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Due on August 3rd...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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As suggested by PrincessJ :thumbup: I thought I'd start a thread over here for the lovely ladies that I've met so far who are due on August 3rd, and for anyone else who is due then and wants to join us :flower:

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better as our due date tiptoes closer! :happydance:
Great Idea!!! Seems to be a few of us! It's exciting to hear from others with the exact same date...Won't be long flying in - now that we have reached the half way mark and the bumps getting bumpier.
:) i crnt wait! are you finiding out on friday what you are having ? xx
Ah brill!

How is everyone then? Weird to see all our tickers matching!

I am ok, doing really well, no sore (.)(.), I have SPD though which is a pelvis problem which is quite painful, I am starving all the time and really tired on a night! Apart from that I am doing well. I am a plus-size lady so my bump has took longer to come through but I am sporuitng now, my bump is now visible through clothes and I am in maternity trousers now.

No proper kicks felt from baby yet but I am sure I had some fizzing and popping going on in there. Oh and I managed to find baby's heartbeat for the first time last night with my doppler, it was right near my belly button!

PrincessJ :happydance:
Great Idea!!! Seems to be a few of us! It's exciting to hear from others with the exact same date...Won't be long flying in - now that we have reached the half way mark and the bumps getting bumpier.

Have you found that time is going quicker as you get further along too? I can't believe we're all nearly at 20 weeks! It's so exciting... and from here on in there's more appointments and more baby stuff to buy!! :happydance:

:haha: Bumpier. Fabulous word!

:) i crnt wait! are you finiding out on friday what you are having ? xx

I'm hoping to yeah. How about you? I thought I'd ask the sonographer to do all the checks first, and then as long as everything is OK tell us the sex at the end. So that hopefully the worry will be gone and we can just be excited. I honestly have no clue whether I'm going to be team pink or team blue either.

Do any of you have any gut feelings about the sex?
Time seemed to drag at first especially over the 8-16 week mark but it is flying now!

I have bought everything now for the baby, nothing else to buy apart from decorating the nursery!

DH doesn't want to find out the sex but we have a gut feeling it's a girl and we always refer to baby as "she", though I do keep worrying that we will get used to saying she all the time then if it is a boy it will be weird! :dohh:
"Yes CMTCMT i am hoping to find out on friday! unless buba is sat with legs crossed are you? xx"

BethCharlotte - I've taking this over here from the other one, I'll confuse myself otherwise :blush:

I was dead set on not finding out but now that the scan is getting closer and closer I'm not soo sure ...eekk!

Good luck and enjoy all the scans this week!:flower:
Time seemed to drag at first especially over the 8-16 week mark but it is flying now!

I have bought everything now for the baby, nothing else to buy apart from decorating the nursery!

DH doesn't want to find out the sex but we have a gut feeling it's a girl and we always refer to baby as "she", though I do keep worrying that we will get used to saying she all the time then if it is a boy it will be weird! :dohh:

Ahh we're the same, we think girl for some reason too!! A friend of mine was told by a midwife that if you have a strong feeling it usually turns out to be right...could be a tail but just thought I share it anyway
its fine! i was thinking the same! aww yeah i was the same! i didnt want to know as everyone keeps telling me its more of a supprise not finding out but seen as this is my first i just want to know now haha! :)

I have a feeling that we are having a little girl, but knowing me i am completely wrong! haha!

any of you thought of any names yet? xxx
Ah brill!

How is everyone then? Weird to see all our tickers matching!

I am ok, doing really well, no sore (.)(.), I have SPD though which is a pelvis problem which is quite painful, I am starving all the time and really tired on a night! Apart from that I am doing well. I am a plus-size lady so my bump has took longer to come through but I am sporuitng now, my bump is now visible through clothes and I am in maternity trousers now.

No proper kicks felt from baby yet but I am sure I had some fizzing and popping going on in there. Oh and I managed to find baby's heartbeat for the first time last night with my doppler, it was right near my belly button!

PrincessJ :happydance:

I know what you mean about the tickers, it is rather weird :haha: but exciting too :flower:

And I have SPD as well!! I got referred by my GP for physiotherapy 4 weeks ago but still haven't had an appointment through yet. Same as you it's rather painful, some days worse than others, and between that and my bladder giving me grief I am starting to feel totally sleep deprived :dohh:

Congratulations on finding the heartbeat! :happydance: I did wonder whether to get a Doppler but could imagine myself getting a bit obsessed with it so decided against...
Although I haven't got a gut feeling, I have to admit I did find myself calling the baby "he" at the dating scan and pretty much ever since then. I figured it was just the way it happened to come out rather than my subconscious telling me something... but who knows!? Then again, the other day I did confuse things by randomly saying she which I've never done before. :shrug:

