope you manage to relax a bit more now! &#9786;&#65039;
Yay, that's great Tweak! Love a wiggly baby :-D

Soph, glad to hear that you're feeling okay and that you got your appetite back!

Becca, Indian food sure does sound good! I think you're right, you either love it or hate it. Hubby hates it, so I don't eat it very often, but I love it!

AFM, I'm doing pretty well, almost 13 weeks already! Most days I feel normal. Some days I still have a touchy stomach, and I've been experiencing sciatica again (mostly mild, though one day was bad, I could hardly walk! :nope: ) This whole pregnancy so far has reminded me a LOT of my first pregnancy. Hmm, maybe it's a boy??? Anyone else have any suspicions or strong feelings about gender?

My son (who still doesn't know about the pregnancy) said to me, "When we have our next baby, it's gonna be so fun. And if it's a boy, we could name him Trainy!" Can you tell this child likes trains? Other name options from him were Marco and Whaley :haha:
Sorry your are suffering a bit of sciatica Pitakat, I hope it eases for you! :hugs:

I thought I was having a boy as I am so rough this time around and didn't have many symptoms with DD but had our scan today - baby is all healthy and put forward 4 days so due 2nd May! :cloud9: anyway I am adamant from seeing the nub and from reading about the nub theory we are having a little girl!

How are you all?
Hi, Soph! Doing good here. Just had our 12 week scan yesterday. We did the NT, which looked really good (very low chance of abnormalities). They sent my blood off to the lab for the MaterniT21 test, so we should get those results in about 10 days. I can't wait to know the gender! They pushed my due date back to May 9 from May 3, which makes sense based on ovulation, anyway. Here I am back in week 12, though...not so bad! Our scan pics are pretty blurry, but I'll try to put one up at some point. Baby was dancing around in there this time, and to do the NT she made me roll bad and forth to get him in the right position. Has that happened to anyone else? I felt so silly, but it worked!
Hi Becca! Glad the scan went well! This happened to us too! The sonographer asked if we wanted to check for Down syndrome and we said yes. She scanned for a minute then said lay on your left side I'll be back now. She can back 5 minutes later - longest 5 minutes of my life she made me feel like something was wrong!
Soph, that's so scary! Sorry she didn't explain the reasoning...I hate when they don't explain - I'm one of those need to know or I get anxious and start googling people :haha:
Becca I am the same such an anxious person!

How are all you ladies doing?
Doing well here, Soph! I wonder how everyone else is doing, so quiet right now!
I know it is really quiet isn't it. :( hope everyone is okay!

All ok my end I feel pretty good although I am already showing quite a bit, I am pretty adamant we are having a girl based on the nub theory. Feel a little sorry for OH as he was desperate for a boy.

I count as second trimester from tomorrow I think! The time seems to be going quite quickly now!
Hey ladies, it is quiet in here! I check bnb almost daily, but I'm usually on my phone and don't like to post from my phone. I'm doing pretty well most days, though today my sciatic nerve is really acting up. I think it's from carrying the baby around for over an hour yesterday at a harvest party. I was exhausted by the time we left!

Glad to hear your scan went well becca! As a mom, I'm always happy to see a dancing baby on the screen!

Welcome to the second tri, Soph! Are you going to find out what your little one is? I was team yellow with my first two, but hubby wants to find out this time.
:hi: Pitakat, sorry to hear you are still suffering with sciatica. :flower: are you able to take anything for it?

We aren't finding out with this one, I found out with DD but this is OHs first baby and we think a surprise will be nice. He is desperate for a boy though (as I am sure most men are) but I am pretty sure we have a little girl from seeing her nub and putting it in the gender prediction section!

When will you be finding out? Do you have any preference?
Beccca and Soph, glad you had good scans!!!

Pita - sorry your sciatica is acting up :( Mine starts to, depending on what I'm doing that day. if there's a lot of walking or on my feet a lot, it really bothers me.

AFM - I can't believe I'm 15 weeks tomorrow! But I've hit the "don't feel pregnant" stage.. Not nauseous anymore, but don't feel movements consistently yet. I feel like I can feel the early popcorn ticklish movements, but not quite positive. Definitely find myself relying on the doppler more and more!

I'll try to post my scan shot from a couple weeks ago, and you ladies can try and guess what we're having! Hopefully in 5 weeks we'll know!

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