I had some pretty solid braxton hicks again last night, lasting consistently for about 2 hours and then on and off for another 2(ish). I have a question about the consistent part. They weren't coming and going, in the sense that I would imagine a contraction would. Rather it was a constant tightness/pain that would change in intensity, but was regularly there. Is this normal? Is this how labor contractions go? Or is the time between contractions during labor actually pain free?
And I use the word "pain" because I would definitely describe it as more than discomfort, but it wasn't painful enough to be worried or warrant a phone call to my doctor. I was able to speak/breath/walk/etc - but, like I said, it was definitely more than uncomfortable, at times.
When I initially went into labour I just had a constant cramp like pain (but obviously much worse than normal cramp lol) which didn't go away for about 3 hours! I didn't think I was in labour because I expected it to come and go which it didn't initially. The midwives then sent me for a bath and it was while I was in the bath that I remember the pains starting to come and go. By the time I got out of the bath the contractions were more steady with the time in between being pretty much pain free but by that time I was already 4 hours into labour and after finally convincing the midwives to examine me because I was knew I was in labour even though they kept saying I wasn't and I was 8cm dilated! X