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Sounds exciting biscuit - hope you're midwives are all lovely. I've met two midwives so far but that's only because mine was off on holiday one week. Don't know if there's any sort of scheme later on.

That's a whole day of shopping for you BabyD!! :happydance: x

Think DP felt Chicken today - he said he felt a 'fluttering' when I felt a prod. Chicken was having a good kick in there so maybe your OH will feel it soon?

Well, my day was not as exciting as expected. Went to the hospital this morning for my appointment and waited a while only to be told that they had to cancel. The next available appointment is next Tuesday evening so I have to wait another 8 days! It didn't exactly fill me with confidence in the people who are supposed to be helping me through this major event. Needless to say I was pretty upset and have been stupid and emotional all day as a consequence. Haven't felt this crappy since first trimester. I really wish my mother was around to help me but she is thousands of miles away in Scotland. Boo hoo, what a miserable cow! I will probably feel just fine tomorrow.
Well, my day was not as exciting as expected. Went to the hospital this morning for my appointment and waited a while only to be told that they had to cancel. The next available appointment is next Tuesday evening so I have to wait another 8 days! It didn't exactly fill me with confidence in the people who are supposed to be helping me through this major event. Needless to say I was pretty upset and have been stupid and emotional all day as a consequence. Haven't felt this crappy since first trimester. I really wish my mother was around to help me but she is thousands of miles away in Scotland. Boo hoo, what a miserable cow! I will probably feel just fine tomorrow.

ohhhh hunni thats really poop and you were really excited, its really naughty of them to do that and to make you wait 8 days is mad. can you demand to be seen earlier. i've only seen my mw twice so far and won't see her till end of this month either, have got scan though and consultant appt.

took rosie to finish off uniform buying, got more baby clothes on the way as well lol had to be done, no more now till i know the gender i promised craig lol. bit of a debate in the dummy thread lol i've had a dab in it as well :rofl:
one girl said giving a dummy to a baby is a 'shut up toy' that really offended me. i say be open minded its trial and error with every baby none are the same, i made tons of mistakes with rosie none life threatning, i did try to sleep with her but i was a mother that rolled over on to my baby lol luckily she screamed and woke me up, so now i know i have to get out of bed to feed hehe
cant wait to hear the gender scans tomorrow, are we even stevens with boy and girls now?
Helen- Z is starting 4th grade so he still had this year and next school year until he starts middle school. He's not thrilled one bit! Today is his last day of freedom.

Welcome new Ladies!!!

How are the rest of you doing?
Hi guys. Im due on 31st January with my first. My 20 week scan is on 15th Sept
Hi Everyone, my sister's having a little girl :happydance::cloud9:
I'm so pleased although she kept saying she didn't mind I think they both really wanted a girl. We live three doors away from my sister and I was worried that if they had a boy our two little ones would be in so much competition with eachother. Now Pip'll just have a little girl cousin to play with and hopefully look after.
My scan is at 2pm tomorrow. We've got the anomoly scan and another cervical length scan then got an appointment with the consultant on Wednesday morning to go voer the results of cervical scan - fingers crossed it's still holding on tight!
Biscuit - sorry your midwife meeting didn't go as planned they can be so crappy sometimes
Beltane and Helen - hope your kids enjoy their first days back at school
Jaylene - Hope you enjoyed your wedding
Elm - glad your wrist is feeling better sorry you had a crappy weekend - DH felt Chicken - how exciting

Finally Baby D, good luck with your scan tomorrow morning. I'll be thinking of you, am sure everything will be fine and you'll be able to enjoy your day of shopping for LO :cloud9:
Speak to you all tomorrow :hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs: biscuit xxx how disappointing for you :hugs:

:happydance: that's lovely news LuluBee.

:wave: hi kitty 1987 - have you decided if you're going to see what kind of bump you're having at your scan? Hope you're pregnancy is going well. I've added you to the front page :)

You can still buy socks and things Helen!! xxx

Chicken is trying to beat me up from inside I think - he's been really active again today, they're not big kicks yet but they're definate movements!

Whoops - forgot to say

GOOD LUCK for tomorrow BabyD & LuluBee, hope you're scans go really, really well :hugs: xxx
:happydance: Hey all, well the scan was amazing - everything was perfect! And the best news of all, we are expecting a baby GIRL :cloud9: :cloud9:

It was so fantastic! She was swollowing her water and we could see the fluid in her stomach. Her little face was so clear and i'm sure she is going to have her daddy's lips! Everything was fine...i'm so happy. :cloud9: We went straight out after and bought some girlie clothes and celebrated with a Macdonalds! :rofl:

Such perfect day - really cannot describe how happy i am! :cloud9:

The only prob is that my placenta is too low so i have to be rescanned at 34 weeks to see if it has moved higher!

well done baby d, i got that right as well yay.... if lulu has a girl that'll be 3 out of 4 correct clever me lol, she should be just going into the scan room right now.

