• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Due towards end of January 2009

I am GREAT! Just waiting for Jaylene to wake up and sign on so she can be the first to know. Sorry for keeping you guys hanging yesterday- My damn computer crashed and I nearly took a sledge hammer to it! Will be postingthe results in the 2nd tri asap!
c'mon jaylene get up lol,
your the one holding us all up now lol
its friiiiiiday, 2 days off lol, pity i'll spend most of it catching up on washing.
anybody else got as boring plans as me?
hey ladies!!

sorry for making you wait......I WAS SLEEPING!!! There is like a 7 hours time difference for me and you (Helen and Elm) and a 2 hours time difference for me and Beltane!! :rofl: I do get blamed for a lot, hey? YOur wrist, sleeping....... :cry: ....lol just joking.

hope you all have a great weekend. I am off to the mountains....for a wedding. Love the girl getting married but would much rather be at home doing something productive for babes.

Love you!
Be careful!
Sorry ladies, been out doing family things straight from work the last two days - am now exhausted :sleep:
Congratulations Beltane and Princess on your little blue and pink bumps I'm so excited for you, now you go and buy lots of beautiful little baby clothes :happydance::happydance:
If it makes you feel any better Helen I'm spending today clearing out our study, we're working our way up to tackling the chaos that is our spare room! And I've been forced into organising a staff picnic for work tomorrow so I'm keeping an eager eye on the weather and trying not to get too stressed or depressed about what I think's going to be a complete disaster :hissy:
Hope your wrist's feeling much better now Elm and Jaylene I hope you enjoy your wedding :hug:
Hope everyone is ok?

Just letting you know im off to sunny majorca in a hour or so, so everyone keep nice and happy and healthy when im gone :)

Good luck to anyone who has scans next week too!!

Have a good week girlies!!

Hope everyone is ok?

Just letting you know im off to sunny majorca in a hour or so, so everyone keep nice and happy and healthy when im gone :)

Good luck to anyone who has scans next week too!!

Have a good week girlies!!


oh you lucky thing laura, have a fab time...
i on the other hand is still in bed lol i am getting up now though oh has put the washing in and i'll hang it out, team work hehe
then in an hour or so i'm taking rosie to get new school uniform, back to school for her on tues, i'm so organized leaving it till last min oops

jaylene have a good time at the wedding, i love a good wedding
Hi all. Hope you are well xx Laura, have a fabulous holiday hunny - bring back the sunshine with you please!

Lulu, hope the picnic went well xx

love to you all xx
OOh mine goes back to school on tuesday also Helen. Is Rosie excited?
I would like to add my name to this list. I'm due January 19th with a baby boy.

BTW I had my scan on the 26th of August.
OOh mine goes back to school on tuesday also Helen. Is Rosie excited?

rosie is excited i think, girl of few words when it comes to school lol, i had to do the shopping over two days as i felt really weak and faint walking around yesterday, i fainted when preg with rosie so i'm a bit wary. luckily she' chose which shoes she wanted on the internet so we went straight to them in the shop no tantrums at all, usually i pick out the granny sensible shoes lol
got some babygrows and vests etc aswell soooo cute.
is zachariah excited is this his last year before comprehensive school? (is that what you call big school over there?)

welcome to or gang totally mommy and dragonfly
hope your pregnancys are going all smooth for you!!!

Hi everyone, and welcome to our newbies :hugs:
Hope you've had a good weekend? I had lots of stress with my work picnic and ended up cancelling it because of the weather - I'm glad I'm going away on holiday on Saturday :happydance:
But on a happier a note I've spent lots of time today researching baby buggies, nursery furniture, decor and bedding and think I know what I want - just need to show Matt before I order it all! But am picking:
Silvercross Linea Freeway travel system
Lollipop Lane Lakeside Furniture Range
Lollipop Lane Will I be Big? Decor and Bedding
It's all so cute, I can't wait to get it all and start decorating the nursery (well watching other people decorate the nursery - I'm not allowed)

Baby D - not long until Tuesday now are you getting excited :happydance:
Oh I forgot to mention my sister has her 20 week scan tomorrow. She is two years younger than me and lives three doors away. I'm so excited I can't wait to find out what she's having and whether Pip will have a little boy or girl cousin to play with :happydance::happydance:
How exciting LuluBee!!! My wrist is fine now thanks, trying not to over use it!

Helen - I think it's very sensible to leave it til the last minute - she might have grown loads in that last week!

Hope you had a good weekend everyone :hugs:

Mine has been a bit horrible. Will write about it in my journal tomorrow.

Chicken seems to have been kicking loads today. Just seen how big he is on my ticker - he's massive!

Welcome Dragonfly and Totally Mommy, I'll add you to the list now. Have you got a scan date Dragonfly? Are you going to find out what team you're on?

LuluBee and BabyD - what times are your scans on Tuesday? Hope you're not going to keep us waiting as long as Beltane did to find out what team your on BabyD. Hope you both have lovely scans :hugs:

:wave: Hi there totally mommy and dragonfly!

Lulu - oh yes! I am sooo excited. OH and i are planning our first shopping trip for LO straight after.....cannot wait! :happydance:

:rofl:' Hope you're not going to keep us waiting as long as Beltane did to find out what team your on BabyD.' :rofl:

Elm, my scan is at 8.30 AM!!!! And do not fret - I will inform you of the outcome ASAP - Will be bursting to tell!!! :happydance:

:hug: to you all xx
Hello Newbies, tell us a bit more about yourself and your pregnancy.

I am off to my first proper midwife appointment today. Have joined a scheme called Know Your Midwife and am quite excited to learn more about it. I think there is probably a similar thing in the UK.

I am pretty sure I have been feeling the baby move quite a lot this past week and it is making my OH very jealous. I guess it will be quite a few more weeks before he can feel it too. Does anyone know when it becomes hard enough for him to feel it from the outside?

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