A few of my relatives have said I should be waiting to find out until the birth so it's a surprise and I have something to look forward to through the labour... but I honestly think I'll be so excited to meet my LO that it won't matter. Also, I really like the idea of being able to start calling the bump by a name and bonding with them even more before they're even here... :flower:
yeahh! i just want to start getting things with abit of colour aswell, im sick of looking at the things we have got and they are just natural colours, :)

most of my family have said that i will end up having a girll because of the old wifes tale, about if your aving a boy you tend to put all the weigh on as with girls you dont. only time will tell! just hope buba isnt sat with legs crossed on friday ahah!! ill be doing start jumps before i go in to the room! xx
Although I haven't got a gut feeling, I have to admit I did find myself calling the baby "he" at the dating scan and pretty much ever since then. I figured it was just the way it happened to come out rather than my subconscious telling me something... but who knows!? Then again, the other day I did confuse things by randomly saying she which I've never done before. :shrug:

A few of my relatives have said I should be waiting to find out until the birth so it's a surprise and I have something to look forward to through the labour... but I honestly think I'll be so excited to meet my LO that it won't matter. Also, I really like the idea of being able to start calling the bump by a name and bonding with them even more before they're even here... :flower:

Yeah, feeling like the time is going so fast now, ever since telling everyone, I suppose the first few months your just sitting on a big secret but now we can enjoy it more...and the buying will be my fave part, restricted slightly by my OH :haha:

I've been using the same reasoning the last few days for finding out, why keep yourself in suspense when you could be enjoying the next few months even more by knowing what your having, some people love surprises but I'm thinking I'm not one of them people more and more now
We haven't bought much at all yet, so we're going to have plenty of shopping to do! I liked the idea of being able to buy coloured things, and also we had a few bits we wanted to get finished round the house so decided we might as well do them first. We just have the pram, a couple of books that I couldn't resist and a handful of neutral bodysuits and bibs. And a very long list!! :haha:

I think, because me and OH have both always been in the wanting to find out camp, we would consider getting a private gender scan done if the baby does happen to have their legs crossed at the scan. We'll wait and see though!

When did you say your scan was again cmtcmt?
You've got your pram, that's a good start!! The clothes are really beauty if you know what the baby is, the stuff for boys now is as nice as the stuff for girls.

It's not until the 27th..I feel like a child counting down the days to Christmas :loopy:

I hope you get a clear view on the day :winkwink:
You've got your pram, that's a good start!! The clothes are really beauty if you know what the baby is, the stuff for boys now is as nice as the stuff for girls.

It's not until the 27th..I feel like a child counting down the days to Christmas :loopy:

I hope you get a clear view on the day :winkwink:

:haha: Thanks, so do I! I'm not counting on it though to be honest, as this little one's already proving itself to be a bit of a tease! :dohh: When I start to feel the baby moving around/kicking I've been trying to put my hand on my stomach to see if I can feel anything on the outside, to see whether I can start to get my hubby involved. But every time I put my hand on my stomach it seems to stop, and then as soon as I give up and move my hand away again you can guarantee I'll get a kick!

I know what you mean about the clothes though, I always thought girls stuff would be nicer to shop for, but I saw the cutest dungarees the other day! :cloud9:

It'll be interesting to see as people on here go for their own scans how many were right with their gut instincts :flower:

Thanks for the invite! My scan is tomorrow and I may appear normal on the surface but I am FREAKING OUT. We had an extra scan to find out the sex and the person was convinced it was a boy (we did see it lol) and I always had a feeling it was a boy but I won't believe it till I actually see it. :haha: eeeeeeeek! I hope everythings going to be ok and healthy!! [-o<

I was always so curious how other ladies were doing when it came to feeling kicks, do you know where your placenta is? Our bubba is kicking and punching up a storm and I was wondering if it was really down to temperament or placenta location considering we have the same due date. If it is temperament OH and I are really in for a trouble maker!

I know what you mean about the tickers, it is rather weird :haha: but exciting too :flower:

And I have SPD as well!! I got referred by my GP for physiotherapy 4 weeks ago but still haven't had an appointment through yet. Same as you it's rather painful, some days worse than others, and between that and my bladder giving me grief I am starting to feel totally sleep deprived :dohh:

Congratulations on finding the heartbeat! :happydance: I did wonder whether to get a Doppler but could imagine myself getting a bit obsessed with it so decided against...[/QUOTE]

It's a nightmare isnt it the SPD, I find mine tends to get worse as the day goes on and I am really struggling at work with it sitting on a computer chair all day, I can hardly stand up once I have been sitting down. I thought about going for physio but some people I know have said it doesn't help then some people have said get a brace and others have said they don't help either! I am seeing my consultant next week so going to see what he thinks I should do, luckily I finish work in 8 1/2 weeks so not long to stuggle on for.

I did get obsessed in the beginning, I bought it when I was about 12 weeks and have only just found the heartbeat! I was using it about once a week but at the beginning it was everyday and I knew I had to cut it down as it was getting stupid! It was nice though as DH got to hear it as he didn't come with me to my 16 week midwife appt and didn't get to hear it then.

Have you all got your prams and cots etc? How are your bumps looking?
I did something wrong there, I tried to use your last post as "quote"
i havnt got my cot or pram yet as we are moving out within the next couple of weeks so we thought we would wait till we are settled in. one more day till we are half baked girls :) so excited! i actually crnt believe how fast its gone from the last scan!!

Regaurds to how my bumps lookin, im tall and size 14 and my bump has just started to show :) . i have been in that stage of is she pregnant or has she put weight on! but now everyone is noticing sayin that iv got a bump :) !! what about you? xx

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