beltane was Z up early rosie was lol 6:30am little madam i don't know many teens up that early, started messing around with the toastie machine the minx getting cheese and butter everywhere lol, had to laugh she did try to help lol

elm: yes socks not got any socks yet, oh ye i have 3 pairs lol still room for more though. and scratch mits too.

well i had day off work, been feeling weak since saturday then last nite started getting palpatations, this morning got out of bed and fainted was horrible, luckily i landed on the bed and was only out a second or 2, been to the docs and had to have bloodtest, rule out, anemia, thyroid, diabetes, or onset of infection.
so i'm making a big fat stew with braising steak, carrots, leeks, swede, parsnips, onions lots of vitamins and protien and substantial meal topped of with crusty french stick yum yum,
i'm going to have a nice bubble bath, and get i movie off sky and relax, while its cooking then craig can dish up when he comes ome from work.
i can't wait to be here when rosie posie comes home no doubt i'll get all the playround goss from her i'm usually at work when she comes home.

i'll be back on later to find out what lulu's having....
oooo i just can't wait till next thurs.
love y'all
:happydance::happydance: Congratulations Baby D, hope you bought lots of lovely things for your little girl. They found I've got a low lying placenta as well so have booked me in for a 34 week scan - does it mean we have to have a c-section if the placenta stays low?

They confirmed that Pip is indeed a boy :cloud9: he was modest as ever and had his legs wide open for the sonographer. Everything with Pip was fine he measures just right for the dates and is a proper little wriggler, I'll have fun with him in a few weeks time as those movements get stronger. The sonogrpaher kept laughing at how active he is!

Had our cervical length scan too and that wasn't so great. My cervix has shrunk quite a lot and is now only 2.2cm long (most people's are between 3 - 5cm). If it gets to 2cm then the private consultant had said I should be put on progesterone treatment and have cervical sutures to hold off premature labour. This was an NHS scan and I see the NHS consultant tomorrow morning to discuss the results with her, hopefully she'll be a bit better this time and book me more monitoring, otherwise we'll be forking out another £250 for the private scan again :cry: Oh well my appointment's at 9.10 tomorrow morning so I haven't got long to wait.
congrats lulubee, i forgot did you already know baby was blue, i'm soooo thick lol, theres me going girl girl lol and the answer was there lol.

whats a cervix scan does everyone have one?
i'm sick of this weather hung some clothes out ten mns later throwing it down, then gets it in sun comes out, so rush out with it, just finish pegging out and it thunders and throws it down again, so i'm wet through and clothes wet through, towels as well gonna be sopping grrrrrr,but i said so stuff it its staying out now lol,
my stew is on the stove and i'm on my bed with the laptop and cup of tea hhhhhmmmmm
had to tell rosie we're having veg in gravy cos she said she doesnt like stew so i said we made that instead, kids eh!!!!!!! have to be sneaky with them lol
Wow I just read over more of this post *LOL* Sorry I didn't reply more :(

Thank you all for the warm welcome :D

Well a little more about myself. I'm 25 and a proud mommy to one little boy, Damien, whom I gave birth to at home, which is very unusual here. I'm not married but I am with Damien, and this baby's, father and we're planning on getting married we just like to spend all our money on Damien and this baby. Brodie and I have been together for about 7 years now and had our rough patches but we managed to get threw them all. I work retail at a maternity store but only part time and don't get many hours and Brodie is trying to get a natural supplements business started as well as putting his name in for an aircraft manufacturing place here.

If there's anything you would like to know about me just ask :) I hope this isn't to long *LOL*
hey ladies,

sorry i have not been on recently. Busy long weekend!

Congrats Lulu!!! I am glad the scan of pip wet well!! :hugs: sorry about the cervix issues, I hope your doc can find out what is going on and help you out. My thoughts are with you and I am keeping positive that everything will turn out fine.

Welcome all the new ladies!!!

How is everyone else doing? I am ok. Emotional today but that come with the territory.

Love ya!
:happydance: Yey Lulu, so pleased for you - it's lovely when a scan goes well xx Yes, i think we would need to have a c-section if our plecentas do not rise. However, sonogropher said it is common to be low at this stage and that it will more than likely move up, so try not to worry about it! Gosh, am sorry about your cervix probs - keep us updated after your appointment tomorrow xx

Elm, Biscuit and Helen!!!!!!!! 9 days until our scan!!!!!!!!!
Oh it'll be so exciting on the 11th waiting to hear what you're all having. I'm on annual leave that day so I know I'll be at home glued to the computer!

Helen don't worry i only had the cervical length scan done because I'd had surgery on my cervix a while back. I'm just hoping the consultant is more willing to look into the problem now that it's getting worse but we'll see what happens tomorrow. Beings as last time she didn't even bother to read my notes though I'm not holding out much hope :(

Glad you're all ok, thanks for the post Totally Mummy, it's nice hearing a bit more about what people's lives are like outside of Baby and Bump

good luck for tomorrow lulubee, hope you get a good outcome, my appt is at 3pm next thurs so will be teatime when i get to post.
Can't wait :hugs: have posted some scan pics in 2nd tri forum

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